Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Annakin: Palpatine is really the Sith lord.
Mace Windu: Well damn motherfucker! I know you gots to be a jive talkin' turkey motherfucker.
Annakin: What are we going to do?
Mace: 'We'? There is no 'we'.
Annakin: Well, shouldn't we stop him?
Mace: Stop that crakkker ass motherfucker? Always sending the black man to clean up the white man's mess. Hell no.
Annakin: I suppose I could ask Obi Wan.
Mace: Obi Wan? Nigga owes me $10.

*Mace proceeds to take a bite out of his deep fried womprat*

Mace: Hmm, tastes like momma's chicken.
spaffe said:
I was half expecting some semi-hidden Bush criticism ;)
Actually a lot of people are drawing parallels between Bushy's legacy and this movie. I still haven't seen it. :dixon butts:
One Inch Man said:
Actually a lot of people are drawing parallels between Bushy's legacy and this movie. I still haven't seen it. :dixon butts:

Yeah well it's not very hard to interprete Palpetine's authoritarian take over, with his talk of security and the need to stand united facing a common threat and all that, as a comment on today's events ;)
Does anyone notice the significance of the Palpatine/Anakin scene at the entertainment venue? Combined with tidbits of information from The Phantom Menace you can piece together Anakin's interesting origins. Originally, the script came right out and explained it, but the way the film was made, it leaves a lot up to the viewer's imagination.

There are also a lot of political overtones and this movie is quite a bit deeper than any of the others. Really, the story is amazing and if you just take it at surface value, you're missing a lot of what makes this movie great. Palpatine is such a great character and he weaves a web of truth and lies that is fun to pick your way through. A master manipulator, much of what he told Anakin was true, except that he would help him save Padme, because he obviously wanted her to die. A Sith should not love and when that love is replaced with the ultimate hatred and anger, what do you get? The Darth Vader we all recognize. Had Lucas left in the original dialogue that forces Anakin to turn to the dark side, it would have simply been too blatant (and a copy of Empire), instead there are a lot of undertones left to explore.

Wonderful film.
Does anyone notice the significance of the Palpatine/Anakin scene at the entertainment venue? Combined with tidbits of information from The Phantom Menace you can piece together Anakin's interesting origins.

ooooooooh now that you mention it, yeah, I just figured it was explaining how Palpatine didn't seem to age, but yeah.
he was 18 in the original? I guess that makes sense, since he was talking about "going to the Academy" and shit.

Though does the Academy accept 26 year olds pretending to be 18? :tickled:

I'll see Sith when it comes out on video. Episode 1 and 2 ruined these prequel movies for me. Star Wars was born with A New Hope and died with Return of the Jedi. These new ones are filler.

It's kinda like Bathory's Nordland albums. We know the drill and the story. There's really no need to go back there, and these new ones can never match the original trilogy. These new ones are just guilty pleasures, and ultimately meaningless.

Opeth17 said:
Does anyone notice the significance of the Palpatine/Anakin scene at the entertainment venue?

Apparently not.

I'm going to watch all of the films in a row, perhaps tomorrow. I know I stand alone, I always do, but the prequels fucking rule and may be better than the originals, whether the biased folk can agree or not.
I saw this yesterday, and I was most impressed. Episode III trumps I and II easily, but I still don't think it can compete - much less topple - IV through VI. Great film, though. Sad and thrilling at the same time. :hypno:
Opeth17 said:
Apparently not.

I'm going to watch all of the films in a row, perhaps tomorrow. I know I stand alone, I always do, but the prequels fucking rule and may be better than the originals, whether the biased folk can agree or not.

I also liked the prequels alot. of course the first two arent as good as the originals. but they are still fun to watch.
ah, I read that Aayla Secura was gonna be in it, the actor who plays her even says she would like to.... but she gets shot in the back more than 10 times so I dont see her doing that.

I would like to see Quinlan Vos being in the tv show. He has been huge in the comics and they mention him in the movie. Theres even a comic where he saves a young Han Solo (which is after RotS)

He is in Episode I on Tatooine

He was Aayla Securas Master.

I just spent the weekend trying to get eps I+II to rent for our kid before we see this in the cinema
no joy...i haven't seen II because I fell asleep watching the first

I was my sons age when the original ame out and I was obsessive for quite a few years :tickled:

JayKeeley said:
I thought Hayden Christiensen did a better job, but sadly for him, he can't escape that montonous tone in his voice. I mean, when he went from "Annakin" to "Vader", it's not like he really transformed into anything different (not including the yellow contact lenses). He just delivered the lines in the exact same manner, but with a frown. I think that's the best you're going to get out of him.).

...however we did buy the ps2 game of the movie last week and its pretty good fun
but even in that yer man annakin's voice grates like fuck
he's really bad at the game voice-overs
he is so lame at soundingmenacing when he goes all dark, I mean really fucking wooden ,

JayKeeley said:
I agree that you have to blame the scriptwriters somewhat -- Ewan McGregor is normally a phenomenal actor (just watch Trainspotting), and Natalie Portman was doing better stuff when she was 11 (just watch Leon aka The Professional).

I saw some documentary stuff with mcgregor getting that 'be alec guiness' shit from lucas...I'd blame the direction for the cheezy acting, just like the old ones
lucas should et someone else to direct the dialogue

JayKeeley said:
Of course, Samuel Jackson will always be that bad ass nigga from Pulp Fiction. He's no Jedi, he's a fucking pimp.

haha, you can play as him in the game and he actually uses the line "..and I will strike you down' in such a bad ass pulp ficton way, I nearly let out a bit of wee
E-bortion said:
On a lighter note.... Pod Racers are trippy as fuck when one is gone.

Wow, I was really drunk when I said that. Statement retracted. Pod Racers are fucking gay. :loco: