@ascension. im ashamed, being a 17 year old myself, to have to say this...but grow up sir. trying to flaunt a middle name- over which obama had no choosing, is extremely childish. its an unimpressive punchline that should be saved for unintelligent, rating seeking television.
furthermore, about biden. he has never lived in the capitol, (as i hope youve paid attention to his past before making such a comment), and is often reffered to as being different because he never took part in all the things most corrupt politicians take part it. obama not only chose him for his knowledge, connecitons, and non-washington attitude/history...but because if something were to happen to obama, biden could step in and control the show.
-can we say the same about palin? i dont know much about her yet...so i wont make quick judgements.
BUT, if you wanna talk about arguements going down the toilet, how bout mccains arguement of obama having no experience, than electing a VP thats been a gov (of alaska) for less than 2 years, and a mayor of an only 6500 person city in alaska?
...sounds like there is someone with less experience than the one mccains been arguing the point against. and by the way, 6500 is 1/12 the population obama was responsible for and worked with in illinois.
---now a seperate post---
so do people actually vote for john mccain because of his war record? i mean...sure he served. nobody disrespects that.
but im pretty sure serving in the military is a sufficient qualification for our president.
sure it goes to his character, but thats it.
my dad served, has 7 medals including a medal of honor, was shot down out of a chopper on a rescue mission and still managed to, on foot, find and rescue who he was sent to and make it back out on foot.
he himself would tell you, and has told me, that it does not allot to him being a useful president. he also will tell you,
"what i did (like mccain before me), was follow orders to the extremes...what mccain will need to do if he is elected is be one the actually giving them. his service doesnt prep him much for that, especially the vast decisions that are entirely non-military related."
NOTE: I have not served in the military, nor intend to. i do not speak at all as if i have. not about the war, about the sacrifice, about the accomplishment of making it through a war, nothing. my opinions about such matters regarding the war (and mccains service) are formed through insight from those who have: my dad (persion gulf/desert storm), grandfather (ww2), cousin/uncle (iraq war). my previous statements about his record are directly formed using the opinions of these people, people who have the same right and and risked the same life as mccain.
^i think that is vital to anyone who has not served before they flaunt an opinion.