The business behind getting high.

What I love most is that unlike a lot of docs out there, every single point, laws, percentages, claims, history, cases, et al can all be looked up and verified.

Look at that poor bastard with multiple sclorosis (sp?), look at how much of a difference it makes for him and try to tell me one shred of bullshit about how bad weed must be for you.
Dear, Kellogg’s.
I’m writing this letter to express my disappointment in your company in firing Michael Phelps as a spokesperson for your products because he was photographed while enjoying some marijuana.
I respectfully would like to communicate my opinion on this matter because I think it’s of great public interest.
First of all, although it is true that Mr. Phelps broke the law, I think any reasonably intelligent person would admit that it’s one of the most fucked up and corrupt laws that we have today in this country. Marijuana is relatively harmless and certainly far less dangerous than a host of other things that are not only legal but also readily available, like alcohol and prescription drugs. The only reason it remains illegal to this day is because it’s a plant and you can’t patent it and control it’s sale, and because if it were legal it would greatly affect the demand for a host of prescription drugs that rake in billions of dollars each year for ************** companies.
That’s it.
Marijuana has never killed anyone EVER in over 10,000 years of use. We’re not protecting people from themselves, we’re not saving the children - it’s just a horribly illogical law that is in place because of corruption and propaganda.
The fact that it’s against the law is just a disgusting reminder of how retarded our system is, not a reasonable reaction to a proven threat to society.

I have to say, this whole thing saddens me, because I personally would like to think that as Americans we’re better than this. These television news anchors will shake their heads at the thoughtless mistake Mr. Phelps had made by “smoking dope,” and then without even the tiniest sense of irony they will cut to a beer commercial.
This is supposed to be the land of the free and the home of the brave, right? We’re not supposed to be a nation of little bitches giving in to the whims of corrupt politicians and the ************** companies who’s interests they’re representing.
It’s 2009, and in this day and age with the incredible access to information that we have available there’s no fucking way that we should be allowing human beings to tell other human beings that they can’t do something that they enjoy that hurts no one including themselves.
THAT is madness. THAT is ignorant, and THAT is completely fucking un-American.
I don’t want to hear any of that, “he’s setting a bad example with the children” nonsense either, because we all know if he had a gin and tonic in his hand instead of a bong this would never have been an issue, even though every single study ever done has shown that marijuana is FAR less dangerous than alcohol.
Marijuana laws are a horrible waste of resources and law enforcement, and especially in this day and age with our economy in such horrible shape I believe the last thing we need to be doing is wasting tax payers’ money on any of this victimless bullshit.

I find your reactions to Mr. Phelps situation both ignorant and short sighted.
I think what would have been a far better response from Kellogg’s would be to support Mr. Phelps, and perhaps point out that maybe we as a society should take a closer look at the evidence and possibly reconsider our position on this misunderstood plant that so many of our productive citizens find useful.
Now, I’m sure if you really were running Kellogg’s and you were still reading my bullshit all the way down to this, you must be thinking, “Why the hell would we stick our necks out like that for pot smokers?”

And of course the answer to that question would be, because we buy your shit, motherfucker.
Do you guys even know your consumer statistics? Well, let me fill you in on some of my own personal scientific research on the subject, because I have been closely studying my own purchases for over 20 years, and I can tell you that I’ve been high 100% of the time I’ve bought your shit.
I mean, do you guys ever think about what you sell?
Pop tarts? Are you kidding me? I would be willing to bet that 50% of the people buying pop tarts are stoned out of their fucking minds.
Just to be perfectly clear on my position, I would like you to know that I enjoy your products. I think many of them are quite tasty, but lets be honest; you guys sell sugar-drenched shit that’s horrible for your body - in fact, it’s actually way worse for your body than pot - and you market this shit specifically to children.
You assholes go as far as putting lovable cartoon characters on the boxes just so that kids will beg their parents for it.

Now, I don’t want you to misunderstand my point, because I in no way want anything bad to happen to your company. Like I said, I genuinely enjoy your products.
There’s nothing quite like being stoned out of your mind at 2am watching a Chuck Norris movie and eating a bowl of fruit loops. Your company and its products have been a part of some very pleasurable moments in guilty eating, and I’m glad you’re around.
All I’m saying is that it’s high time (no pun intended) that you motherfuckers respect the stoner dollar. There’s WAY more of us than you might think, and we tend to get upset about dumb shit like this. There are millions of us, and if we decide that we don’t like a company, they’re going to feel it.
I think if you looked into it carefully, you would be surprised at how many undercover potheads there are out there. Pot smokers don’t all fit into the obvious, negative stereotypes; we come in all shapes and forms - including by the way, the form of the greatest fucking swimmer who ever lived, EVER.
Think about THAT shit for a second..
So in closing, I would like to ask you nice folks to please smarten the fuck up.
I would request that you check the calendar and note that it’s 2000 and fucking 9, and next time you think about getting all uppity about pot you might want to do a quick google search on the facts.

It’s 4:40am here in LA, and I’m going to wrap up this blog and to celebrate its completion I’m going to enjoy one of my personal favorite Kellogg’s products: Eggo waffles.
I’m gonna pop 4 of them bitches into the toaster, and then I’m gonna stuff the bong with some fine, American grown “Train Wreck” and sacrifice the sacred plant to the fire gods in tribute to the unjustly persecuted 8 time Olympian hero. Then I’m gonna get some butter, and I’m gonna smear it on those Eggos, I’m gonna cover them with maple syrup, and I’m going to eat the ever loving fuck out of them.
Good day, sirs.

Yours truly,

Joe Rogan.

Thought I'd up this as it's kinda relevant and I thought it was funny.
Ok, I'm now 100% convinced Marijuana should be legalized (no sarcasm there), but I still maintain that its effects can be detrimental; I think Randy Marsh sums it up best in the South Park episode "My Future Self and Me:"

Well Stan, the truth is, Marijuana probably isn't gonna make you kill people, and it most likely isn't gonna fund terrorists, but...well son, pot makes you feel fine with being bored, and it's when your bored that you should be learning some new skill or discovering some new science or being creative. If you smoke pot you may grow up to find out that you aren't good at anything

Furthermore, unlike alcohol, I feel weed's effects are much more brain-chemistry/consciousness altering on a long-term basis; I just smoked this past weekend (granted only my 6th time), and as with the previous times, the next day I felt noticeably...different, just a bit slowed and a little more spacey. With alcohol, on the other hand, I've always felt 100% back to my old self the next day; just sometimes a bit sick (though I've learned my limits long ago, so that hasn't happened in awhile). Alcohol may be the more hazardous to one's health (liver, addictive properties), but I still maintain it has less of an effect on the brain than the herb (notice I'm not saying weed is harmful to the brain, necessarily, but I know so many people who have said they wanted to cut down on smoking because it made them feel stupid).

So in short, because the effects of it physically are far less damaging than alcohol or cigarettes, and because of the money that's just fucking hemorrhaged in the effort to keep it a controlled substance, I fully support its legalization. But I don't feel it's as entirely innocuous as many would claim. And yes, I know Mike, you're seem like an extremely accomplished, intelligent, and skilled dude who still smokes like a chimney, and that you're not unique in this regard, but there are also many who smoke for the very reason Stan's dad says above, and do end up that way.

Here's a link to where you can view the episode online, by the way - it's one of the best from the season IMO! :) (just scroll down, mouse over the episode box (it's the second-to-last) and click on "watch this full episode" when it pops up)
not really read this thread, but I know some people where they HAVE to smoke up every day and if they don't they can't function at all.......really has changed some people I know for good....

not saying it happens to everyone, but I'd hate to see it happen to someone I know
Yup, it can be addictive in the extreme habit-forming sense, just like how people can get addicted to the internet or video games (World of Warcraft, anyone?)
Well I don't think it's funding terrorist. I have seen a lot of pot smokers who are rather slow. Is that caused by the pot? IDK as it seems to me, at-least in my experience, that these "slow" people are high from the time they wake up. (to add to that, they usually do drugs) I would say thats abuse. Water can even hurt you if you abuse it. I would say I'm rather well off, if not on the realm of being rich and I smoke everyday. Just a little bit. Couple hits. Right now I'm sic as hell with a sinus infection. (been 3 years) Decided to go ahead and smoke a bowl for better or worst. I feel better for the time being. I know it won't last long but holy shit, dried my sinus right up. So thats at-least 10 to 20 mins I'll feel better and even able to make this post. Lets see if this makes any sense tomorrow. lol.
Yeah, of course anything can be overdone and bad for you - almost everything in fact. that said I think its not really pointed out that the habitual addictions can be seriously bad (and expensive) - its something I have never been taught at school or anything but only seen in my own experience.

and good god world of housemate plays it 24/7. like seriously can not get off it if he has arranged it. that alone scares me out of playing it (not that it appeals to me anyway).
Marijuana is a 100% non-addictive substance. Medically proven.

They make it into a habit. Period. End of discussion on that. People that abuse it to that extent are not addicted. They are losers that have a habit and give responsible smokers a bad rep.

People that smoke and don't do anything are losers as well. They wouldn't have done anything valuable with their free time regardless of being high or not. My friends and I get high, we want to DO SOMETHING. Imagine that. Sure, it's easy to get lazy and just relax, that's 90% of the reason why I smoke, to relax because every day stresses do not allow me to relax to the point I would like. I know how to restore old muscle cars, I've helped complete about 15 in my years growing up, from rust-bucket to show room. Not a small feat if weed really had these supposed effects on me. Learned several instruments. Learned how to record and do it well enough to have been doing it full-time as a professional, as well as in my spare time at my home. I quite frequently enjoy watching the History and Discovery channel to increase my knowledge on my favorite subjects of study.

All done, at some point or another, while completely high. Zero problems. Doesn't sound like I'm a very lazy person either. In fact, I can't ever really remember a time when I smoked weed just for smoking's sake and just sat on my ass.

I understand that not everyone will have the same reaction, but god dammit if there aren't a HUGE amount of smokers just like me. Marcus, you explained why you felt like that in your own post. Because you do not smoke on a regular basis. Just like with alcohol, your body can reach a tolerance for marijuana. If you don't smoke it often, you will reap the benefits of a first-time smoker nearly every time. You don't feel that way with alcohol because, and this is judging by your posts here :), you drink probably probably 1,000x more often than you smoke weed. It's only logical to think that, given the fact that human beings develop tolerances to substances they are subjected to repeatedly, you would feel fine the next day, as long as you didn't drink enough to get a hangover. Yet, the weed would make you feel sluggish. Hell, if I don't smoke for two weeks, the first time back I feel a little slow myself, only in the physical sense.

There is nothing bad about weed. Why do people insist on arguing otherwise? Show me one study that isn't tainted by who wrote the check that proves any different. I bet you can't. But I can go and find a fuck-ton of studies that aren't tainted that prove exactly that - it's SAFE. Studies in Jamaica where half of a group of pregnant women smoked during their entire pregnancy, within reason, and there were NO signs of birth defects or anything different than the children who went through the pregnancy sans weed smoke. Not one complication? You guessed it! Not one. Holy fuck, but let a woman take the wrong headache medicine, or drink a few beers, or smoke a few cigarettes during pregnancy...that baby will be fucked up. My sister's friend just had a baby 4 months early because she drank so fucking much like an idiot and her placenta could not sustain it's integrity. The baby just barely reached an acceptable weight to be released from the hospital and has some serious problems with brain development. But alcohol is ok. Right?

You can't smoke enough weed to kill you. It's literally impossible, something like 20,000 joints in 3 minutes, (quoting Kat Williams) but take 10 Tylenol at once and it'll be the last fucking headache you ever have. Yet not only can I buy that from any convenience/grocer...hell vending machines...but I can buy it if I was under 21,18...16...probably even 14. Hardly anybody would bat an eye at a 14 year old buying Tylenol, let alone stop them. Think about it.

I'm not trying to convince anyone they should jump up and go buy a gram of some fine green. I would just prefer that facts regarding marijuana are talked about rather than the misinformation that is fed to us from day 1 in grade school. I can sit here and do this all day long, and no offense to anyone, but you can't prove me wrong on any of it. That's the sad part. You have not one single shred of evidence, a study, a case...nothing to back up any of the misconceptions regarding marijuana. Nobody does. Yet it remains illegal. Gotta fucking love society.

Who's "you" dude?

That last paragraph it seemed like you were raging against some hidden group. I think almost everyone here in right mind agrees with you.

I think the devil's lettuce is the shit!
in canada, it is pretty much legal, but not legalized. i think legalization would suck, cause they may have more control over pot, and regulate usage ect. they would tax us on weed also. (damn greedy gov)

metaltastic: I take it that you drink far more regularly than u smoke pot. I did notice the symptoms you describe when I was 11 years old hahha but i only started drinking when i was 19 and it used to phase me big time!!!!

I smoke pot every single day so i dont notice the effects it has the next day lol

also, I totally think alcohol is the gate way drug! I used to chill out and smoke up and listen to sabbath, then alcohol came into the picture, and it was all night sex and coke parties lol
Mike, dude, you just went nuts preaching to the choir - the only thing I was commenting on was my own experiences and feelings of being high, nothing else.