the case of the busted mirror


New Metal Member
Jan 13, 2003
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Hi, everyone! My name is Mr. Philanthropist, and this little guy over here is Buttkiss Scenario. Say hello to the fun message board, Buttkiss Scenario!


What the...?? Hmm...Buttkiss Scenario must be having some sort of problem. He seems to be speaking backwards!

tahw os

Well, Buttkiss Scenario, it's very difficult for the nice people to read what you're trying to say!

erac t'nod i

Well, it just so happens that I have a...Magic...Mirror! Watch this, everyone!


O.K., now, let's try this again, shall we? ~ahem~
Hi, everyone! My name is Mr. Philanthropist, and this little guy over here is Buttkiss Scenario. Say hello to the fun message board, Buttkiss Scenario!

sruoy pu

Well, then.... We'll have to try this again tomorrow evening, perhaps. Please accept my, and Buttkiss Scenario's, apology. Good evening, and have wonderful dreams!
I foresee this board reaching new levels of greatness

(in other, somewhat less relevant news, I saw the kids in the hall tour doc last night - pretty funny, but scott thompson is a frickin LOONY TOON!)
Please, everyone, accept my apolgies for "my" ridiculous thread. I have two familiars that seem to think that they have me! They must have gotten out. They're completely harmless...but they can definitely be a handfull. Thanks!