The business behind getting high.

And another thing I wanna mention - why is it that EVERY "yoooooo bro" hippie type has been a pothead, and I've never encountered one that isn't? If you guys are trying to argue that weed really doesn't change people, why is it that a certain type of people (namely, the spaced-out hippies and retards who will string together a bunch of nonsense and think of it as some brilliant philosophical insight, usually often interspersed with the word "man") are all weed smokers, and there are none that I've encountered that aren't? Cuz honestly, I can't think of any prospect more revolting to me than ending up like that, and you can't tell me they're not out there (again, NOT SAYING all potheads are like that, just saying that all of them are potheads, which I don't think is a coincidence)
Sometimes I am embarrassed to be a pothead not because of the way it makes me act, but because if it's culture. These "yo brooo" hippies are just morons that are latching onto a "culture" in search of an identity. Too bad your identity comes from your values and not a harmless plant. These people remind me of the people that go out to parties and drink just because they believe it increases their chances of getting laid. As for the spaced out idiots stringing random shit together to call it "insight", well those are just people that are jealous of the people that get stoned and actually come up with insightful things :P
Mike, dude, you just went nuts preaching to the choir - the only thing I was commenting on was my own experiences and feelings of being high, nothing else.

I know I know, I mainly wanted to just say that you feel that way because you smoke once in a great it's normal for you to feel that way afterwards. If you smoke once every couple of days then your tolerance will build in like a week and all would be dandy.

As far as the "yoooo bro" types, I dunno what to tell you, I'm not like that, my friends aren't like that. I honestly have hardly met many people that were like that in general, let alone that they smoked pot too. In the end of that discussion though, it's been proven that it doesn't alter one's character on it's own...

Just a little side note. I've known a guy since kindergarten (he's not my good friend, he just happened to go to every school I went to). He was always a little slow. In highschool, Even before he became a pot smoker, everyone thought he was one because he was one of these slow "yo brooo" type people. Then what I assume happened is he became what people expected him to be, and started smoking pot. Since then he has been to rehab and has stopped smoking... HES STILL A "YOOO BROOO"! And social numb... anyone that takes acid and still latches onto some fake "yoo broo" identity is just completely hopeless beyond all forms of hope. I'm starting to like this "yoo broo" term ¯\(°_o)/¯.
Uhh, even though you say it's not directed at anyone, why else would you post it unless you wanted someone to heed it? Personally, I'm just trying to get a full picture of the effects of weed by asking questions that I've always wondered about so as to attempt to hack through the misinformation; I would hate to think you'd consider your position so weak as to need to resort to that clip to "defend" it...

And maybe I should rephrase my question, leaving out the "yoo brooo" types - why is it that every dirty hippie with dreads, one of those multi-colored Southwest-looking hippie sweaters, and big beards are potheads, and there are none I know of that aren't?
Uhh, even though you say it's not directed at anyone, why else would you post it unless you wanted someone to heed it? Personally, I'm just trying to get a full picture of the effects of weed by asking questions that I've always wondered about so as to attempt to hack through the misinformation; I would hate to think you'd consider your position so weak as to need to resort to that clip to "defend" it...

That wasn't directed at a person as I said. It's directed at the whole anti-weed illuminati that 006 keeps slamming in his posts. As he said no one can touch his arguments yet at least scientifically so I said to everyone on that side of the fence.. SHUT THE FUCK UP.

NNo need to get all Mr Mcfeeley on me, I wasn't even aware of your position on the subject.
They're hippies, of course they are potheads. That's the lifestyle they have chosen to take. You can be a hippie, have dreads, wear awful sweaters and grow crazy beards without ever having even seen pot.
That wasn't directed at a person as I said. It's directed at the whole anti-weed illuminati that 006 keeps slamming in his posts. As he said no one can touch his arguments yet at least scientifically so I said to everyone on that side of the fence.. SHUT THE FUCK UP.

NNo need to get all Mr Mcfeeley on me, I wasn't even aware of your position on the subject.

I wasn't getting "Mr McFeeley," I just didn't know who else you would be referring to (as you didn't say)
Well a ton of people have posted in the thread. I would've came out and slammed someone personally if I felt inclined to.

I only really read the 006 posts thoroughly cause apparently he has experience in the area hahah.
:lol: That means a lot to me, really :)

I can't watch that vid at work but now I'm curious as to what it is - I get home in like an hour.
So is there no one reading this thread who used to smoke more but has cut back? (either fully or partially) Cuz I'm just trying to get a full picture, and I know there are people who have given it up cuz they didn't like it or what it did to them; some input from that side would be appreciated!
Dude 006 is that afgan kush shit going around your town? if so don't buy it. its pretty much the worst kush i've smoked hahaha
So is there no one reading this thread who used to smoke more but has cut back? (either fully or partially) Cuz I'm just trying to get a full picture, and I know there are people who have given it up cuz they didn't like it or what it did to them; some input from that side would be appreciated!

I have not smoked in 5 years. I have only done it a total of 8 times though. It really just doesn't do anything for me.
I don't really have a substantial position on this issue one way or the other. I did however know people in high school who felt that weed had detrimentally affected their lives. Many of them seemed to think that they were addicted, and did indeed need it to function. Whether or not you can assert it as medical addiction or not, the fact remained that it did support a lifestyle of procrastination and habit. Whether or not these people were naturally drawn to it as they were inherently lazy people, I don't know.

I'm not a big drug taker, partly because I never wanted to risk the associated effects of most affecting me. I also have no big inclination to support illegal drug growth and trafficking. The whole acquisition aspect can at times be grossly immoral, especially if you factor in all the gangs, drug lords, pushers and what not else that tries to gain a monopoly on the drug scene.

On that note I think it wouldn't be half bad if the stuff was legalized. It obviously isn't going away, and given how large a percentile of the population actually smoke it, you have to wonder whether it may actually be better if the margins were going to our governments rather than dealers, drug lords etc. (though only marginally better). I certainly perceive joints to be healthier than standard tobacco cigarettes, even over the long-term where they are much less harmful and addictive.

For me though, I find the stuff repulsive and will gladly limit my drug use to a nice cold beer or two every now and then in the dreadful Australian summer...