The Devin Townsend Band

Feb 21, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
They're touring with Opeth. If you don't know, Devin Townsend is the vocalist from Strapping Young Lad, but his Band is a softer version of anything he does with SYL. Very interesting music.

Have any of you seen them with Opeth, or listened to them?
Devon is a genius.

I'm a big fan of everything he does.

My fav song by Devin would have to be Strapping Young Lads "Aftermath". Thats some heavy shit.

Many drinks have been had to this song by many people.
To all of the haters: Download the following records then see what you think:

Ocean Machine - Biomech
Devin Townsend - Terria

I'd actually save the DTB albums (Accelerated Evolution and Synchestra) for later.
The Evil Toucan said:
Dev is my favorite artist.


I love everything he does. I recommend starting off with the most accessible album (my favorite too) Accelerated Evolution. It was also my first, so I guess it has some sentimental value too. I bought it right when it came out, so it was actually available. Then I would go for Ocean Machine, then Synchestra, then Terria, then Infinity, then Physicist. His masterpieces are Terria, Ocean Machine, and the new Synchestra. Infinity is a little out there, and Physicist is similar to SYL, so if you have heard his other stuff and dont like it, I recommend Physicist.

And just to say, technically there are only 2 DTB albums. The rest are released under his own name as a solo artist, so the rest of the band was not involved. Ocean Machine:Biomech was originally released under Ocean Machine, and then it was then changed to be released under Devin's solo artist name.
The Evil Toucan said:
Start with Accelerated Evolution, and then check out Terria.

No, no, no.

Do NOT start with Accelerated Evolution. It's the one Dev album that is disappointing. It lacks all of the qualities that make Dev Dev.

Ocean Machine is his masterpiece - truly awesome - and Infinity is superb too.

Terria is very good.

Physicist is an issue of debate among Dev fans because it's much heavier than any of his other solo albums, however it's a grower and is my second fav behind Ocean Machine.

But trust me, Ocean Machine is THE album. The second half of the album - from Funeral through to the end - is my favourite grouping of tracks on any album, ever. So yes, it's good. And I'm right so don't argue!
EVH316 said:
But trust me, Ocean Machine is THE album. The second half of the album - from Funeral through to the end - is my favourite grouping of tracks on any album, ever. So yes, it's good. And I'm right so don't argue!
This is true. I just discovered it, but damn - Bastard is an incredible song, and The Death of Music is just plain crazy!

Regarding Terria, it starts fantastically but slumps off a little bit towards the end.
Devin Townsend ftw. He's absolutely hilarious. I have a video of SYL, and during the heavy intro to Aftermath he's shaking his ass to the camera. Best stage antics ever.

I heard he makes people in the pit do the polka to Vampolka. True?
Benighted1 said:
Maybe I haven;t listened to his solo stuff enough but I don't see whats so good about him..
Basically he's a bipolar dude that's really good at portraying emotion through music. Also, his stuff always has a lot of atmosphere. Plus he's very eccentric and has a good sense of humor.
I think Devin is brilliant. I saw him open for Opeth last night in columbus. They were great. I wish they got more time,rather then dark tranquillity
EVH316 said:
No, no, no.

Do NOT start with Accelerated Evolution. It's the one Dev album that is disappointing. It lacks all of the qualities that make Dev Dev.

Ocean Machine is his masterpiece - truly awesome - and Infinity is superb too.

Terria is very good.

Physicist is an issue of debate among Dev fans because it's much heavier than any of his other solo albums, however it's a grower and is my second fav behind Ocean Machine.

But trust me, Ocean Machine is THE album. The second half of the album - from Funeral through to the end - is my favourite grouping of tracks on any album, ever. So yes, it's good. And I'm right so don't argue!

AE is more accessible, and there's plenty on it that makes Dev Dev. Plenty of good songwriting and awesome vox on AE. Ocean Machine might be a little 'out there' for a first listen.
Ocean Machine might be a little 'out there' for a first listen.

I think the people around here generally like things that are more 'out there'. I could be wrong about that, but that's just the impression I get.