I gotta agree - the fact is, anything that affects one as blatantly as weed is bound to have some kind of consequence for forming a habit around it; it has all the subtlety of a sledgehammer, unlike antidepressants which I can say from personal experience are very specifically targeted and thus have zero noticeable effect except gradually bringing up my mood baseline to where it's supposed to be
Dude, im terribly sorry, but antidepressants are one of the worst addictions you can possibly have. Read up on people trying to get off of anti depressants and the absolute fucking misery and side-effects you go through, because you guessed it, its addictive!
Many people that I know have totaled cars taking them, woke up in either the hospital or jail (friend of mine woke up in jail with a missing appendix) without _ANY_ recollection of the event. If the high is just as good or better than drinking booze (and it is, makes you feel the exact same, terrible response/reaction time, no recollection of any event the prior night, no puking or horseshit candy apple drinks, no hangover, cheap) and you're going to put in the same category as marijuana in regards to how much it fucks you up, and addictive properties? They are nowhere close im afraid.
I smoke when I wake up, I smoke on my lunch break, and I smoke when I go home. It's a normal everyday process, I'm not any "slower", or less functional in the slightest bit, and I sleep fantastic every night (a good portion of the medicinal use for marijuana is for sleeping aid, instead of getting a tranquilizer pill from the drug store that knocks you out cold for 10 hours). Yes the urge to be a lazy bastard is brought forth, but the fact is I manage my life perfectly fine and without the feeling of "addiction", because I choose to not be worthless, unlike the MUCH higher population of absolutely pathetic, thieving, lying drunks and pillheads than stoners i have encountered. Most people who take drugs to excess normally just an addictive personality from the start, and they are going to abuse drugs in the first place. There is an infinite list of hardcore stoners that have done amazing things with their lives. Its totally fucked up to condone "Law abiding adults" getting absolutely fucking smashed in a bar to the point of not being able to do a simple act in walking your drunk ass out, take opiates that are hand fed to them when their neck hurts (Pot and heroin are bad for you, so we just took the main ingredient of heroin, added TYLENOL!!!! Yeah you guessed it, you can OVERDOSE on these! Yet its physically impossible to come close to dying with pot), but the lazy kids who smoke a fucking medically proven, harmless plant that threatens the sales of their useless non-working drugs because it works without the worry of a side effect that isn't even worth taking in the first place, are "The enemy/drug war/terrorist/that retard hippie guy that did to much acid etc". Fuck that, and fuck these people trying to tell me I can't do one of the most simple freedoms you can have as a human being, PUT WHAT THE FUCK I WANT INTO MY BODY!!
The thing that heats me up about this stupid fucking drug war horseshit is the fact that half of my friends have totaled cars, gotten dui's, _REALLY_ fucked their life up, im not talking "wahh im a fucking lazy son of a bitch that wont get a job because i just want to smoke weed all day, those people just suck ass and are lazy", were talking thousands of dollars in fines and bullshit, the EXTREME possibility of killing yourself, and especially other people in the process, and a fat DUI stamp on your record. I would much rather have a simple posession charge and the ability to function. The fact that drinking literally destroys your ability to make any kind of conscious decision, I honestly have never seen it even in the same league with pot.
The "heyyy broo" people you all are referring to, either use heroin, oxycontin, LSD, shrooms and or other hallucinogens. And if they tell you they have never done any of those in somewhat excess, they are flat out fucking lying to you. Most of them use marijuana to come clean of harder drugs like meth/crack/heroin/perscriptions, and its proven to aid the REAL drug addicts. So to answer your question, I have yet to see someone go stupid from JUST smoking pot.
And I also have no problem what ANYONE puts in their body, as long as you don't fuck with me, you can do any drug you want. And I will do what I want