The Cat With Hands


Apr 22, 2007

I actually didn't watch this one as I kind of want to get to sleep tonight.

Pencil Face.

Post disturbing and scary shit here. Stories too.

By god though, if you post a screamer I will punch you in the penis and or clitoris.
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Both great videos, but Pencil Face just has that creepy element of skewered reality that I really love. Awesome stuff.

The problem with that one, is without the atmospheric music, it isn't anything.
The problem with that one, is without the atmospheric music, it isn't anything.

While 99% horror films aren't anything without sound, I disagree in this case. The long shots of the utterly silent characters (especially the pencil face, of course) among the stark, empty (one wants to say "abandoned") setting are subtly disquieting. The black hole at the end is a nice twist (see what I did there?) as well.

EDIT: By contrast, I don't find "The Cat With Hands" to be very creepy at all, just a really cool idea.