Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

ha I just heard a phil hendrie radio show segment where his character said that George Lucas hates black people because he once tried to score pot from a black guy and paid 50$ for a baggie of catnip :)

and this led to the theory that Lucas is prejudiced against blacks because

a) the hero is white; Darth Vader is black
b) Darth Vader's obviously black, because his voice is raspy from smoking too many mentholated Kools
This was all already explained in Chasing Amy:

Hooper: Check this shit. You got cracker farm boy Luke Skywalker, Nazi poster boy, blond hair, blue eyes. And then you got Darth Vader, the blackest brother in the galaxy, Nubian god!
Banky Edwards: What's a "Nubian"?
Hooper: Shut the fuck up!

Hooper: For years in this industry, whenever an African American character, hero or villain, was introduced - usually by white artists and writers - they got slapped with racist names that singled them out as Negroes. Now, my book, "White-Hating Coon," don't have none of that bullshit. The hero's name is Maleekwa, and he's descended from the black tribe that established the first society on the planet, while all you European motherfuckers were hiding out in caves and shit, all terrified of the sun. He's a strong role model that a young black reader can look up to. Cause I'm here to tell you, the chickens is coming home to roost, y'all. The black man's no longer gonna play the minstrel in the realm of comics and sci-fi fantasy. We keepin it real, and we gonna get respect by any means necessary.
Holden: Ah, come on, that's a bunch of horse shit! Lando Calrissian was a black guy. You know, and he got to fly the Millennium Falcon, what's the matter with you?
Hooper: Who said that?
Holden: I did! Lando Calrissian is a strong role-model in the realm of science fiction/fantasy.
Hooper: Fuck Lando Calrissian! Uncle-Tom my pals!
Then how does a black man respond to the fact that Darth Vader was over the entire WHITE stormtrooper army?
If you are strong with the force you can become a force spirit. (yoda, obiwan, qui gon.)
Im pretty sure thats how the Emperor takes control of his clone body in the books. He is a Dark Force Spirit.
resurrected palpatine = stupidest thing ever

I think most people (i.e. star wars nerds) generally disregard all of the Dark Horse crap that they spewed out however long ago.

Yoda said he was gonna teach Obi-wan how to do it before they parted ways. I got the idea that he was gonna give him instructions then leave it to him to practice long enough on his own to master it. What I wanna know is why does Uncle Owen hate Anakin so much? They hardly even met. Where's the quote about obi-wan leading Anakin on a 'damned-fool crusade' that Owen says in Ep IV come from? It was like 'Hi I'm Anakin, you suck 'cause you couldn't save my mom, so I'll go do it. Alright, we're outta here.' Did he say a 'btw, Obi-Wan Kenobi is my master and we're gonna go on a crusade to rid the universe of the Sith, peace out bitch'? Maybe it was a deleted scene?

Just a curiosity.
jimbobhickville said:
What I wanna know is why does Uncle Owen hate Anakin so much? They hardly even met. Where's the quote about obi-wan leading Anakin on a 'damned-fool crusade' that Owen says in Ep IV come from? It was like 'Hi I'm Anakin, you suck 'cause you couldn't save my mom, so I'll go do it. Alright, we're outta here.' Did he say a 'btw, Obi-Wan Kenobi is my master and we're gonna go on a crusade to rid the universe of the Sith, peace out bitch'? Maybe it was a deleted scene?

Owen didn't hate Anakin, he hated what Anakin became. Anakin became who he was after becoming the apprentice of Obi-Wann. Luke was Anakin's son. Owen associated what happened with Anakin with Obi-Wann. Owen did not want to see Luke travel the same path as Anakin. Owen therefore did not want Luke to associate with Obi-Wann.

Anakin did follow ol' Obi-Wann on some damn fool idealistic crusade to rid the Republic of the Separatists. The quest turned out to be foolish because it was all an elaborate ruse put together by Palpatine.
Finally saw this, time to read this entire thread since I skipped over a lot to avoid spoilers. I have a lot to say but instead I'm just going to summarize Episode III with 3 words:

One Inch Man said:
Pretty much everything was amazing, but yes. Okay I go watch Episode IV now. :kickass:

Yeah, after seeing it I came home and watched episode IV and V almost back to back, heh.

I'll see RotS again when it's on DVD this winter, but I'll just skip past the first 30 minutes. :grin:

Commence with plan 66.... :loco:
Plan 66 almost made me lose it. :cry: That's what made this movie, the dramatic moments, of which there were many, were EXCELLENT. You felt the pain of the all the characters.

Shoulda been more Wookies, but eh.
Without question the most emotional of the movies.... (in my opinion). I really started to freak out in the theater during the whole "YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE" scene. It was so good that I think my body actually couldn't handle it.