The best British Metal band

I agree, carcass, although they only have 1 album that makes them the best- Heartwork. I don't want to start an argument , my opinion perhaps only blah blah.. And to extend what was said earlier. Metal and hair-
Most blokes have short hair (metal or no), but most long haired blokes are into metal, so there you go. Also what happened when metallica sold out...and what happened when megadeth sold out....etc. Hair for moshing I say, but I won't say I'm more metal because of the hair, because that would probably be a lie.
Bruce Dickinson's solo work (mainly Chemical Wedding and Accident of Birth era) My brother just bought the new Threshold album and it sounded pretty good.
No offence but the UK scene has seen better days.
I love british metal, Paradise Lost, My Dying Bride, Anathema, Iron Maiden, The Blood divine, All those bands have kicked my sorry ass for a long time and hopefully will for a long time to come:)
I just saw the posts ...and i wonder...
how come almost noone (almost) mentioned black sabbath , judas priest, motorhead, Diamond Head, Saxon, Skyclad , and all these legends .....that created the whole thing ...
every other band u mentioned dreams that one day they will be like the ones above ...(the old bands i wrote) ...
I'm a massive fan of Scandinavian metal but this reminded me of the Graspop metal festival in Belgium last year.

Each band that played on the extreme stage got better and better: Dismember then Arch Enemy then Hypocrisy then Immortal. They were all absolutely on top form but My Dying Bride really did blow them all away when they headlined that stage.

MDB are one of the best live bands in metal (IMO) but they really come into their own on big European festival stages. Ask anyone there: they owned us all ;)

The Enchanted are still number 2 under MDB though. Anyone who hasn't seen them live yet is really missing out on all that's good in new British Metal.
Damn right!!!!!

I've gotta say that UK underground has just come so far in the last few years. We are finally producing underground bands who I can picture rivaling the top european acts. We've got the MDBs and the Anathemas and what have you, but most of those have been around for donkeys years!!!

Something to do with the fact that our underground bands have finally got a grasp on writing melodic stuff which is a bit more in tune with the european market (bleugh! sounds really corporate!) and I think that a lot of the new breed will be signing contracts soon and getting a good european and british audience.

The Enchanted are definitely at the forefront.

(new British metal!! hehe ....but could we have a less vomit inducing buzz term?)
@veil the sky: Happy birthday. I wanted to PM you this, but your PM box is still full (try emptying out the "Sent" and "Message Tracking" Folder maybe).
Originally posted by veil the sky
(new British metal!! hehe ....but could we have a less vomit inducing buzz term?)

:lol: yeah, it had that effect on me too when i read back over it. on about the melody aspect of things. gone are the days when the phrase "Death Metal" began with a silent "Florida" ;)

i remember turning up to countless underground gigs either to play or just watch and wondering if all the band members onstage were all actually supposed to be playing the same song??? (*cough* royal standard all dayer *cough*)

you could listen for 4 hours without hearing a single note.

there was one band i saw play who did a cover of Cancer's 'hung drawn quartered' off what was probably my favourite album at that time and i didn't even notice. and i was standing right in front of them!!!!!