The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

Hey it's cool man. None of this really bothers me in the slightest bit. I'd like to think that if it did I'd have the sense enough not to associate myself with it. You and me we're kinda the same. We don't give a shit about telling people something if we believe it's true, good or bad. But yeah, apology accepted, for sure :kickass:

As for the band... it'll be cool. It doesn't always work out all the time, and it totally gets frustrating looking for members. ESPECIALLY singers. I've been in the same boat before and that whole ordeal is a total pain in the ass. It's pretty fucking difficult to find the guy that can do the things you want from a singer, AND be a cool enough guy to know on a nearly day to day basis. For my band, it was almost worth it to us to do vocals ourselves, even though we wouldn't be able to pull it off as greatly as we'd liked, than to go through the whole auditioning process (another totally terrible part of the ordeal) and ultimately just waste time. Eventually we found the right guy, and as it turns out it's a guy we'd all known for years and was a great person. Just gotta be patient and persistent and things will happen. Good luck mang.

I think I'm just going to practice singing and playing at the same time. It's fucking difficult with these songs, though...odd time signatures, polyrhythms, etc. If all else fails, we'll just sample the damn vocals and play live anyway. It's lame, but it'd be a good way for shopping for vocalists.

Thanks for the kind words. Musicians tend to be able to feel each other's pain, :lol: :headbang:.
Haha, YEAH. They're not exactly growing on trees here. Plus, the album is his baby so I'll probably end up either singing and playing guitar or finding a new guitarist and sing myself. The thing is, the guitar parts in this album are pretty tricky...not really difficult but they have to have a particular touch. I've been practicing for a year to match the touch that he used on the album and it's still not perfect. He played every instrument and sang on this album as it started as his solo project a couple of years ago. Most guitarists don't have the time and/or have too big of an ego to let a drummer tell them how to play, even though the drummer is a fucking musical genius.

It's so irritating, man. People here are fucking imagination. They want their black and death metal and that's about it.
i thought one dude did it all? cant he switch to guitar and vocals or something?

Then who's gonna play the drums? All the really good drummers here are either busy with other bands, teaching drums in conservatory, or just fucking lazy drunks.

It's a big shit sandwich and I'm just gonna have to take a bite. If I could find another guitarist/drummer, I would've done it a long time ago, but ppl here are very narrow minded when it comes to metal. They want to play their own stuff and that's it...very little imagination.

I've been trying to contort this band in some way, shape, or form and hit a dead end every time I try.

Now I think I'm just gonna have to start breaking balls to all the labels and try to get signed and see if they'll come after that. We were kinda waiting to try and get the live set ready before really whoring ourselves out to all the labels, but now we have no choice.
id probably go with programmed drums with live vocals before i went with taped vocals and live drums, unless you think you can lipsync haha.

I thought the same, but the dynamic of this band is really centered around rhythms and drums. Even with the singer, the instruments are going to be at the forefront. It's kinda strange; the frontman in this band will be more of another instrument rather than someone being a "frontman", I guess.

Think of it like Meshuggah. The singer does a really good job, but you'd enjoy the show even without the singer.
Like on Emperor? cause I thought his screams on The Adversary were... eehhh
I guess I'm youtubeing Burton C Bell

do they make xlr to usb converters?
I couldn't do it to Emanuele. It's his baby and he'll play completely by himself if he has to, but he'll be playing drums no matter what.
UFO SHIT THREAD that no one will see said:
hang loose, brah