The Daily Camera/ Mirror picture

Day after the surgery. Major headache, little fever (hence the towel on my head) and lots of swelling of the nose.


Feels like breaking my nose all over again, but worse.

When they were trying to find a vein for my anesthesia, they tried 3 different spots. Back of my hand, wrist, and inner elbow. After proding around in the back of my hand (Which by the way is probably the worst spot to try 4 times to find a vein) and after 3 times in the wrist, they finally decided to hit the inner elbow, which worked.

So I'm sure tomorrow or the next day will have me with a giant fucking bruise on that hand you see here.
I'll say! Remarkably enough, and maybe you don't see this, but it looks like the damn thing almost swelled into the shape of a bandage, or strip of gauze of some kind.

I had the packing removed this morning, but there's still two plastic splints up there until the 3rd.
I'm not even drugged. I could REALLY use some good drugs. I'm thinking I'll hit up the oxycodone after the tylenol ultra dissipates.
Having to change the dressing under my nose every hour or two is a fucking nuisance.
Then who's gonna play the drums? All the really good drummers here are either busy with other bands, teaching drums in conservatory, or just fucking lazy drunks.

It's a big shit sandwich and I'm just gonna have to take a bite. If I could find another guitarist/drummer, I would've done it a long time ago, but ppl here are very narrow minded when it comes to metal. They want to play their own stuff and that's it...very little imagination.

I've been trying to contort this band in some way, shape, or form and hit a dead end every time I try.

Now I think I'm just gonna have to start breaking balls to all the labels and try to get signed and see if they'll come after that. We were kinda waiting to try and get the live set ready before really whoring ourselves out to all the labels, but now we have no choice.
Want a keyboardist? ship me to Italy :loco:
So I ended up back at the hospital at some point this morning... Was loosing a lot of blood, fainted, but just in time called the ambulance and unlocked the door. Turns out the incision came undone... AGAIN. This happened a few hours AFTER the surgery, too. So they put another gigantic plug (about the size of your pointer finger) up my nose, doesn't come out until Friday.

So I'm not only in a lot of discomfort now, but also feeling overly weak.

This better not all be for nothing.
So I ended up back at the hospital at some point this morning... Was loosing a lot of blood, fainted, but just in time called the ambulance and unlocked the door. Turns out the incision came undone... AGAIN. This happened a few hours AFTER the surgery, too. So they put another gigantic plug (about the size of your pointer finger) up my nose, doesn't come out until Friday.

So I'm not only in a lot of discomfort now, but also feeling overly weak.

This better not all be for nothing.

What the fuck? This is borderline malpractice.
So I ended up back at the hospital at some point this morning... Was loosing a lot of blood, fainted, but just in time called the ambulance and unlocked the door. Turns out the incision came undone... AGAIN. This happened a few hours AFTER the surgery, too. So they put another gigantic plug (about the size of your pointer finger) up my nose, doesn't come out until Friday.

So I'm not only in a lot of discomfort now, but also feeling overly weak.

This better not all be for nothing.

:cry: I hope they got it right this time. Damn Doctors! *hugs*