Real Quick, About Danny Spitz...

I was reading in the new issue of Revolver Magazine that Spitz has Anxiety Disorder. I can say in all honesty that I know what it's like. I've gone to school some days and just broken down because of it. I go to art school, and sometimes not even drawing helps me out; I may very well have the art I love be a source of my problems. It's never a fun thing, and I know from experince it's not an easy thing to discuss. I would like to thank Danny Spitz for coming out about it and it really helps and gives me confidence to know that there are other successful people out there who have the same problem as me and are able to defeat them to persue their dream.

Thanks again, Spitz! If you want some advice, send me an e-mail, man. The best thing I can think of it if you ever feel like that, try to fix a watch. Hobbies tend to help me during my attacks, and I hope it does for you, too. I wish you all the best!

Yeah if u get down just watch or remeber when Danny & the gang were on Married With Children tearing Al Bundy's house apart good stuff.
I spoke with Danny last night for the first time and he seems fine. Actually it was the best chat I had with any of the band members. Met them all by the way!!!!!!!!!! If you saw his woman o_O you wouldn't be worried about him changing teams. :Spin: :Spin: :Spin: :Spin: