The Black Waltz

xMetal_RockerX said:
well i think all of us can agree that this change was better than children of bodoms change with Are you dead yet

For sure man.

There is definitely no comparison because bodom just went downhill after follow the reaper, while kalmah is still going strong with it's 4th release.

I have to admit the new vocals took some getting used to, but now that I've listened to the album more than a dozen times, I'm actually starting to like the vocals! Overall this is a great album, I think instrumentally it is one of their best. I love how there is more emphasis on the keyboards because it really adds a whole new atmosphere to their music. The new keyboard style make it darker sounding which gives it a more black metal-ish feel to it. But of course all of this is subjective and my own opinion. Listen to the album and enjoy it! Great job Kalmah =)
TheHeartCollector said:
Does anyone have the actual CD yet? I've looked around at the local shops with no luck; and still waiting on The End Records to stock it.

I'm going into Franks Music sometime this week to see if its possible to order it or have it ordered here when it's released. I really need this cd:rock:
TheHeartCollector said:
Does anyone have the actual CD yet? I've looked around at the local shops with no luck; and still waiting on The End Records to stock it.

haha yeah if anyone has the actual cd you should post some lyrics! I'm waiting for mine to come in (hopefully sometime this week), but I'm sure some of you Finns have it by now.
well, im waiting for my CD
i got this copy from my Greek friend. Still I did pay for 2 copies of the album ,so its legal =p~
The new vocals fit Pekka, and I would also love to listen to a mixture of the two vocal styles, like in Bitter Metallic Side.
I'm still waiting for a new song to beat Hades! (Hade's solo)
I think The Black Waltz is an awesome album, one of the best I've ever heard, but there are some disturbing elements as well. The vocals somewhat hurt my ears, they are not that bad for one song but I like to listen a whole album at once and the end the vocs start to get a little boring. They are too samelike throughout the album, I would have prefered the usage of both "old" and "new" vocals together. Musically it's a masterpiece. I simply love the new sound and most of the song are so well made and catchy I cant believe it. Like in Swampsong too there are 3-4 songs that seem quite much less worked out than the best. It's not a bad thing in general, you can always skip them and get back when the best songs are heard too many times. Still again the ability to listen the album from beginning to end with no interruptions suffers.

Those are still mostly minor things I really had search out for to get some critism going. Defeat, Bitter Metallic Side, The Black Waltz and The Groan of Wind are just such a breathtaking masterpieces, it's next to impossible to find a bad word to say about them. I cannot imagine how this good music can be made, it's just so catchy and harsh at same time and has enormous amounts of feeling. I really like usage of acousic guitar as well, even if it has a minor role. Sneck filled his role really well as well, I dont know did he wrote the keyboard parts but they are awesome. Kalmah certainly did not fail me; The Black Waltz is the best Kalmah album to date, and what the heck, the best album ever made! You guys rule!
Infernium said:
Sneck filled his role really well as well, I dont know did he wrote the keyboard parts but they are awesome.

Yeah, I wrote the keyparts mostly by myself and thanks to guys for letting me do so.


Question for Marco, or Antti:

What are your thoughts on the fact that many of your fans, especially out here in North America, are currently unable to purchase your CD through regular retailers? Many of us have resorted to downloading the album to keep us tidied over.

Also, do you believe the ones who say they will buy the CD even after downloading it?
Kirurgisti said:
I could post some lyrics if asked nicely :p
Please post the lyrics...

Is that nice enough?

I've been looking for lyrics and trying to figure them out myself but there are some that seem to be eluding me.
Kirurgisti said:
I could post some lyrics if asked nicely :p

I hear Kirurgisti is a stallion in bed and lays gorgeous women like it is his job. Anyone else hear that? Oh maybe like, you know, if you're not busy doing those hot blondes you could post some lyrics or somethin? maybe to Time Takes Us All?
TheHeartCollector said:
Question for Marco, or Antti:

What are your thoughts on the fact that many of your fans, especially out here in North America, are currently unable to purchase your CD through regular retailers? Many of us have resorted to downloading the album to keep us tidied over.

Also, do you believe the ones who say they will buy the CD even after downloading it?

I downloaded it, but I'm definently ognna buy it as soon as it hits stores here:)
Revenant said:
Please post the lyrics...
Yeah like I had the time and interest to write all the fucking lyrics here :loco:

But yes I could write some of them here but I really don't know if it's legal or not.
I just heard most of the songs of the album (downloaded). I will have to wait until I recieve the one I ordered from Spinefarm to hear all of it.

But... I still want to give a review.

As a whole the cd is fucking awesome !!!!!!!!!!

Vocals sound badassed, a bit darker than their old stuff.
Guitars sound awesome, plenty of harmonies, solos, and great riffs. And also, I love that the sound is similar to their old stuff, not a dramatic change.
Drums rock as always.

My only issue is with the keyboards. The reason why I love Kalmah so much is because their old keyboardist perfectly matched their guitars, complementing and harmonizing.
The new keyboardist is good, but the relationship just isn't there anymore. Hopefully with some time he'll get more tuned to the sound, and work together just like the old one did.

Well that's my review. I will have to wait to hear the album in full though, but this is pretty accurate.

Oh, and the song that makes fun of bodom, ahhhahahhahah, that's the shit!
:kickass: :rock: :kickass:

Yeah!! I completed my Kalmah collection today :loco:

^ You should order it, I got mine from Spinefarm. I'm almost positive it's not in the states yet. A local guy from a metal shop has been trying to get it with no luck, so I just said, "fug it" and bought it online.