The best software I've ever seen!

Isn't this just doing exactly what you hate Christians for?

I don't hate Christians! (maybe you use that word different than I?) Yes, I did think about that. I still think it has a use, much like porn filters do. It's not like I would never expose my children (If I where to have more, sons a man now) to religion. I would want them to know all about it. However, a young mind is fragile. Once those hardcore fundamentalist get their hooks in someone . . . it's hard to set them free from said hooks.

So I personally would like to be the one to introduce religion to my hypothetical child until said child is old enough to think for his or her self. ;)

Edited because it bothered me.
Er.. no.

Having the choice to block religious text, violent text, ignorant or fascist =! igonorance or facism

Censoring content for the sake of turning people over to your opinion isn't ignorant or fascist?
It would be absolutely hilarious if your children ended up joining the Westboro Baptist Church or the Muslim Brotherhood. Don't know why I thought that, being as its quite a nightmarish thought, but its still pretty funny.
Censoring content for the sake of turning people over to your opinion isn't ignorant or fascist?

. . .

You missed the words HAVING A CHOICE.

And where children are concerned... there will always be an element of facism. Although it's more like a benevolent dictatorship. Kids need to be guided. Too much freedom, and they turn into little fucking stuck up cunts that wont put out when they reach 16.


End of debate.
How is there a CHOICE if all the options aren't on the table? Just playing the devil's advocate, but your argument doesn't hold much water either.

No-one is forcing anyone to install the software. That's the choice I am referring to.

That is presuming the software is even real, which I'm not convinced it is.
No-one is forcing anyone to install the software. That's the choice I am referring to.

That is presuming the software is even real, which I'm not convinced it is.

And who said that anyone was forced to use this software in the first place?
The point was that using it would be just as ignorant and/or fascist as the religions its supposed to censor.
If you bring up children in a healthy questioning environment then you don't need to protect them from religion, they'll do a perfectly good job of it themselves.

I grew up in a Christian family, but i was taught to have a critical view of everything, and my parents didn't want to "teach" me religion as a child because they wanted me to choose for my self when i got old enough.. and so i did.
if only this filter could be applied to the editorial section of the local newspaper...

there's nothing like fundamentalist bias in journalism to piss you off in the AM :zombie:
Very interesting output by all of you. Thank you all! When I post such subjects I'm wondering, always, what the Sneap crowd thinks. It's a diverse group beyond our common interest in metal. It challenges our "beliefs" if you will. Perhaps for my sake?

Yes, I'm drunk.

I LOVE you all. (token drunk statement)

Rock the fuck on! :Smokedev:
I think this software would just make superstition more appealing. If it blocked what seemed to be the most important line of a paragraph over and over again, it would probably make a kid insanely curious, to the point where he or she might actively seek out information on what's being censored. This might mean secretly meeting with a Mormon friend at school and "learning" all kinds of "cool" "facts" about god.

As others have said, I think if a secular parent were really worried about their child being brainwashed, the best defense would be to instill a healthy interest in science and skepticism. Keep a Bible and Koran in the house and be sure he/she knows that they are very human books that have spectacular histories as a result of being thought of as divinely inspired. Let them hold the books so they don't think they hold some esoteric value that you're keeping from them.

[ Rant ] Remind them that there were hundreds of different beliefs around at the same time and place that the Bible was written, but for whatever reason(s) the beliefs in the bible just happened to survive longer, and thus inspired many other cults that grew large enough to be considered Religions. Then you can point to the Koran as one example, and all of fragments that Christianity has broken into. Let them know that many new cults pop up even today, but are usually snuffed out before they get a chance to get very strong because people today are much smarter than they were when the major divisions took hold. Let them know that people use certain words in these books as justification for killing and enslaving others, and therefore the books can be dangerous. Let them know that knowledge is the best defense against superstion. [ /rant ]