And McCain couldn't even cut it in the Navy. He comes from a line of Generals or some such, and he couldn't hack it to keep up with his Fore-fathers, so he turned to a life in the senate, and now is trying to be president. I mean, clearly.. If you can't get it done in the navy, where can you?
Yeah, after having your arms repeatedly dislocated from their shoulder joints and various other forms of torture, it kinda limits your ability to hack it in your military job.
That response to the question....I thought the speeches were great, was almost moved to tears by Michelle's speech, till the thought in the back of my head said, "but you say all this about you and your husband, and neither of you can back it up with any action." Which kinda shot those tears to hell. The crap spewed for the Kennedy's "strokefest" made me want to shoot my tv. I'm glad he's an advocate, but I don't see him giving up his summer home or allowing a windfarm off the coast of his summer home any time soon. Again, nice to see he talks about things a lot, would just like to see some action to go behind those words. Loved Hil when she first came on the scene, but again, failure to stick to her word - like most politicians, so what she says tends to go in one ear and out the other.
As for Obama's plans for change, well, they change every 5 minutes and the only way you can keep up with them is to RSS his website. Anyone who makes that many changes to their plan (and they're not just tweaks) has no clear cut idea as to what they want to do. It reminds me of the Pinkie and the Brain skit, where they're trying to sell something via an infomercial and use all the buzzwords without telling anyone exactly what they're selling.
Along with that, his voting record in both the IL congress and the Hill are not all that full (sorry, voting present does not count as a vote to me). If I'm going to vote for someone, I'd prefer they have the balls to pick a side and stick with it and be able to back up their reason for that side. Otherwise, lots of talk, no action. Idealism is nice, but does nothing for you if you have no means to implement it into a working practice (gods my dad would be thrilled to hear me say that).