The Clone Wars

I love the harmonica one :lol:

These aren't really funny, but the two or three that were really made me lol.

Oldie but a goodie :lol:


:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Holy fuck :lol:


Lame runners-up:



oh god i love this thread.

I may play through KOTOR for the 4th time this month.
So far I've played as:

Dark Male Soldier Guardian
Dark Female Scout Consular
Light Male Soldier Guardian

Think I may go with Light Female Scoundrel Consular
Qui-Gon: Worst Jedi Ever

The man who is ulimately responsible for the rise of Darth Vader, the fall of the Republic and the deaths of his fellow Jedi's. Good job.
