The Crypto Cult, meet at Bohemian Grove Come Dusk

This currency is so stable that a single billionaire making a negative tweet can cause wide sell panic.

I dont know who is dumber, Tesluts, The CryptoCult, or my dumb ass for trying a third RIOT flip. May be holding this shit for awhile. Fuckkkkk Youuuui Elon!
Well this tanking is an opportunity to get a small position in some horse shit. I dont have much faith in this clown money aside from the faith that millions of others have and WILL continue to flood money into it.

Hoping for another ADA nose dive, shit dropped to $1.05 this morning before rebounding.

I mined a bit of Dogecoin back in the day. If I'd been clever and converted back/forth with Bitcoin at the right times I could've doubled what I had or some shit. Instead I converted the majority to Bitcoin at not such great times, lost a bit along the way. Still got a decent chunk, but need to sit on it for longer before it's worth skimming a portion off ta cash.

For now I'm watching for a good time to buy another lil load o' the horse manure. Throwing money in a hole for fun to see what happens.
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Ten years to the day since our cherished colleague Mark Haines passed away, CNBshit is honoring him by auctioning an NFT of his historic market call at the depths of the Great Recession.

He called a bottom in the stock market at 9:47 a.m. ET on March 10, 2009. At a time when the markets were in complete chaos, Mark was a voice of reason. Mark famously said, "I think we're at a bottom, I
really do."

He was absolutely right. The S&P had hit its low of 666. A year after what lovingly became known as "the Haines bottom," the index was up 73%.

Proceeds from the auction will go to a charity that Mark supported and remains near and dear to his family, Rotor Rooters for Belle's BathWater Local 762. A Southern Coalition for Plumbers looking for brighter bathwater to run their snakes through.

This NFT is the actual video and sound of Mark's call as it happened, uniquely rendered by some of CNBC's most creative producers and editors to become a piece of digital art.

In addition to the main NFT auction, 50 GIFs marking the "bottom call" are also being sold at $1,000 each.

Mark, who died unexpectedly at age 65 (did he plan on living forever?) on May 24, 2011, was a CNBC original: He started at the business news network the year it all began — 1989. We miss him very much. (Y'all probably dont give a murkrat's arse.)

The auction began at 9 a.m. ET Monday, the anniversary of his death, and closes on Wednesday at 10:30 a.m.

Go to Mintable ( to participate and to help raise money for two great causes. We would like to add that CNBC is also working with a firm called Aerial to make sure that anything we do in the NFT space is carbon neutral.
I pulled out a 69% gain I made on a piddly pile of BTC I put into the Binance exchange 6 months ago, only possible because Cardano bounced up nicely this week. Of course it's not actually a gain unless I manage not to fumble the original amount which I've kept in there for more horseplay.
I invest my money in BTC because it is safer than keeping it in dollars. I have been investing in cryptocurrency since 2015, and it was the best decision in my life. It was hard initially, and I lost a lot of money. Luckily I found some average trading secrets, so I could avoid some mistakes that beginners in trading make. Nowadays, I have a lot of experience in this domain, and I can easily predict what the best cryptocurrencies are profitable to invest in. I have transformed trading from a hobby, to the primary source of income.
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