The big century eargasmic paraphernalia


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Sep 4, 2003
So it's been a while since we had one of these indispensable post your fave list threads. I'm thinking that instead of the tired year's end top 10 or whatever, it's time to think bigger and post, for every year of the 21st century (starting 2001 because, as everyone knows, 2000 doesn't count), our number one album for that particular year.

So posts would go:

2001. Michael Bublé - BaBalu
2002. 50 Cent - Guess who's back

A few words of commentary would of course be appreciated.

If enough contributions flourish ITT I'll maybe engineer some sort of fight in the tradition of yore.

Playground's yours!
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Oh, man. The sole, top spot. Gonna be tough (even to navigate all the releases within the year without forgetting something) but I'm down. My list won't be exclusively metuhl though.
Remember when NecroJimbo started a thread theme like this? I'm still waiting for the best of 1982 album, was really hoping to talk about Witchfinder General like I knew them all along (I first heard them in 2017).

I have became such a closed minded fucking wannabe Tully at this point that I'll plague this thread with obvious heavy metal answers, but I am down to contribute. Can I talk about Kayo Dot's first album? It's so good, jaysus.
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IS HE DRINKING AGAIN OMG I chat with him on Instaboop on occasion but thought he quit the sauce.

Personally I know we all have to deny our demons sometimes but dammit his drunken tales were the BEST.

I had to quit smoking so I could keep drinking because otherwise well I'd probably have lung cancer by now.

What year did 'N Crugu Bradului come out? That's my #1 for the '00s easily. I mean when the blastbeats cease and that natureshit ambience hits FUCK ME I am done for the next 8 hours minimum.
IS HE DRINKING AGAIN OMG I chat with him on Instaboop on occasion but thought he quit the sauce.

Personally I know we all have to deny our demons sometimes but dammit his drunken tales were the BEST.

I had to quit smoking so I could keep drinking because otherwise well I'd probably have lung cancer by now.

What year did 'N Crugu Bradului come out? That's my #1 for the '00s easily. I mean when the blastbeats cease and that natureshit ambience hits FUCK ME I am done for the next 8 hours minimum.

LOL, no.. I was fabricating. He actually said that sober RC is gonna be teh eeiirwds.
I'd be down, I have a half ass list already.

It'll be nice to check out all the shit I missed from 2015-2018.
2001: Unwound - Leaves Turn Inside You

Unwound are one of my favorite bands from the 90's. They hit their apotheosis with their final album, taking a left turn into a brilliant, more ambitious and experimental direction. Moody, unsettling, ethereal, psychedelic, tense, and hypnotic, it's a sprawling double album that takes me on a journey which washes over me and moves my squishy innards until the very last note. A rare gem that shatters boundaries, it's easily one of greatest albums in my collection and I can't say that their is anything quite like it. Every so often, the universe comes together and spits out an album like this and everything feels right for a brief moment.
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i started looking over my collection and rym charts etc just to jog my memory and let me tell you, 2001 is a fuckin dumpster fire
btw if anyone needs to reacquaint themselves with their stupid and wrong opinions from ten years ago, reminder that we did a "best of the decade" thread (but not exactly like this one) in 2010:

here is my thread from the time, that i did not finish by the way, with dumb and pretentious reviews (i even dropped my lowercaseposting and used Proper Capitalization, what the fuck was i thinking):

i guess i will need to check whether any of that is still true and salvageable
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thanks for starting this shit. I'll post my full list sometime next week.
I'll keep a spreadsheet or something for everyone's contribution.

I figured I'll do it one year at at time and try to keep the momentum going if I can. Compiling one big list will be very time consuming and will eventually lead to the death of this thread.
I'm looking at a list of 2001 albums and man, I sold a lot of them years ago. Some real stinkers.

But not these three:

Tool - Lateralus
Fantômas - The Director's Cut
Diabolical Masquerade - Death's Design

I'll probably have to pick Lateralus, but I listen to The Director's Cut more often. Hmm I say, hmm.
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I will have to check out Unwound, never even heard of them!

I have to go with Lateralus just because of what that album did in 2001. It was like a six-month-long event for me, I was in college and Tool were about the only band that everyone I hung out with loved, so it was everywhere. You'd drive to a friend's house listening to Lateralus and when you got there, they were playing Lateralus. We even roped in some new fans because it was always on, and if you were hanging out with us well I hope you like Tool because that's all the DJ is playin' tonight.

Saw them on that tour at least a few times, a few friends of mine traveled for extra dates, blah blah blah. I specifically went to buy it at Target because they opened at 8am and all the music stores didn't open until 10am. I waited in the parking lot and ran in once I saw the doors open, grabbed a copy and I think I was in the checkout line at 8:03am. The girl said "wow you must've been waiting for this!" "Yep, 5 years. Thanks!"

I don't listen to it often anymore, but I don't need to. It became a part of me many years ago.
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