The Desert Island Thread


Apr 13, 2002
I hereby sponsor mousewings' idea of a thread where we pick someone for a desert island trip and we motivate the choice.

My lucky one would be *drum roll*



a) he comes from a culture where heavy drinking is accepted, therefore he won't look upon my bad habits with contempt

b) he always wants to talk to me on msn and he uses the funniest old english

c) he's the only living entity to ever have addressed me as "milady" and he also said it sounded good when i replied with "milord"

d) he doesn't complain about my obsession with power

e) he's got a great sense of humor

f) his only problem is that he has long hair but this can be done away with.

if there is a spare suitcase pocket i'd also take rahvin, to act as a garden dwarf. :)

I'm with Ormir on this one, i can't put less than five in me suitcase (so, my suitcase is big, what's your freakin prob?!?).
Yay! Thanks for using my thread idea...

Hmm... perhaps we could have categories like the original did. Don't look down from the starting post. :p The idea here is much "cleaner" though. :D
Originally posted on that other forum
Who would you take:
a) For conversation?
b) For sex?
c) For entertainment?
d) For survial skills?
e) For whatever reason you want!

This looks good! :lol:
Originally posted by Siren
Isn't somehow a) and b) summed up in c)? :confused: :p
Take rahvin for example. He is good for entertainment, but I sure as hell wouldn't make passionate love to him, or entertain a deep discussion. :puke: :p
@ormir: :D

well, for me there's the obvious choice (rei toei) and the more interesting one (for you readers). as for the second, if i had to pick one single individual i'd go with hedon, because:

a. he knows a lot about my favourite band

b. he's bound to reveal all sorts of secret information to me during the long hours we'd spend there

c. he can play the guitar, in case we find one

d. he can make the most beautiful works of art on a fully equipped comp, in case we find one that works on solar energy

e. he's very relaxed about mp3-sharing

f. in times of need, he can quote eighteenth century poets

now for the special needs:

..conversation --> hyena (who else?) --> |ngenius :p

..entertainment --> dark_jester

..survival skills --> misanthrope

..special reason: he's grim --> ormir

rahvin. (marooned)
Well, if I can choose freely, I will choose Andrea Corr for obvious reasons (her oratory capabilities, I mean). If I must choose a fellow of the board, he will be Phyros.


A) Andrea Corr is chupi. / Phyros is chupi. (Quite logic reason)

B) Andrea Corr is chupi. / Phyros is an old and lovely bandmate (At The Flames rules!)

C) Andrea Corr is chupi. / Phyros can teach me swedish.

D) Andrea Corr is chupi / Phyros don't inspire me for sex (luckily).

E) Andr... (hey, since I haven't met her personally, what do you expect?!) / Phyros knows everything in mysterious islands.

@Now for special needs:

-Conversation: Final_Vision.

-Sex: Rahvin (Oh, I always suspected about your sexual inclinations!)

-Entertainment: Miolo. (Because I selected Ormir, but I thought it better, and Miolo chose me, so I choose him. An adult reason, indeed). :p

-Survival Skills: Siren (She's my teacher, she knows everything about skills and surviving, generally speaking)

-Special Reason: Rei Toei and her harem of cats, because they're a special choir. And Rei is my personal chef.

|ng (Always living in his own desert island)
i'd take Villain with me because:

a) he can teach me a lot of things about dark tranquillity that i don't even imagine.

b) he is finnish. (now, this is a reason! :p )

c) he would organize any sort of survivor we can think of, so i wouldn't be bored. :D

d) he has a very subtle sense of humor.

e) he is chupi. (err... i was run out of reasons :p )

As for the special needs:

-conversation: |ngenius.

-sex: Hedon. :D

-entertainment: rahvin.

-survival skills: hyena.

-special reason: he's english ---> Dark_Jester.

Woo! I was chosen twice! All this fame is going to my head...the power...THE ABSOLUTE POWER!!! (three guesses as to which disney movie i was watching last night ;)). Expect my list later.
Oh, and Hyena? My heart swoons with thine adoring praise, milady ;) :D
Miolo, only to chat? Think it better, if Rahvin selected me as a bed partner for the island, he surely have a good reason to. :D I can share my bedtime. ;)

Btw: I've changed my preferences, editing the last post. :rolleyes:

|ngenius (The unconstant robot)
I would take Ormir..


a) His "humour" seems to be little bit like mine.

b) He could take his Potion of Life aka. Liquid of fire collection with him to the island.

c) Man is 17. so he must have massive.. ..entertainment.. magazine collection. :) So we could relax when we want.. but seperatly, offcourse. Into different corners of Island to have some luxury..but wiping onto mags not allowed!

d) If we need food, we can just scream:
We´re part of Legions of perkele, please grant us some pizzas!
Backwards, if you please.

e) If get too bored we can have (with his Potion of Life) natural death of Finn.
Originally posted by Miolo
i'd take Villain with me because:
b) he is finnish. (now, this is a reason! :p )

I didn't know we Finns are so renowned for our sexual abilities... :p

Oh, and Rahvin, how do you think you could survive with Misanthrope on a deserted island? Try to sneak on him, hit him with your axe and roast him on camp-fire? Otherwise you'd be dead sooner than you can say "bu".

I need to think my choices for a while still.
