The Deathest Games of All Time


Viking: Battle for asgard is a pretty brutal game in an Amon Amarth/Unleashed kind of way :)
sweet, brutal legend sounds like a decent rental (i have a ps3)

is battle for asgard out yet? it looks like it might be pretty cool, oh wait.....i know that game, i heard it was terrible :(

im excited for starcraft 2 :), beyond all reason
ps3 is the shit, as long as you get one with backwards compatibilty.... (i have a 60 gig, upgraded the HD to about 300Gig)

i have a great PC too though :)
yeah thats true too, i do have quite a few games on ps3 right now

metal gear solid 4 (i dont care what anyone says this game was perfect)
demons souls
ninja gaiden
disgaea 3
super street fighter 4
resident evil 5
assassins creed 1
assassins creed 2
bioshock 2
dynasty warriors 6
army of two
condemed 2 (sucks)
guitar hero 3

thats all i can think of

FU JOCKE, postjumped by seconds :( :lol: