The Desert Island Thread

What do you mean I'm a rambler? Why in my day we used to have a lil respect for our elders...not like you FISH these, no...well, buttons I say...buttons!
Can someone take me home now? :(
Ok jeez.

1. Conversation
I'd have to go with D_J, we talk on MSN all the time about uselesss crap, Im sure we could do the same on an island (although that fucking accent would get annoying :p)

Myself!!! :D :D No one knows how to please me as much as myself. :) :) :p Or, Thanatos.

3. Entertainment.
Maybe Hyena, Mousie, or Rahvin. I always seem to have conversations with these people that entertain me. Maybe Ben for slapstick entertainment, possibly Thanatos it would be entertaining to watch him kill himself.

4. Survival.
ME!!!!!! I am also well versed in many survival skills (fishing, building fires, shelter, hunting).


a) I would finally find some time to answer him in a decent while

b) I like finnish vodka

c) Don't know why but my villain-idea is close to the californian-european surfer-idea. take it easy but think it over. Cool

d) Sense of humour and courage and beautiful things

e) I can imagine he has tons of (blonde) finnish friends

As for the special needs:

-conversation: rahve

-sex: all the swedes on (the) board. Can't make up my mind, and there's no dane;)

-entertainment: Ingenius and FatVic

-survival skills: hyena

-special reason: thanatos for his humour, mel&siren for their kindness...somebody else I forgot...
Nick, two things:
Firstly, my accent is not it sexy, alluring and just all round cool, you're just jealous :grin:
And secondly, that wasn't slapstick, you slapped me WITH a stick! A baseball bat! I do not find that funny!
...actually, on second thoughts, it was kinda cool ;)

Expect my choice to be written up soon...
two people are commending my survival skills already, but i fail to see the point.. :p
