The Cabin in the Woods

Talking Backwards

Senior Citizen
Oct 5, 2009
Just saw this movie today, and it actually exceeded my expectations by quite a bit. It's a must see for anyone who enjoys humor with their horror movies. It's also been getting pretty high praise all around by critics, which is hard to do with this genre. Usually when a horror movie is sitting at 85% or higher, it's almost always good. It's not really Scream 2012, but it deconstructs the genre somewhat similarly as what the original Scream did in 96; in it's very unique way of course. Can't really say much more than that without ruining the punchline, even if you've seen a bunch of trailers.
Fuck that movie. fucking sucks

it is very predictive, and the unicorn impalement? really?

it was a god damn comedy....hey it is friday the 13th lets go see a scary movie...hey CABIN IN THE WOODS!!!!

good god, the movie was hilariously bad.
Get a real sense of humor? It doesn't matter if it was predictable, it wasn't supposed to be some great mystery. Do I really need to explain the entire point of the movie to you? Because it's quite obvious you either totally missed it, or thought the movie was supposed be something that it wasn't. No shit it was a comedy--and a meta one at that. And it was made for horror fans.

I guess I shouldn't have edited my original post down, because I had stated it was closer to something like Tucker and Dale vs Evil or even Behind the Mask. Neither of which was supposed to be "scary" movies (almost no horror movies are anyway). Even the fucking title of the movie should clue you in.
Get a real sense of humor? It doesn't matter if it was predictable, it wasn't supposed to be some great mystery. Do I really need to explain the entire point of the movie to you? Because it's quite obvious you either totally missed it, or thought the movie was supposed be something that it wasn't. No shit it was a comedy--and a meta one at that. And it was made for horror fans.

I guess I shouldn't have edited my original post down, because I had stated it was closer to something like Tucker and Dale vs Evil or even Behind the Mask. Neither of which was supposed to be "scary" movies (almost no horror movies are anyway). Even the fucking title of the movie should clue you in.

The movie sucks balls beyond redemption.
It has nothing to do with being 25, I think Steve is the only person I've seen who didn't like it. No need to get mad over a very minority opinion.
I'm not "mad", as much as I'm done bothering any attempts at conversation with people who can't actually give more than just simple denouncements. It's not necessarily an "age thing" as much as it is experience.
I do love a bit of Whedon.

Except Buffy. It's crap.

Firefly > Serenity > everything else he's done up until this point. And I really tried to watch the first season of Buffy, but it's impossible for me to stomach, even with the okay lead. I'd rather watch the soap opera Vampire Diaries than that show.
i dont really get the love for whedon, most of his stuff really seems aimed at teenage girls or something. i saw serenity somewhere without seeing firefly first and i really hated it and wanted them all to die. everyone says firefly is good but i really cant believe them and probably wont ever watch it.
-first season of Buffy, but it's impossible for me to stomach, even with the okay lead.

Terrible place to start. I started in maybe the 3rd season? Saw the first season much later, it was silly as hell. It got much better.

That said. I eat up sappy bullshit teenage dramas like nobody's business. :rock:
i dont really get the love for whedon, most of his stuff really seems aimed at teenage girls or something. i saw serenity somewhere without seeing firefly first and i really hated it and wanted them all to die. everyone says firefly is good but i really cant believe them and probably wont ever watch it.

Well, that's too bad. Because it really was unlike pretty much any other show which is probably why it was canned so quickly. Well okay, that's not entirely true. It was like "The Han Solo Project" if you know what I mean.