Les animaux les plus grands naissent dans l'Inde. La preuve, c'est que les chiens y sont de plus grande taille qu'ailleurs. Quant aux arbres, ils sont si hauts, dit-on, qu'il est impossible de lancer des flèches par-dessus leur cime la fécondité du sol, le climat du ciel, l'abondance des eaux y font (le croira qui voudra) qu'un seul figuier peut abriter des escadrons de cavalerie les roseaux y sont si hauts que chaque entre-noeud fournit un esquif capable de porter jusqu'à trois hommes. [...] Il existe, sur la montagne appelée Nulus, des hommes qui ont les pieds tournés à rebours et huit doigts à chaque pied ; et sur plusieurs montagnes, il existe une race d'hommes à tête de chien, vêtus de peaux de bête, qui aboie au lieu de parler et qui, armée de griffes, chasse le gibier et les oiseaux pour sa subsistance... You dont understand anything in that nah? :D
haha i'm learning :) not really, i know those were easy ones :)

i really didnt mean what i said in any form of offense just so you know. i just have a thing for that...LOL
exactly :) there really is a big difference!! sometimes my words come out sounding really mean or arrogant...but i almost always mean them in a good fashion.
it's almost 11pm. i live in Arizona in the states....moved out here from California in march. but i am going to move back to California very soon i hope.
Kk... Me its 00:42... In Alma! near quebec... And outside its really fu**king cold... I hate that. You should considere yourself lucky... Its must be... Hot in arizona! Maybe ill go in a trip at texas next summer... My aunt live there's. Any advice about stats or texas? Or something like that! Have you ever gone there?
6am here. And Texas is cool, i visited Dallas cause i was obsessed with the JFK murder for about a yr...its nice and warm, even if the folks are mad.

(and yes, i know you werent talking to me...but theres my two cents anyways :p)
oh it's a long story. basically had to get away from the parents. they're my adoptive parents anyway. i've gotten into contact with my birthparents thank god, they're my saviours. my birthmom now lives out in england but my birthfather lives out in Los Angeles and is going to help me pay for a place out there. Arizona is cheap but i dont know anybody out here so it's a bit lonesome.

and well the whole story of all the moving would make up a nice novel. but that is the basics.