The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

Yeah we make some great cheddar over here. My uncle used to drive trucks for Galloway Creamery, which meant we used to get massive chunks of cheese for free. Sometimes it wouldn't fit into the fridge.

That's how a like-a ma cheese!
It's one of those quaint yet attractive things that Italian cuisine remains curiously insular.

I like it though, it's a refreshing change from "anything you want, anytime".
Have you ever eaten cheddar cheese melted over apple pie. I friend of mine says it's a UK thing. He's been trying to get to eat it but I'm a little hesitant.
sorry to get back on track
It's one of those quaint yet attractive things that Italian cuisine remains curiously insular.

It strikes me how completely clueless Italians are about cuisine, however. It's so ironic that being such great chefs, they're completely blind to anything that doesn't start with a P and end in an A.

Never, never, EVER EEEEVVVVAAAARRRR go out to eat in a foreign country with Italian people. You will kill them before the night is over.