The Best of Opeth

Wow that's cool...
I guess it's a lyrics book.
and surely it has an accompanying CD with it...
yep there is already a thread on that here

It should be out on february of this year, and then retarded to.. ? There is no official's relase date, we just waiting for this :)
Does anyone have this on pre-order? According to Amazon it gets released on the 9th. I really don't want to blindly support this company with my money after their treatment of me, but I'm intrigued as to how this turned out. I was relieved to find that only one of the tabs in there is of a song I sent them my transcription of, but I did transcribe about 2/3 of them and I'm curious as to how their versions compare. It's entirely possible they're much better done. Does anyone have the book that can share?

And did they rip off the ones on There isn't a song in the book that wasn't done to extreme accuracy on that site, besides maybe Windowpane and Ghost of Perdition (yes, I admit there are a couple sections of that song I'm pretty much clueless on).

Here's the list of what's in there, btw:

Bleak * Closure * Deliverance * Demon of the Fall * The Drapery Falls * Ghost of Perdition * Godhead's Lament * The Grand Conjuration * Master's Apprentices * Moonlapse Vertigo * To Bid You Farewell * Windowpane.
What exactly is the point of buying the book since it doesn't sound like Mike is the one who provided them the tablature?
im happy with the other songs, its just if they say its the 'best of' they should put every single song pre gr:learn:
Yeah, you probably want to take that link down, it's not very legal rofl

Thanks a ton for the post, though - it really lays to rest any fears about them ripping me off. That shit is HORRIBLE - just play the breakdown riff on bleak there. That's completely and utterly wrong to anyone that's listened to the song. The noodly eastern riff in the intro also has one of the most inexplicably and blatantly wrong notes ever in it, I don't know how the fuck they could have thought A was a D octave chord. Some of the big chords also are horrendous, especially the acoustic stuff they put under the first verse. Most of the rest is ok, and I might have to recheck the chorus to make sure mine's right and not theirs cause their version sounds pretty good and is considerably different. The very intro is better, especially that horrendous dissonant acoustic riff. I'm definitely incredibly curious as to what the rest of the book is like, it seems like it's going to be crappier than the existing tabs by and large but with some interesting improvements here and there.
I decided to post something positive.

I have most Opeth tabs on my PC, and they are great even if they are not 100% correct. It's easy to fix as needed, and somewhat fun to think you have a better ear than the transcriber.
Should be retitled "The most popular and hippest Opeth" Having nothing from Orchid or Morningrise there is absurd.

Last I checked, To Bid You Farewell was on Morningrise.

EDIT: just realized the guy who posted the tracklist earlier got it wrong - it does NOT have "To Rid the Disease" on it, it has "To Bid You Farewell" on it. So yes, it does have something from Morningrise.