The Clone Wars


May 22, 2003
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Actually interested (looking forward to!?) it, despite being disappointed 3 times in a row. Sadly, its probably a good thing that Lucas didn't have anything to do with the screenplay. Also, the prequels suffered obviously suffered from having too much fakey CGI mixed in, but it seems like they cleverly solved that problem by making the whole thing animated (I think thats cool). But most likely it will be a huge piece of dung, so much like Will Bozarth getting his hopes up for St. Anger, only to be crushed by it's shittiness, and then getting his hopes up again for Death Magnetic, only to have them crushed a second time, I'll probably end up cursing Hollywood once more.
But it's animated CGI, like you said. It's not supposed to look real, which in turn makes it cool. I still prefer the original somewhat cheesy effects of 4, 5, and 6 to 1, 2, and 3.
i actually liked the CGI in the prequels, i just couldn't fucking stand Hayden Christensen. clone wars should be good, while i was cleaning i saw a few previews of upcoming movies and every one of the looked promising, the punisher trailer is out, more ray being bad ass :p .
As much i love Star Wars this doesn't seem like a good idea to me
I'm hoping that they will take liberties with the prequel storyline. In the trailer it appears that Count Dooku is fighting Anakin, and theres no mention of a third fight with him anywhere in the prequels. Lucas would probably have a hissy fit if they strayed far though.
are you all fucking insane? i saw ads for this movie when i was watching tv and it seriously sounds and looks like they took starwars and made it a kids movie. it looked like the plot centered around some whiney bitch and she was whining about wanting to become a jedi and it seriously seemed like your typical disney movie.