Tell me you folks have seen the movie, SLITHER


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Haha, awesome movie. Seriously good homage to B-movie horror. It's got everything you want: humoUr, gore, sci-fi alien bugs, zombies...

It's a Friday night type movie which works well with a crate of beer by your side. For fans of Shaun of the Dead and that kinda thing (although not as witty as Shaun, but not much is).

(Rue Morgue magazine said it was the best horror film of '06 by the way. The fact that it doesn't take itself seriously at all really helps.)

Recommended. :kickass:
Sounds like fun - I'd much rather watch that type of movie with a few friends (a rare future RC inexpensive night in gathering perhaps?). Shaun of the Dead pretty much ruled and would've gone from "pretty much" to "unquestionably" had we all been around hoisting a few ales throughout.

Kind of like seeing Mael Mordha live at HC and then listening to them alone over the computer speakers - it still works, but the experience is far less worth writing home about.

Didn't like it nearly as well as Shaun of the Dead, but I was pleasantly surprised. Fun little flick. It definitely picked up as it went on.
Am I the only horror fan that thought this movie completely sucked?
Wasn't funny at all.
You guys who liked Slither are the same guys who said, "man, that Cabin Fever sucks ass!"
Am I the only horror fan that thought this movie completely sucked?
Wasn't funny at all.

thing is, you went into it knowing it was a total spoof, right?

I have to admit, the first 20 minutes is really slow moving....

....but the film totally kicks in at the point where they find the "pregnant" woman in the barn in the woods. The last hour rules!
Yeah, I knew it was a spoof and it was highly rated. I was expecting more. Cabin Fever was a spoof - an homage if you will - and it was far superior than Slither. Slither seemed more like a spoof for folks who probably aren't really into horror, more like just casual fans. As in, walk into the video store, "hey look, Slither, this looks like it might be fun!" "Yeah, let's rent it!"
Can you believe, I've never seen Cabin Fever. I've seen Hostel though, but I should really seek out CF since it's the film that put Eli Roth on the map.

But really, I thought Slither was funny enough for me. The mayor of the town made me laugh, including other really stupid moments like the grenade falling into the swimming pool. It was all very slapstick.

In recent weeks, both Slither and The Descent have turned out to be better than what I expected. :kickass:
Hostel was disappointing.
The Descent was brilliant. I have Dog Soldiers sitting right in front of me....going to watch it this afternoon, after I finish the Band of Brothers disc I have....after I finish watching the hockey game. I have a long day of doing nothing ahead of me :lol:
Frank, did you watch fucking Detroit get lit up in their own building this afternoon? The announcers were trying to say they were just taking it easy in preparation for the back to back games against Nashville this week. Jeez people! How 'bout just admit they got crushed?