The breathing zzzhadow


Jul 6, 2007
So, I just put my girl to sleep to "Eye for an eye", seems to work every time. :goggly: Do you find "The breathing shadow" to be a "sleep album" so to speak? Or does the ending scream put you off? ;)
Too exciting to sleep. But I would definately say it has a "night"-atmosphere, but not a sleep atmosphere. Like a night where you lying with open eyes.
I love this album
Haven't got around to get that album yet,
but if it is in the same vein as The Closing Chronicles,
then I guess it is indeed a good album to fall asleep too =)
Well, if anything Closing Chronicles would be in the same vein as Breathing Shadow, since Breathing Shadow came first. But alas, no its not. Breathing Shadow is straight out goth rock. And even though its pretty different, it'll forever be my favorite Nightingale album.