The Coming Tide

Well said there JayKeeley and Shaye. Being in the older range myself; I have to pipe in and agree with you two. Many more bands back in the day and I personally think over all they were better back then. Don't get me wrong. I am not trying to live in the past or anything. I love the bands today also and include a couple of them in my all time list of favoirtes. But you really need to have lived then to have a real prespective of the different era's. So two points for the old folks and zero for the young LOL. Just kidding. We are all brothers and sisters with this love of music. Peace to all.
Originally posted by JayDubya
Right on Shaye!!!!!! For someone who was BORN in 1982, they don't have too much of a perspective, other than historical, and all those 80's compilation cd commercials. I graduated highschool in 1982, and went to my first real concert in 1979 (AC/DC w/Bon Scott with Pat Travers opening the show). Back then there was rock, metal, and thrash as sub genres. That era was quite FUN!
The musical atmosphere was much friendlier too!
You hit the nail on the head Shaye. Good job! :)

well, speaking personally, I was born at the tail end of 1979, but I'm with you guys. to me, when an album was released is a BIG factor in how impressed with it i will be. it takes a lot more for recent albums to blow me away, whereas i can fully appreciate how cool, say, "Immigrant Song" is and how groundbreaking it must have been for 1970. I always try to find the innovators of a genre instead of proclaiming how great some new band is only to find they're just rehashing a bunch of stuff that's already been done five times already...

Ryan (on an unrelated note, I'd forgotten how just damn COOL this CD i've got on right now is... for any death metal fans out there [or even if you aren't]...)
Yah, I was 14 when I saw my first metal show... 1986, DIO & Rough Cutt !!!

I'm also a guilty one.. hell, I still listen to a lot of 80s metal... from anything like Obsession to Anthrax to Cinderella... sorry, I like it all.

I'm currently listening to the new Dark Tranquility and the new Arthemis (new power metal - a must, these guys are incredible).
Originally posted by Wishmaster
I often think how cool it would have been if I had been old enough in the 70s and 80s to go to those shows and appreciate the music while it was in its heyday. I'll just have to live vicariously through your memories. :)

For a whippersnapper, you at least understand these things. ;) I just hate it for all of y'all who didn't even start listening to Metallica 'til after they started sucking.

To be honest, I really only came into my own as far as musical tastes go at the end of the 80's, but it was hard not to hear any Twisted Sister, Motley Crue, Whitesnake, Quiet Riot, etc., etc., in the early- to mid-80's. I still remember watching the videos for "We're Not Gonna Take It," "I Wanna Rock," and "Bang Your Head (Metal Health)" (whatever its proper title is!) when I was just a wee lass meself. :)

Oh, and btw, my first metal show would have been in '88: Yngwie, Lita, and Black 'N Blue!

A lot depends on where you grew up too. I'm sure each of us who lived through the era have different attachments based on where we lived at the time (and I mean this on a global scale).

We have to respect the fact the scene differed depending on whether you grew up in the USA, England, Brazil, Germany etc. To say the scene is better now is too much of a sweeping statement for such a global kinship.

Metal music of today serves a strong purpose of reminiscence for those who lived, breathed, and kicked ass in the 70's and 80's. It may be different now, but that's only because something so organic naturally has to evolve. The roots are firmly planted however.
Originally posted by JayDubya
........went to my first real concert in 1979 (AC/DC w/Bon Scott with Pat Travers opening the show).......

JW, I saw this tour. I'm still a big Travers fan to this day(a friend in Texas just sent me an autographed Black Pearl mouse Pad......hehe)

And it would appear that I'm even older than you are. I graduated H.S. in '80.

Can't wait to get together again in Atlanta. Don't forget to find me.

Originally posted by Kez
JW, I saw this tour. I'm still a big Travers fan to this day(a friend in Texas just sent me an autographed Black Pearl mouse Pad......hehe)

And it would appear that I'm even older than you are. I graduated H.S. in '80.

Can't wait to get together again in Atlanta. Don't forget to find me.


Too bad Schleg isn't making the trip down this year. Or is he?
It was cool meeting you last year, I WILL find you.
That was a GREAT show in 79, and sadly Bon died not long after that tour :(

J-Dubya - Physically younger than Jax, but menatl age ranges from 6 to 60:)

p.s. Travers ROCKS!