The Deathest Games of All Time

sweet, brutal legend sounds like a decent rental (i have a ps3)

is battle for asgard out yet? it looks like it might be pretty cool, oh wait.....i know that game, i heard it was terrible :(

im excited for starcraft 2 :), beyond all reason

I played the Star Craft 2 beta and was throughly disappointed. I can't be a fan of an RTS that is simplistic enough that I can go into it and win 22 out of 24 matches without having played the first ones since the year it came out.

I love Blizzard, but this game is overrated.
yeah thats true too, i do have quite a few games on ps3 right now

metal gear solid 4 (i dont care what anyone says this game was perfect)
demons souls
ninja gaiden
disgaea 3
super street fighter 4
resident evil 5
assassins creed 1
assassins creed 2
bioshock 2
dynasty warriors 6
army of two
condemed 2 (sucks)
guitar hero 3

thats all i can think of

FU JOCKE, postjumped by seconds :( :lol:

Metal Gear Solid 4 was total satan åsome, not the msot challenging game ever but damn it was entertaining! :D
^judging a game based on beta is pretty tarded though, lots of people who got into beta never even played the first game

True, but nonetheless the near to release functionalities of the game / faction tiers left a lot to be desired. I'd rather go back and play Age of anything to get my RTS fix.
I played the Star Craft 2 beta and was throughly disappointed. I can't be a fan of an RTS that is simplistic enough that I can go into it and win 22 out of 24 matches without having played the first ones since the year it came out.

I love Blizzard, but this game is overrated.

First of all, you clearly played it on too easy a difficulty then, and judged it as simple without ramping it up, that is the fault of the player. I get completely owned by hard CPU's and I was really good at the first one. With time I can probably win some matches, but the CPU is training for Multiplayer which is the real challenge.

Blizzard said from the beginning that SC2 would be extremely similar to the first one, because that's what most the players wanted. If they would has ass-fucked Starcraft the way they did with WC3 (which could have been called 'Doctor Ogg's Hero Madness' and no one would know it was a Warcraft game) and done away with the SC feel, I doubt I'd like it.
First of all, you clearly played it on too easy a difficulty then, and judged it as simple without ramping it up, that is the fault of the player. I get completely owned by hard CPU's and I was really good at the first one. With time I can probably win some matches, but the CPU is training for Multiplayer which is the real challenge.

Blizzard said from the beginning that SC2 would be extremely similar to the first one, because that's what most the players wanted. If they would has ass-fucked Starcraft the way they did with WC3 (which could have been called 'Doctor Ogg's Hero Madness' and no one would know it was a Warcraft game) and done away with the SC feel, I doubt I'd like it.

My matches were against other actual players, there was no single player in the beta.
Ahh, well in that case nevermind. lol. It's the other players faults then, those assholes.

You can enable CPU's with a launcher btw, and they can be uber-hard.
Meh, I never really play RTS's for the single player unless I'm just picking up a game fresh in order to not make an ass of myself by not knowing what is going on.
Yeah me too. I am kind of bothered that the campaign is 3 seperate games though, I don't want to have to wait to play Zerg.

Of course in Blizzards usual tradition the Protoss is last so I guess they win the war for everyone(Humans suck in every blizzard game I swear). Thank fuck Protoss are cooler than those god damn retarded Night Elves though.
Oh, there is also Prototype. While this game ended up lacking due to a clunky targeting system and repetition, it is brutal nonetheless. There is an achievement / trophy for kill 50 characters in 5 seconds...and its easy to do. That says enough.


