Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith


Bill Ward's Red Pants
Oct 21, 2003
The Southland
Post your comments here after you've seen the film.

I have to say that I had incredibly high expectations for this movie and not only did it meet them, it surpassed them in every way. This is THE Star Wars film and if you ever thought the originals couldn't be topped, you were dead wrong.

I won't post anything that happens in it here until we've all had a chance to see it, but it is, as many have stated, darker and more brooding than anything ever associated with Star Wars in the past. The acting is amazingly better than the other prequels and the characters have grown so much. This takes everything that needed to happen between II and IV and constructs it in such a perfect manner that one cannot be anything but fulfilled. So much emotion of every kind fills this film and I think it will leave audiences speechless while they try to gather their thoughts on the epic they've just seen. This transcends Star Wars. If you ever thought Lucas was making kiddie films without the necessary depth in character and plot development, that has all been fixed.

The only bad thing: It's going to be strange watching the rest of the Star Wars films now, because they don't hold a candle to this masterpiece. I told you it was going to be fabulous and it is. Regardless of whether or not you liked the first two episodes, you'd have to be a blinded fool not to enjoy this.

5 stars.
I'm seeing it tonight. Yeehaaaw, I am getting drunk. Celebrating the end of the workweek with some 7.0 % cider.
Opeth17 said:
if you ever thought the originals couldn't be topped, you were dead wrong.

The movie was fucking killer, best of the prequals, but this is my opinion on that:

That is what a lot of people probobly said when they walked out of the theater, but I think later on they will began to remember all those moments from 4 5 6 that will never, ever, ever, EVER be topped by any movie, ever.

For instance, compare the first time Luke and Obi-Wan came to Mos Eisley, to any scene from any of the prequals...
Not for me. This movie left me with a feeling of complete fulfillment, something that is hard to describe, something I never felt from any of the other films. This episode is so emotional and even though you know where the plot has to go, there are still many surprises and subleties. It's really a masterwork and I'm serious when I say that it puts the original trilogy to shame. Every scene is so memorable.

Also, I have no special connection to the originals like many others seem to. I saw them in '97, first the original versions, then the special editions and I was hooked. But, Episode I came out 2 years later, so there wasn't this period for me to grow so incredibly fond of the originals that nothing else could touch them, which I think effects some people.

The original trilogy is amazing, especially considering the time period from whence it came, but holy shit, this movie makes the adventures of running around the Death Star etc. seem so trite. It's amazing because this film is everything you'd want in a Star Wars film, but nothing like you'd expect to see. Like I said, it seems to transcend the rest of films and stand on its own as something different and remarkable. I have to see this another 5 or 6 times immediately.
Excellent film. And I'm NOT writing this through fanboy eyes, as I recognize the first 2 prequels for the drivel they are, especially now more than ever.

First, - and, as far as I'm concerned this is a flat out fact - after a killer opening scroll, the movie starts off a little slow, and by that I do not mean slow action, but slow in the sense that it begins with the same bad dialogue and stale acting that we have come to expect from the prequels. DO NOT LET THIS SCARE YOU. Yes, at first I thought we were all in for another "hahahahaha, Lucas suckered you in yet again to watch this drivel" moment; however, as soon as the true direction and focus of the movie took place, there was more depth and character development than any other movie in the triology, including the almighty Empire Strikes Back. I'd like to go into more detail, but I'm sure many of you haven't seen it and want to go in as fresh as possible.

Do not pass up the opportunity to see this film on the big screen, you will forever regret it.

No kid stuff, an engrossing plot, fantastic special effects, true drama and much better acting results in a movie that when all is said and done is flat out right up there with Empire as the best this entire series has to offer. If you truly, truly cannot stand Hayden Christensen as Anakin, this would be the one drawback that I could understand not being able to get past. But he is definitely much better in this film than the last. I also want everyone to consider this - was Mark Hamill an engrossing Luke? When you think about it, through Episodes IV and V at the very least, Mark Hamill was almost as annoying as Hayden can be, save for Luke's excellent duels with Vader.

The best advice I can give you? Get over your "prequel prejudices", go into this movie with an open mind (I know it's tough) and allow yourself to be re-introduced to the magic of the movies.

I was.
Dark One said:
No kid stuff, an engrossing plot, fantastic special effects, true drama and much better acting results in a movie that when all is said and done is flat out right up there with Empire as the best this entire series has to offer.

Those are bold words. Time will tell I suppose...

If you truly, truly cannot stand Hayden Christensen as Anakin, this would be the one drawback that I could understand not being able to get past. But he is definitely much better in this film than the last. I also want everyone to consider this - was Mark Hamill an engrossing Luke? When you think about it, through Episodes IV and V at the very least, Mark Hamill was almost as annoying as Hayden can be

Oh that's true -- I don't think anyone looks back at the original trilogy for its oscar worthy displays of acting. If I had to draw a list of complaints from Episodes I & II, 'bad acting' would be around the 101st spot. Believe me, there are 100 crap things I could list about episode I before I even mention the acting.

Sure I'll see this, but saying it's better than episode I & II means nothing to me. However, hearing that this is up there with Empire means everything to me. :)
I watched it last night. Had some horrifyingly cheesy dialogue, Hayden Christensen was as awful as ever and Ewan McGregor was surprisingly bad. Still, it was the best of the prequels and was actually a great film overall. I don't know where I place it in terms of the originals, though; they still hold a bit more magic for me, what with me seeing them when I was really young and stuff.

I give it a cracking
Ifurin said:
I watched it last night. Had some horrifyingly cheesy dialogue, Hayden Christensen was as awful as ever and Ewan McGregor was surprisingly bad. Still, it was the best of the prequels and was actually a great film overall. I don't know where I place it in terms of the originals, though; they still hold a bit more magic for me, what with me seeing them when I was really young and stuff.

I give it a cracking

I disagree that Hayden Christensen was awful as a whole. He was still a bit annoying only in spots as far as I'm concerned. I felt his emotions were displayed in much more controlled and genuine manner than they were in episode II. Nowhere near a fantastic acting job or anything, but for what was expected of him I felt it was adequate, and really, that's all I was hoping for, and received.

Ewan McGregor was not surprisingly bad, IMO. Completely disagree. Not the caliber of an Alec Guiness for sure, but he was very, very good in this film and really made me believe that I was watching a young Obi-Wan Kinobi for the first time.

Two more items of note (particularly for you JayKeeley) - Jar Jar Binks utters two words in the ENTIRE film (big plus), and the CGI is used MUCH better in this film. Only in one section did I notice in the entire film that the CGI interfered with an otherwise killer scene (I can discuss that later). :)
I will go see this next week - fuck the weekend crowds, screaming kids etc. I'm working from home so I might duck out and see it on Monday afternoon and grab a backseat!!

Sitting in the center, back row in movie theater >>> any other seat
I'll bet that dude in that one Alanis Morisette song walks around saying "I got blew by GOD!"
cool ... looking forward to this one. will do a JK next week also during the week.

just to give you a sample of the crap dialog from the Sith from this weeks review in Time Out NY:

(a bewildered politician agrees to take newborn Princess Leia because "my wife and I have long talked about adopting a baby girl" .. Thanks, Senator Needless Exposition!)

I moderately liked episodes 1 and 2, but there was just too many little things in them that just annoyed me excessively. However after watching some edits of the first two this week, which each cut out like 15-20 minutes and fixed up some inconsistencies, I was actually somewhat impressed (well, with Ep 2 anyway, ep 1 just has too much wrong overall)

so if 3 is all everyone's saying it is, I'm definitely looking forward to it. I'm checkin' it out on saturday.
lurch70 said:
cool ... looking forward to this one. will do a JK next week also during the week.

just to give you a sample of the crap dialog from the Sith from this weeks review in Time Out NY:

(a bewildered politician agrees to take newborn Princess Leia because "my wife and I have long talked about adopting a baby girl" .. Thanks, Senator Needless Exposition!)


Hmm.... while the dialogue in parts could be filed under "crap", I didn't find anything wrong with that dialogue or scene at all. Jimmy Smits was just fine as Senator Organa, and I found myself wishing his character was expanded even further in the movie.
Chromatose said:
I moderately liked episodes 1 and 2, but there was just too many little things in them that just annoyed me excessively. However after watching some edits of the first two this week, which each cut out like 15-20 minutes and fixed up some inconsistencies, I was actually somewhat impressed (well, with Ep 2 anyway, ep 1 just has too much wrong overall)

so if 3 is all everyone's saying it is, I'm definitely looking forward to it. I'm checkin' it out on saturday.

Where did you come across the "edited" versions? Homemade edits?
Just saw this flick. Yeah, I ducked out of work to catch it before the weekend crowds moved in. :tickled:

Dark One said:
First, - and, as far as I'm concerned this is a flat out fact - after a killer opening scroll, the movie starts off a little slow, and by that I do not mean slow action, but slow in the sense that it begins with the same bad dialogue and stale acting that we have come to expect from the prequels. DO NOT LET THIS SCARE YOU. Yes, at first I thought we were all in for another "hahahahaha, Lucas suckered you in yet again to watch this drivel" moment;

Man, you nailed this on the head. I'd go a step further than you and say that the first third of this film is as much of an abomination as the other two prequels. Just dire, dire dialog/those stupid soldier droids that groan when you shoot them/those stupid droids that cling on to the ship and start picking away bits and pieces....basically the whole rescue sequence was a disaster...ugh, this was 12 year old shit.

Also, did you notice Nathalie Portman on the balcony in her opening scene? Man, they should shoot that lighting director. Those shadows on her face make her look like a burn victim. :loco: What a pig.

however, as soon as the true direction and focus of the movie took place, there was more depth and character development than any other movie in the triology,

So true. As soon as Annakin starts to lean towards the dark side, and Palpatine reveals his true self, the film does a complete 180. It's remarkable -- almost as if they brought in new writers (which they did as I understand it, they asked the older, more knowledgeable fans what they wanted to see and took notice of the suggestions).

Really the key turning point in the film is Mace Windu vs. Palpatine. After that, it is Star Wars as it should be. Very, very cool.

including the almighty Empire Strikes Back.

Yeah, I wouldn't go that far. :tickled: Think about the AT-AT onslaught on Hoth as an opening, and compare it to this stupid rescue of Palpatine bullshit in the elevators. Why did they spend so much time in the bloody elevator shaft? Again, I thought the writing in the first 30 mins was terrible.

Still, some subtle key excellent points:

- the true Star Wars universe starts to reveal itself rather gradually throughout the film (the ships change, the stormtroopers, etc)
- they resurrected Grand Moff Tarkin!!! <- EXCEPTIONALLY COOL TOUCH, especially as they all gaze towards the Death Star in constuction.

Yeah, good film. Where Empire is 10/10, this one's a 7.5/10 I'd say.

Oh yeah, the soundtrack is phenomenal. John Williams has outdone himself.