but I do have to take issue with this statement about not being able to cut it in the Navy. Yes his father and grandfather were both admirals in the Navy, his Grandfather commanded one of the largest and most powerful carrier task forces in WWII, and His Father was CINPAC( Admiral in command of the Pacific fleet. Yes John McCain retired with 23 years of Naval service as a Captain(what we call 0-6) his father was an 0-10 but he spent over 30 years in service. Why was McCain's Navy career cut short? Medical disabilities he suffered from being shot down over North Vietnam, and tortued and abused by the North Vietnanese. Upon release after 5 years he underwent many surgeries to repair the damage and injuries inflicted upon him. Do I think this makes him capable of leading, no I don't. But I just wanted to set the record straight that he could hack it in the Navy, and did, but his medical disabilities prevented him from a 30 or 35 year career.

Not at the level his family expected him to, which was more my point. I'm so sick of hearing about his POW status as an excuse for everything. You can't tell me, rightly, that had he attained the level of office his family did that he'd be so gun-ho about being president. I just can't shake the idea that this is all about redemption for failure.

Do I question his service? No. Do I question his POW status and his suffering for his country? Not really... It is still awful that it happened, but he is very clearly now in good spirits about it. Listen to this!

And ok, quips like this do in fact, endear me to this guy, who very clearly has a GREAT sense of humor, but then to go on and on and on and on and on about it and how horrible it was to get the sympathy vote? Meh.

That said, I can't in good concience vote for a guy who was tortured for 5 years and leans on that as a go to topic and then votes pro-water boarding.

Edit: McCain picked his VP. A 44 year old Governer of Alaska, with a child who has Downs Syndrome.

reddit said:
Her experience:

2 years of governor

Mayor of small town before that

On the bright side, McCain can't call Obama inexperienced any more without drawing out uncontrollable laughter.

Isn't it completely unethical to devote so much time to something when you have a special needs child?

Awesome. Go McCain.
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That assumes that people should pay much higher taxes. Sure they can 'afford' it without going bankrupt, but your assumption that they should is juvenile.

Incorrect, my conclusion is the logical, those who can should. If something can not, than it does not. This is an absolute, but in no way juvenile. Your idea however needs a justifcation. Mine is obvious.

Not exactly. I'm sorry, but I don't believe that just because someone THINKS you can afford something, you actually can. Obama's tax plan, as it stands, includes capitol gains taxes. Got a 401K? When you start withdrawing from that, guess what's going to hit you? Obama's taxes. My mum just retired, and if he manages to get his tax plan through Congress, she's going to be paying higher taxes on her retirement fund. Not something I consider cool by any stretch of the imagination. People who work hard for a higher pay, deserve the money they get and deserve to keep as much of it as they can, just as those on the bottom deserve to keep as much money as they can. Just because you're rich, doesn't give the government the right to say, "You don't deserve this money, someone else does, so we're going to take it and redistribute it." They tried that in Russia, and look where it got them? A really, really poor class and a bunch of rich government officials.

If your idea of hard work is sitting behind a desk all day you're right, however you are a admiting that American officals are as corrupt as the Russians were and that one sample is enough, we know that's not true as this system works well in other places. I don't think we should tax the haves down to the have nots level, however the guy with the bad back has worked harder than the man with the paper cut....period.

I love hearing McCains comments on the Woodstock thing after his Baseball steriods comments. lol
Regarding Ronald Reagan...thank you! I got a great ab workout from that laugh. Reagan and George W. Bush collectively couldn't pass a 9th grade spelling test. They represent the 4 most intellectually void presidential terms in our nation's history. Reagan created problems that most of us will not live long enough to see solved. Bush has done the same. And leadership? Reagan's already inferior brain was already deteriorating from alzheimer's towards the end of his term, and Nancy was the one pulling the strings. Clinton was a philanderer who often came across as a slick used car salesman, but at least the country was doing well.

So you actually liked the dumb former governor of hickville Arkansas who almost ruined the country in his 8 years of rule? You make me laugh! :lol::lol:
I guess with the Sarah Palin pick McCain is hoping to tap in to some of those pro Hillary supporters who don't want to back Obama. Good luck ... strange pick.


Palin has an over 80% approval rating of the residents of Alaska, where she is governor. A good pick IMHO.

And yes, I can see where he's trying to get the ex-Hillary vote. Considering women make up 50% of the population - why wouldn't you want to have a woman on your team? Surprised Obama didn't pick Hillary. He picked some dude the age of McCain! So I'm surprised Obama isn't getting slam dunked for that one!
And McCain couldn't even cut it in the Navy. He comes from a line of Generals or some such, and he couldn't hack it to keep up with his Fore-fathers, so he turned to a life in the senate, and now is trying to be president. I mean, clearly.. If you can't get it done in the navy, where can you?

Whoa whoa might wanna back the fuck up some. This man was shot down over enemy lines & became a POW. They were going to release him when they discovered his status...but he refused. This man served proudly for his country. Make sure you check your sources before you spout bulllshit. If that doesn't gain you respect for the man...then you have no respect for anyone that has served this country in a military aspect. And that is fuckin' sad. :Smug:
Palin has an over 80% approval rating of the residents of Alaska, where she is governor. A good pick IMHO.

And yes, I can see where he's trying to get the ex-Hillary vote. Considering women make up 50% of the population - why wouldn't you want to have a woman on your team? Surprised Obama didn't pick Hillary. He picked some dude the age of McCain! So I'm surprised Obama isn't getting slam dunked for that one!
VP isn't usually a big factor in a persons decision to vote. I think this pick will have minimal impact .. if any at all.

They now have to expend a lot of energy introducing her to the country ... she's pretty much an unknown quantity, and in the end it will have little impact. Good luck to her in the debates against Biden.

Romney would have been the best choice for the Rep's .... probably understands the economy about as well as anyone, and that's probably the #1 issue right now. McCain and Romney don't really like each other, so it's not surpising to me he wasn't the pick.

Actually. Probably not much. With his heritage it was probably a given that he'd get in if he so desired.

Beg to differ. Friend of mine in HS had a father who was an Admiral (ret.) and still had to go through the same hoops that everyone else did to get into the Naval Academy, which included his grades. So while he might have gotten "some" pref. treatment, if he didn't meet the basic requirements they wouldn't have let him in, regardless his connections.
McCain had to use the "I'll get back to you bit" when he was asked how many homes he has. The guy didn't even know how many homes he has (turns out it was 7 or 8) .. he's completely out of touch with a good majority of this country who are struggling to make their payments .. on one home no less.


That's not the only time he's used it, just the only time that has been publicized thanks to Obama (who still owns a house most of us common-folk will never be able to own, as well). And given that quite a few of McCain's homes are rental properties, I don't blame him for not knowing, since he's not a property manager, just a property owner.
Incorrect, my conclusion is the logical, those who can should. If something can not, than it does not. This is an absolute, but in no way juvenile. Your idea however needs a justifcation. Mine is obvious.

You just about quoted Karl Marx there.... Let's here it for the communist manifesto...No thanks... you don't rob from the rich to pay for the poor, you open up all channels for the poor to become rich, if they work hard and apply themselves. That is why this country is the most productive and prosperous country on the planet. If you take away the incentive you bring the whole economy down. I think taxation should be flat or mildly progressive.
You just about quoted Karl Marx there.... Let's here it for the communist manifesto...No thanks... you don't rob from the rich to pay for the poor, you open up all channels for the poor to become rich, if they work hard and apply themselves. That is why this country is the most productive and prosperous country on the planet. If you take away the incentive you bring the whole economy down. I think taxation should be flat or mildly progressive.
Here's what goes on though ... I'll use a democrat as an example .. rich people like Democatic Senator John Kerry's wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, wind up paying 12 percent in taxes because of the Bush tax cuts, while the average working Joe or Jane gets hit at about a 30 or 40 percent clip. It's out of whack ... the rich get richer. Way to go President Bush. .. woohoo. The whole code needs to be revamped. Obama will attempt to do it .. McCain will not.

you open up all channels for the poor to become rich, if they work hard and apply themselves. That is why this country is the most productive and prosperous country on the planet.

So are you saying the same opportunities are available out there for everyone? And where did this notion that "rich people work hard" come from. There are plenty of people who work their asses to the bone and never prosper. Likewise, many many rich people have never truly worked a day in their lives.

And frankly, being the most productive and prosperous country on the planet isn't saying a whole lot when you base those concepts only on economic factors.
Here's what goes on though ... I'll use a democrat as an example .. rich people like Democatic Senator John Kerry's wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, wind up paying 12 percent in taxes because of the Bush tax cuts, while the average working Joe or Jane gets hit at about a 30 or 40 percent clip. It's out of whack ... the rich get richer. Way to go President Bush. .. woohoo. The whole code needs to be revamped. Obama will attempt to do it .. McCain will not.



Note: These tax rate schedules are provided for tax planning purposes. To compute your actual income tax, please see the 2008 instructions for Form 1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ as appropriate.

Single Filing Status
(Tax Rate Schedule X)
10% on income between $0 and $8,025

15% on the income between $8,025 and $32,550; plus $802.50

25% on the income between $32,550 and $78,850; plus $4,481.25

28% on the income between $78,850 and $164,550; plus $16,056.25

33% on the income between $164,550 and $357,700; plus $40,052.25

35% on the income over $357,700; plus $103,791.75

Married Filing Jointly or Qualifying Widow(er) Filing Status
(Tax Rate Schedule Y-1)
10% on the income between $0 and $16,050

15% on the income between $16,050 and $65,100; plus $1,605.00

25% on the income between $65,100 and $131,450; plus $8,962.50

28% on the income between $131,450 and $200,300; plus $25,550.00

33% on the income between $200,300 and $357,700; plus $44,828.00

35% on the income over $357,700; plus $96,770.00

Married Filing Separately Filing Status
(Tax Rate Schedule Y-2)
10% on the income between $0 and $8,025

15% on the income between $8,025 and $32,550; plus $802.50

25% on the income between $32,550 and $65,725; plus $4,481.25

28% on the income between $65,725 and $100,150; plus $12,775.00

33% on the income between $100,150 and $178,850; plus $22,414.00

35% on the income over $178,850; plus $48,385.00

Head of Household Filing Status
(Tax Rate Schedule Z)
10% on the income between $0 and $11,450

15% on the income between $11,450 and $43,650; plus $1,145.00

25% on the income between $43,650 and $112,650; plus $5,975.00

28% on the income between $112,650 and $182,400; plus $23,225.00

33% on the income between $182,400 and $357,700; plus $42,755.00

35% on the income over $357,700; plus $100,604.00

How Marginal Tax Rates are Used
Individuals can use the tax rate schedules in a number of ways to help plan their finances. You can use these tax rates to figure out how much tax you will pay on extra income you earn. For a taxpayer in the 25% tax bracket, extra income will be taxed at that rate until the taxpayer reaches the next tax bracket. Alternatively, you can use these tax rates to figure out how much tax you will save by increasing your deductions. For a taxpayer in the 28% tax bracket will save 28 cents in federal tax for every dollar spent on a tax-deductible expense, such as mortgage interest or charity.
Source: Internal Revenue Service, Revenue Procedure 2007-66.

Note: These tax rate schedules are provided for tax planning purposes. To compute your actual income tax, please see the 2008 instructions for Form 1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ as appropriate.

Single Filing Status
(Tax Rate Schedule X)
10% on income between $0 and $8,025

15% on the income between $8,025 and $32,550; plus $802.50

25% on the income between $32,550 and $78,850; plus $4,481.25

28% on the income between $78,850 and $164,550; plus $16,056.25

33% on the income between $164,550 and $357,700; plus $40,052.25

35% on the income over $357,700; plus $103,791.75

Married Filing Jointly or Qualifying Widow(er) Filing Status
(Tax Rate Schedule Y-1)
10% on the income between $0 and $16,050

15% on the income between $16,050 and $65,100; plus $1,605.00

25% on the income between $65,100 and $131,450; plus $8,962.50

28% on the income between $131,450 and $200,300; plus $25,550.00

33% on the income between $200,300 and $357,700; plus $44,828.00

35% on the income over $357,700; plus $96,770.00

Married Filing Separately Filing Status
(Tax Rate Schedule Y-2)
10% on the income between $0 and $8,025

15% on the income between $8,025 and $32,550; plus $802.50

25% on the income between $32,550 and $65,725; plus $4,481.25

28% on the income between $65,725 and $100,150; plus $12,775.00

33% on the income between $100,150 and $178,850; plus $22,414.00

35% on the income over $178,850; plus $48,385.00

Head of Household Filing Status
(Tax Rate Schedule Z)
10% on the income between $0 and $11,450

15% on the income between $11,450 and $43,650; plus $1,145.00

25% on the income between $43,650 and $112,650; plus $5,975.00

28% on the income between $112,650 and $182,400; plus $23,225.00

33% on the income between $182,400 and $357,700; plus $42,755.00

35% on the income over $357,700; plus $100,604.00

How Marginal Tax Rates are Used
Individuals can use the tax rate schedules in a number of ways to help plan their finances. You can use these tax rates to figure out how much tax you will pay on extra income you earn. For a taxpayer in the 25% tax bracket, extra income will be taxed at that rate until the taxpayer reaches the next tax bracket. Alternatively, you can use these tax rates to figure out how much tax you will save by increasing your deductions. For a taxpayer in the 28% tax bracket will save 28 cents in federal tax for every dollar spent on a tax-deductible expense, such as mortgage interest or charity.
Source: Internal Revenue Service, Revenue Procedure 2007-66.

John, instead of cussing, ranting and raving you just send out the facts. I like that about you! :kickass:

If your idea of hard work is sitting behind a desk all day you're right, however you are a admiting that American officals are as corrupt as the Russians were and that one sample is enough, we know that's not true as this system works well in other places.

Man, I don't trust any polititian further than I can throw him/her, and given how plump some of them are, it's really not all that far.

The have nots only pay out in taxes, if you're making below the "poverty line" like many of us bottom-dwellers (below $24k, unless it's changed) you get everything back, minus FICA and Soc. Sec. Your taxes become a glorified savings account minus interest.

I don't think we should tax the haves down to the have nots level, however the guy with the bad back has worked harder than the man with the paper cut....period.

I have to say, your example sucks. Blue collar workers have had things like unions to help them gain wage equality. It was the whole reason that unions came into existence. Unfortunately, the pogues that run the unions have become just as money hungry as the government and just as useless. If anything it's resulted in those blue collar workers doing less (if you've never worked in a union shop, I highly suggest to find one and see if the efficency level and backbreaking is to your liking). On top of that, white collar workers have to put money into getting into those fields, whether its investing in certifications, secondary/post-secondary education or any type of internship (which is more than often not paid for). So yes, they do deserve a wage that reflects their investment in themselves as an employee.

On top of that, my clients are a pretty good cross-section of white and blue collar workers. I have to say that paper cuts and bad backs are not relegated to only one side of the line, or the other. And you'd be surprised at how many bad backs are the result of stupid shit and not repetative injury. It's comparing apples and oranges.

Note: These tax rate schedules are provided for tax planning purposes. To compute your actual income tax, please see the 2008 instructions for Form 1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ as appropriate.

Single Filing Status
(Tax Rate Schedule X)
10% on income between $0 and $8,025

15% on the income between $8,025 and $32,550; plus $802.50

25% on the income between $32,550 and $78,850; plus $4,481.25

28% on the income between $78,850 and $164,550; plus $16,056.25

33% on the income between $164,550 and $357,700; plus $40,052.25

35% on the income over $357,700; plus $103,791.75

Married Filing Jointly or Qualifying Widow(er) Filing Status
(Tax Rate Schedule Y-1)
10% on the income between $0 and $16,050

15% on the income between $16,050 and $65,100; plus $1,605.00

25% on the income between $65,100 and $131,450; plus $8,962.50

28% on the income between $131,450 and $200,300; plus $25,550.00

33% on the income between $200,300 and $357,700; plus $44,828.00

35% on the income over $357,700; plus $96,770.00

Married Filing Separately Filing Status
(Tax Rate Schedule Y-2)
10% on the income between $0 and $8,025

15% on the income between $8,025 and $32,550; plus $802.50

25% on the income between $32,550 and $65,725; plus $4,481.25

28% on the income between $65,725 and $100,150; plus $12,775.00

33% on the income between $100,150 and $178,850; plus $22,414.00

35% on the income over $178,850; plus $48,385.00

Head of Household Filing Status
(Tax Rate Schedule Z)
10% on the income between $0 and $11,450

15% on the income between $11,450 and $43,650; plus $1,145.00

25% on the income between $43,650 and $112,650; plus $5,975.00

28% on the income between $112,650 and $182,400; plus $23,225.00

33% on the income between $182,400 and $357,700; plus $42,755.00

35% on the income over $357,700; plus $100,604.00

How Marginal Tax Rates are Used
Individuals can use the tax rate schedules in a number of ways to help plan their finances. You can use these tax rates to figure out how much tax you will pay on extra income you earn. For a taxpayer in the 25% tax bracket, extra income will be taxed at that rate until the taxpayer reaches the next tax bracket. Alternatively, you can use these tax rates to figure out how much tax you will save by increasing your deductions. For a taxpayer in the 28% tax bracket will save 28 cents in federal tax for every dollar spent on a tax-deductible expense, such as mortgage interest or charity.
Source: Internal Revenue Service, Revenue Procedure 2007-66.
Hmmm .. not a thing in there about capital gains taxes. I may have been a bit high on my 30 to 40 percent line, but my point was that Heinz Kerry (at 12 percent tax rate) was paying taxes in line with what a person with very low income would pay.

If you bother to read the Newsweek article I posted in an earlier post you'll see just how the wealthy currently benefit. Bush lowered the capital gains tax from 35 percent to 15 percent which clearly is a benefit to the wealthy because they have more money to invest than the regular person that works their job to meagerly make ends meet. Those folks aren't able to funnel all their extra money into investments because they are struggling to get all their bills paid with their moderate salary.

They now have to expend a lot of energy introducing her to the country ... she's pretty much an unknown quantity, and in the end it will have little impact. Good luck to her in the debates against Biden.

Most conservative blogs have already talked her up, when the discussion started up on who he was going to court. So his campaign will only have to get her out to the non-conservative voters, or the ones who don't read blogs. I think it's a good pick, might actually have to vote for him because of it - depending on her stance on other issues I have concern about, when looking at the Republican party.

The debates should be interesting, she's not a dim bulb, and I think will be able to stand toe to toe with Biden on sarcasm and wit.