The Democratic Party Makes Me Sick


Logic Dictates
Oct 20, 2001
Pittsburgh, Pa
First, let me say that I know both the republican & democrat parties are corrupt. That is a gimmee. All political parties across the world are imbedded in corruption.

With that being said, I will explain why the democratic party is the worse of the 2 evils.

Because they are a party of division. The dems method for earning the citiziens votes is based upon, "Us vs. Them."

Rich against Poor
Black against White
Men against Women
The elderly against the youth

This is not my opinion. These are facts. This is how they campaign and advertise. I will never forget the DNC's commercial that aired across the US depicting the dragging to death of a black man and the ad's purpose and meaning? That if one votes republican one supports the dragging to death of a black man.


They also have ads depicting senior citizens going without medicine or food, women with rights taken away, etc.

Just to get a vote.

Abe Lincoln said it best, "A house that is divided, is a house that will fall."

I rest my case on what Abe said.

The democratic party makes me sick.
Matthew 12:25

"Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, 'Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand."

You immitate those you mock.

EDIT: But yes I do agree with you, the democratic party is nauseating.
Agh, jesus, they did that? That's it, I'm changing my voting status to Republican.....I was thinking about doing this anyway, since the Democratic party doesn't seem to be doing anything for the people (actually, they're doing more for themselves) yeah, I think I'll go Republican now...

I do think the Democratic party was good when it was around Kennedy's time. But now I think this party is outdated, and it either needs a hell of a tune-up, or needs to be abolished altogether.
Originally posted by Thorstadt
Matthew 12:25

"Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, 'Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand."

You immitate those you mock.

EDIT: But yes I do agree with you, the democratic party is nauseating.

I said that? Wow.. was a long time ago..
Bush is human like the rest of us. What I admire is the fact that he didn't try to cover the story up.

There is no doubt in my mind that Clit-on had a few embarrassing moments, but in all of his media savy, and the US media is biased towards the dems, he was able to brush those mishaps under the rug.

I'll take a pretzel choker over a pathological liar any day of the week.
I'm not one to say, since I'm not an American citizen...but as Greg Graffin of Bad Religion stated:

"We would be better off having that monkey starring against Reagan as president"

Actually I don't know. Bush just comes off as a retard sometimes. But he has been handling the current situation brilliant. So I guess he is a good president, flaws and all...
Originally posted by Scytheman
The Republicans have Bush though...that's nauseating enough...choking on a pretzel, hehehehe....
Answer this question.
If George W. Bush had died choking on that pretzel, would the government tell the public? Do you realizing how embarassing that would have been for the US as a nation?
Bush really is a moron, and I can't stand Gore, so I jsut didn't vote.

Examples of Bush being a fucking idiot are pretty clear when you read anything biographical about he was a drug-using alchoholic until he turned 40, about his multiple failed business partnerships set up by his father (who was the head of the CIA at the time) he abused his governership to help his businesses (example: the baseball team he owned wanted to buy a piece of land between their stadium and a nearby Six Flags theme park...this was a valuable piece of property...He sets up the Texas Sports Commission with a friend of his at the head and forces the owner to sell to him at about half of what other offers had been)

Originally posted by JesusChristPose
First, let me say that I know both the republican & democrat parties are corrupt. That is a gimmee. All political parties across the world are imbedded in corruption.

With that being said, I will explain why the democratic party is the worse of the 2 evils.

Because they are a party of division. The dems method for earning the citiziens votes is based upon, "Us vs. Them."

Rich against Poor
Black against White
Men against Women
The elderly against the youth

This is not my opinion. These are facts. This is how they campaign and advertise. I will never forget the DNC's commercial that aired across the US depicting the dragging to death of a black man and the ad's purpose and meaning? That if one votes republican one supports the dragging to death of a black man.
You mean they shouldn't point out that Republicans are screwing over -- not just poor people -- but middle-class people? They shouldn't point out that Republicans have always, and continue to, bristle at the thought of race and gender equality? You don't realize that Republicans pretend to care about historically Democratic issues (because polls show the country actually prefers Democratic stances), all the while doing just the opposite in actual policy?

The remarks of everyone on this thread show a complete lack of attention paid to the real issues -- the ones they don't report in a splashy headline on 20/20.

The Democrats aren't perfect either, but for none of the reasons listed here -- and reasons far more trivial than the flaws of Republicans.
let me say right now that bush is a jackass. sure, he didn't cover up his little pretzel incident, but he's just passing laws through congress to enable him to keep some very essential and important information from the public.

and he is not handling this situation very well. there have been thousands of muslim-american citizens who have been dragged from their homes without warrants and thrown into jail without any charges. if this is the gov't under a genius, then i'm scared.
Bush is a retarded jackass, and it makes me sick that enough people voted for him that he could slip in, even if it was on a technicality (i.e. electoral votes). The republican party is a bunch of rich white christian conservatives trying to fuck over the rest of us because we don't believe what they believe. Fuck'em.

Especially the last two replies. It is funny how most US citizens react to political issues without ever researching the facts...and then spew remarks as such typed here.

I also find it rather interesting when people can't separate one issue from another.

I didn't post this to change people's minds about what political party to support. I posted facts. Facts about a DNC that continues to divide america in any means possible, and it makes me sick at times when I think about it or read about it.

If one read my initial post on this thread with an open-mind and without subjectivess, one would come to the conclusion, and rightly so, that the post had only to do with the means by which the democratics try to obtain votes. Any other issue raised is inferred by the reader.

Still.... I think it is :cool:
JCP - I could spend a year digging up facts on ALL political parties - and the ways they obtain votes. Personally - I just don't like to follow politics. It's a necessary evil, but no one has a solution for a perfectly run political party. I'll cast my vote like all good Americans should, because it's my right. I'll research what I need to form an opinion on a candidate, then cast my vote. The whole system of campaigning is hilarious - I only care about a candidates past track record in life.

So let them try by any means to get votes. Since most Americans are too blind to see campaigning as a politicians way of advertising, and can't look at the people behind the campaigning masks, then we will continue to vote in presidents because they played the sax on TV (or something else like that)
I heard that when Clinton was in office, he spent so much money on parties for the press, trying to win them over. What a dumb ass. And like sooooo man perversion diversions went on hehe like black hawk down, and the floods that went on in honderus. They said like 100,000 people died of the flood. And I know a man that flew helicopters there, and he said that it was hardly nothing, and only very little died. The media is full of it. You have to go somewhere else for facts.