The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

Popeye! One of his eyes is bad from an infection when he was a kitten, so, that's why his name is Popeye.
Is Popeye's Chicken & Biscuits now called Popeye's Louisiana Kitchen? Wtf is going on? The commercials I see now are for "Louisiana Kitchen" and their website has that under the logo as well.

No, they were probably trying to make the food appear better, since the food in Louisiana is just about the best thing to eat in the entire US, with a few exceptions. But saying Popeye's is anything near food in Louisiana is like saying Olive Garden is good Italian food.
I fuckin' take mirror pics the instant I walk through the door. I don't even bother taking off my backpack.

Also, quite interesting to see Dead Winter chummin' it up in this thread he hates so much.... talking about the fresh new topic of the US and Italy.

edit - too tired for typing properly
Also, quite interesting to see Dead Winter chummin' it up in this thread he hates so much.... talking about the fresh new topic of the US and Italy.

edit - too tired for typing properly

Never said I hated it...just that it's boring. Didn't know teh innanet was such an important tool to base one's opinion on one's proclivities.

And while we're at it, what does Louisiana have to do with Italy? Or was it the mention of Olive Garden? Should I just boycott speaking about The Godfather or Ferrari as well? What about Letaetia Casta or Cristina Scabbia? Oh yeah, they're hot chicks but we can't talk about them because they're Italian. Sorry to offend your sensibilities.

I can soak up as many spears as people want to throw at me, but the point is that they're throwing spears and taking up a position on something interesting, not "here I am jumping off this embankment...oh and here I am jumping off my car...and here I am just jumping." If you're gonna have a jumping thread, why not make it a, "Jumping With Big Tits" thread? It would at least be more interesting.

Just my opinion. Am I allowed to have that, too, or could it be construed that I'm speaking about Italy?

I should just leave this's obvious I don't fit in with any of you and that you would rather not have to put up with my wacked-out opinions anymore since I annoy everyone. I'll still lurk but probably won't post anything significant aside from a lol here or wtf there. Sorry, but I'm just outspoken...can't help it if I have strong opinions.
my hair started growing back after chemo, so since I rocked a neal-esque metal beard for like 4 years, thought I'd switch up my steeze and start anew with a kid toucher mustache.
