The Craziest Fucking band You know of

Man, as far as really just fucking sick and bloody shows, "The Bad Luck 13 Riot Extravaganza". Anyone fron Philly or Baltimore will back me up. They're now split up, but THE MOST violent, brutal shows. The cops came to about 80% of they're shows to break shit up, or arrest they're asses.
Battletorn is pretty damn nuts. Imagine if Hirax decided to start playing like Toxic Holocaust and got Sean Killian from Vio-lence's 10 year old sister to yell and shout on vocals. The songs are insanely rabid and the speed just doesn't let up. Everything is pretty much at grindcore song length, very punky in spirit.

It's as if the two guys in the band just tear you to shreds in a bloody mess wth insanity, and the chick just yells insults at you like a little kid as you lay dying.

EDIT: The ironic part is, even though lyrics aren't that big of a deal to me; Battletorns lyrics, as juvenile and crazy as the band's sound is, are incredibly well written and thought out. I was pretty surpirsed.

EDIT 2: Another crazy album (*wonders if Grimace listens to this*) would be...Dystopia's "The Aftermath..."

EDIT 3: Watchmaker as well...
nope, not really. the start of what i heard at mftb showed promise, but i just didnt dig it live.

ill check seepia (spelling?) out at some stage this week and we will see how that goes. it might be something to try recorded rather than live.
misfit said:
nope, not really. the start of what i heard at mftb showed promise, but i just didnt dig it live.

ill check seepia (spelling?) out at some stage this week and we will see how that goes. it might be something to try recorded rather than live.

Worth a shot, though it's very obscure and hard to listen to. I just can't understand how you didn't dig the live setting. I realize that the mixing on the day was godawful and you couldn't hear a fucking note, but I thought the stage presence more than made up for it.
Jean-Pierre said:
Dystopia's "The Aftermath..."

I distinctly remember searching for this before my PC crashed, but I hadn't found it yet. I'm gonna get some right now... (go, soulseek, go!)

Also, for a pseudo-related reccommendation, check out Dysrhythmia. They're on Relapse, but they're more progressive jam-art-rock/metal than grind or -core. They're mad, though.

And check out E. Elias Merhige's 1991 brain-warping masterpiece film "Begotten". The first shot is an ethereal black and white view of a god/The God disembowling himself with a straightrazor. Listen preferably while enjoying the new Ephel Duath, like I just did. There's no dialogue anyway, just a minimalist soundtrack.
'Man, as far as really just fucking sick and bloody shows, "The Bad Luck 13 Riot Extravaganza". Anyone fron Philly or Baltimore will back me up. They're now split up, but THE MOST violent, brutal shows. The cops came to about 80% of they're shows to break shit up, or arrest they're asses.'

yea, those guys were absolutely fucking nuts. i saw a clip of them live. the bass player kicked the singer in the head and then threw him onto a table that was on fire. some other band mates picked him up and then broke a bottle over his head and cut his face with a broken lightbulb.