The best danny spitz solo

Hammett was quality, his work upto and including the black album was second to none in terms of making memorable melodic solos
The leads on SOWN were a disaster, I mean honestly listen to them.....they suck!

I think indeed persistence of time holds some killer leads and of course among the living!
Point taken. It's Hard to top Kerry King and Mustaine thats why I created the thread to see how much interest there is in dan's playing and there's lot s

King is way overrated, his claim to fame was speed. His solos, although fast and all over the place lack feel. Mustaine is very gifted but once again lacks feel. Hammett and Spitz are both technical and have a degree of feel to them, although Hammett is the better of the two.

Fav Spitz solos-Indians, Time, Who Cares Win, Only
DeathsHead said:
King is way overrated, his claim to fame was speed. His solos, although fast and all over the place lack feel. Mustaine is very gifted but once again lacks feel. Hammett and Spitz are both technical and have a degree of feel to them, although Hammett is the better of the two.

Fav Spitz solos-Indians, Time, Who Cares Win, Only

I agree. Slayer kicks ass, but their solos are just absolute garbage. Just a bunch of shrill notes played really fast without any rhyme or reason. Always the worst part of any Slayer song.
DeathsHead said:
King is way overrated, his claim to fame was speed. His solos, although fast and all over the place lack feel. Mustaine is very gifted but once again lacks feel. Hammett and Spitz are both technical and have a degree of feel to them, although Hammett is the better of the two.

Fav Spitz solos-Indians, Time, Who Cares Win, Only

Don't use the word 'feel' to describe guitar solos... I hate that!

King is a lot more technically talented than Slayer lets him be. If he were in a classic rock or speed metal band he'd have a chance to do a more 'theoretically correct' solo.

As it stands... who would want to hear good solos on Reign in Blood? The whole point of the album was to be fast, not really theoretical.

Fuck theory! I know a lot of it and I still can't write better shit than Reign!
Rozy157 said:
I agree. Slayer kicks ass, but their solos are just absolute garbage. Just a bunch of shrill notes played really fast without any rhyme or reason. Always the worst part of any Slayer song.

It's good that Slayer concentrated less on doing less theoretically perfect solos and concentrated more on creating dissonant music... it sounded way better than a lot of stuff coming out at the time.

Mind you, Kreator, Megadeth and Dark Angel all produced BRILLIANT albums in 1986 with 'shit' solos...
DiscipleOfThePit said:
Mind you, Kreator, Megadeth and Dark Angel all produced BRILLIANT albums in 1986 with 'shit' solos...

You dont rate the solo in good mourning/ black friday??? :OMG:
DiscipleOfThePit said:
It's pretty scrappy like all of Dave's solos on the first four albums.

Im talking about the Chris Poland lead
And btw Mustaines solo's in devils iskand and wake up dead are rippers :headbang:
Caught In A Mosh and I Am The Law are both kick-ass solos to me, maybe not the most technically brilliant solos, but I just love the sound of them.

Also, IMO, Jeff Hannemann is so damn underrated, King masturbates his whammy bar too much, and gets the Slayer publicity because of his shit-talking.

my order of big 4 guitarists:
