The Big Four

Satanist Hobo

<witty title here>
Feb 25, 2010
Can we kick Anthrax out and let Overkill in?

Pretty please with cocaine and acid on top?
Lets add something like Coroner in their place.

FUCK Anthrax. I don't like ANYTHING I've heard from them.
I like the 3 band version that will be touring the states later in the summer: Megadeth/Slayer/Testament. I'd love to go, but the Kansas City show is the one closest (still a 3 hour drive) to me and my faggoty job is stingy with days off.
Testament should be the 4th band, Anthrax is a shell of it's former self. Maybe if they were still in reuinion mode they'd still be worthy.

Also, someone should give James Hetfield some beer and Lars some coke too, maybe they'll play/sing better, then they'd be worthy, too. THEN I'd go to that show. Otherwise, yeah, Slayer/Megadeth/Testament for me for sure.
There should only be two: Metallica and Slayer. The rest can fuck off.

Also, you must be insane. Megadeth destroys Metallica, nowadays. Mustaine alone destroys Metallica. He could play a solo acoustic set of Nirvana covers with 2 girls/1 cup playing on a giant screen in the background and I'd rather watch that than Metallica 2010. o_O
Anthrax may be a shell of itself right now, but when I saw them with Belladona opening for Judas Priest, it was classic, one of the best performances I've seen.

Among the Living and The Persistence of Time are fantastic thrash albums.
Oh. Not on my planet.

I'll invite criticism by admitting I've never listened to Anthrax. I'm on a bit of a thrash kick at the moment though so I will change that soon.
I'll invite criticism by admitting I've never listened to Anthrax. I'm on a bit of a thrash kick at the moment though so I will change that soon.

...why even say anything if you have no idea what you're talking about...? I don't understand why people do these things...
Where in this thread did I state an opinion on something I have no idea about?

First I asked a question: "Who are the Big Four?"

Then I said "Oh, I've never listened to Anthrax but I will in the future."
Also, you must be insane. Megadeth destroys Metallica, nowadays. Mustaine alone destroys Metallica. He could play a solo acoustic set of Nirvana covers with 2 girls/1 cup playing on a giant screen in the background and I'd rather watch that than Metallica 2010. o_O

Why are you comparing the two bands in their present form when both of them earned notoriety as thrash bands in the 80's? Obviously they are both producing lackluster albums nowadays, but that's not what this discussion is about.

Besides, you could say the same thing for Slayer, Testament, and just about any other thrash band from the 80's. They all suck now, but their early material is amazing.