Most conservative blogs have already talked her up, when the discussion started up on who he was going to court. So his campaign will only have to get her out to the non-conservative voters, or the ones who don't read blogs. I think it's a good pick, might actually have to vote for him because of it - depending on her stance on other issues I have concern about, when looking at the Republican party.

The debates should be interesting, she's not a dim bulb, and I think will be able to stand toe to toe with Biden on sarcasm and wit.
I've been paying attention to this election process on an almost daily basis, and I've never heard, or saw her name mentioned before today. I'm not in tune with the Republican blogs and whatnot, but I figure if I haven't heard of her most people haven't.

I can't really judge her until I get to know more about her, but I think it's a puzzling pick on a number of counts. I'm suprised with his health history McCain didn't pick someone with a stronger track record.

I've been paying attention to this election process on an almost daily basis, and I've never heard, or saw her name mentioned before today. I'm not in tune with the Republican blogs and whatnot, but I figure if I haven't heard of her most people haven't.

I can't really judge her until I get to know more about her, but I think it's a puzzling pick on a number of counts. I'm suprised with his health history McCain didn't pick someone with a stronger track record.


This is Ed Rollins' write up about her:

McCain did a good job of keeping this one quiet, and I applaud him for it. The blogosphere has been buzzing about her a bit, even if they didn't place her in the top 5 choices (Carly Fiorina was higher). I can understand his choice of her, particularly if he's going for a balance of like politics with different strengths. For the conservative base she was a good choice, so she'll probably be able to pull those of us who weren't going to vote for either of them back to his side (we don't consider him conservative enough).

That said, I like her, still debating on whether I'm voting.
Hmmm .. not a thing in there about capital gains taxes. I may have been a bit high on my 30 to 40 percent line, but my point was that Heinz Kerry (at 12 percent tax rate) was paying taxes in line with what a person with very low income would pay.

If you bother to read the Newsweek article I posted in an earlier post you'll see just how the wealthy currently benefit. Bush lowered the capital gains tax from 35 percent to 15 percent which clearly is a benefit to the wealthy because they have more money to invest than the regular person that works their job to meagerly make ends meet. Those folks aren't able to funnel all their extra money into investments because they are struggling to get all their bills paid with their moderate salary.


You at first didn't mention Capital gains Tax, but since you did here are the Tax Tables for Capital Gains; Oh yeah and Dropping the Capital Gain Tax benefits anyone and everyone that invests and/or sells capital property/assets(Property/Assests that you buy and or own) Even lowering the Capital gain tax does not mean the rich pay less in taxes than a middle Income family. You got to remember they make more so they pay more.
you make a $1000, and He Makes $100,000 on selling of capital assets, you both fall in the 25% Income bracket, you pay $150, he pay $1500. who made out better, to be honest you both did instead of the old 45% flFlat rate Capital gains.

Tax Bracket Short Term Long Term
10% 10% 5%
15% 15% 5%
25% 25% 15%
28% 28% 15%
33% 33% 15%
35% 35% 15%

And this does not take into account Capital Losses, those tax rules are too hr to understand, that is why I have someone do my taxes
Whoa whoa might wanna back the fuck up some. This man was shot down over enemy lines & became a POW. They were going to release him when they discovered his status...but he refused. This man served proudly for his country. Make sure you check your sources before you spout bulllshit. If that doesn't gain you respect for the man...then you have no respect for anyone that has served this country in a military aspect. And that is fuckin' sad. :Smug:

Yep, he was a POW. He takes great pleasure in reminding anyone who will listen every few minutes recently. Good for him. He chose not to be released. Also, good for him for putting others first. Maybe you should read the whole thread before posting.

Just because someone did something noble doesn't mean he should be rewarded the Presidency. That's just stupid.

That's not the only time he's used it, just the only time that has been publicized thanks to Obama (who still owns a house most of us common-folk will never be able to own, as well). And given that quite a few of McCain's homes are rental properties, I don't blame him for not knowing, since he's not a property manager, just a property owner.

Just because Obama and McCain are successful isn't the point. No one cares John McCain owns 7 houses. The fact that he has so much weath that he doesn't feel it necessary to keep track shows that he has no personal connection to the general public. He also thinks someone should have $5 million to be considered "rich."
You at first didn't mention Capital gains Tax, but since you did here are the Tax Tables for Capital Gains; Oh yeah and Dropping the Capital Gain Tax benefits anyone and everyone that invests and/or sells capital property/assets(Property/Assests that you buy and or own) Even lowering the Capital gain tax does not mean the rich pay less in taxes than a middle Income family. You got to remember they make more so they pay more.
you make a $1000, and He Makes $100,000 on selling of capital assets, you both fall in the 25% Income bracket, you pay $150, he pay $1500. who made out better, to be honest you both did instead of the old 45% flFlat rate Capital gains.

Tax Bracket Short Term Long Term
10% 10% 5%
15% 15% 5%
25% 25% 15%
28% 28% 15%
33% 33% 15%
35% 35% 15%

And this does not take into account Capital Losses, those tax rules are too hr to understand, that is why I have someone do my taxes
Good facts, John .. in hindsight I misspoke. The Heinz Kerry article is based more on Bush's lowered taxes on dividend income and not the capital gains which I said .. I got confused .. not a tax man. The article is interesting .. check it out. She actually wound up with a total tax of 12.4 percent, and she's a multi, multi, millionaire.
So are you saying the same opportunities are available out there for everyone? And where did this notion that "rich people work hard" come from. There are plenty of people who work their asses to the bone and never prosper. Likewise, many many rich people have never truly worked a day in their lives.


Some people's environment may make it harder but the oportunity is there. There are countless rags to riches stories in this country. It happens all the time.

If you work your ass off, There is high probability you can prosper... If you get a good education there is a high probability you can prosper. If you use your ingenuity there is a high probability you can prosper.

And old money is just that... at some point someone earned it. So it may have been grandpa. His heirs prosper from his skills, hard work, ingenuity and wise investments... So what...

And frankly, being the most productive and prosperous country on the planet isn't saying a whole lot when you base those concepts only on economic factors

I wasn't inferring this.

It says what it says, we are a rich nation full of opportunity and possibilities, if you put your mind to it and are willing to work for it.
Good facts, John .. in hindsight I misspoke. The Heinz Kerry article is based more on Bush's lowered taxes on dividend income and not the capital gains which I said .. I got confused .. not a tax man. The article is interesting .. check it out. She actually wound up with a total tax of 12.4 percent, and she's a multi, multi, millionaire.

Nope you didn't misspeak when it comes to taxes it gets under all our skins and causes us to see red. That Tax on Dividend Income is something that is geared to the rich and is disguised as such, and when you add in the AMT(alternative minimum Tax) people with income above $500,000 a year make out quite nicely, should it be repealled? I think so, I am all for tax cuts, but let's all get serious and give the tax cuts where they belong. income under $250,000, and please get rid of the AMT for incomes over that. But Please raise the amount for claiming a capital loss from $1500/3000. And also raise the maximum tax exempt money you can put into an IRA or 401K.

They reason I am so up on this is I am getting ready to retire and i need to cut my tax bill, while insuring my income is enough to support my family. I have a lot of money invested in IRAs and my 401K, but I am only 57 so if I touch that money before age 59 1/2 then guess what? Since it is all pre-tax (no Taxes taken out when it was invested) I am responsible for the taxes at a, now get this, at a 30% rate no matter how much i withdraw or how much my income is, now that sucks. Say i withdraw $1000 a month from my 401K I will pay $300 in federal taxes, $117 Social Security, $75 medicare so roughly $492 in taxes. I get $508 dollars, something is wrong with this picture. here is something else, even at age 62 when I can get Social Security, guess what i still have to pay? You got it Social Security Tax until i reach my Social Security by year retirement age of 66.
Just because someone did something noble doesn't mean he should be rewarded the Presidency. That's just stupid.

That's true, but it would also be stupid to not consider a noble act of one candidate as an indicator (not an absolute) of character. If both candidates have performed noble acts in the past, they should make us aware of them. If one did perform a noble act, and the other cannot show that he ever performed one noble act, I would expect the other to dismiss that one noble act. That's stupid.

Palin is a good choice politically not only because she is a she, but because she is conservative. That's McCain's weakness. He's a very liberal Republican and the conservatives out there don't want a liberal or they'd vote Democrat. Don't know if it will help though.

I think this election will be one of the most interesting to watch, and one of the least important in terms of the results. I don't think either candidate is going to make a huge impression on history (other than possibly Obama making his mark as being the first black president). However, it should be interesting. The liberals out there (and this includes most of the mass media) is very vocal about hating Bush and their love for Obama. It makes it sound like anybody running against him hasn't got a chance. However, I think the reality is that the conservatives are just sitting back and keeping their mouths shut. I think this election is going to be closer than a lot of people suspect, or would like. That should make it interesting.
Just because Obama and McCain are successful isn't the point. No one cares John McCain owns 7 houses. The fact that he has so much weath that he doesn't feel it necessary to keep track shows that he has no personal connection to the general public. He also thinks someone should have $5 million to be considered "rich."

I don't keep track of how little is in my Roth, or the CDs I've invested in, because if I'm paying attention to them every day, I'd go batty. As for McCain, I think he's better in touch with the Americans who aren't fully delusional (and yes, I think quite a few Obamafans are delusional, Clinton included).

Ok, I heard him make the comment about the $5 mil. Congrats, you have been officially swayed by the print media and video clips that take out the entire context. I'll remember this the next time I quote you, just so I can take something you say out of context and see how it works for you.

Seriously, if there's one thing that Americans are starting to run short on, it's a bloody sense of humour. It's one reason why I hate talking points, doesn't show the whole picture and it's created for one purpose only - making the listener/reader be persuaded towards one end or the other. Critical thinking is a great tool, I wish more schools would teach it.
I don't keep track of how little is in my Roth, or the CDs I've invested in, because if I'm paying attention to them every day, I'd go batty. As for McCain, I think he's better in touch with the Americans who aren't fully delusional (and yes, I think quite a few Obamafans are delusional, Clinton included).

Ok, I heard him make the comment about the $5 mil. Congrats, you have been officially swayed by the print media and video clips that take out the entire context. I'll remember this the next time I quote you, just so I can take something you say out of context and see how it works for you.

Seriously, if there's one thing that Americans are starting to run short on, it's a bloody sense of humour. It's one reason why I hate talking points, doesn't show the whole picture and it's created for one purpose only - making the listener/reader be persuaded towards one end or the other. Critical thinking is a great tool, I wish more schools would teach it.

I bow to you Lara, for someone so young of age you sure have your thoughts, opinions and shit together, i wish I had when i was your age, but wait we didn't have IRAs way back then.
See ya in three weeks
Yep, he was a POW. He takes great pleasure in reminding anyone who will listen every few minutes recently. Good for him. He chose not to be released. Also, good for him for putting others first. Maybe you should read the whole thread before posting.

Just because someone did something noble doesn't mean he should be rewarded the Presidency. That's just stupid.

But this is what politicians do...they tell you what makes them who they are & why they are the best pick. They tug on heart strings, kiss the babies, etc. just for that extra media attention that will get through to the masses. They pound it & pound it. Thank God at least what MCCain is saying is true.

Talk about sick of hearing something...l'm so sick of hearing the "Change" rhetoric from B. Hussein Obama. Then...he pops out Biden who is nothing but same ol' same ol' politics...there goes the "Change" speech down the toilet. :lol:
Ok, I heard him make the comment about the $5 mil. Congrats, you have been officially swayed by the print media and video clips that take out the entire context. I'll remember this the next time I quote you, just so I can take something you say out of context and see how it works for you.

Seriously, if there's one thing that Americans are starting to run short on, it's a bloody sense of humour. It's one reason why I hate talking points, doesn't show the whole picture and it's created for one purpose only - making the listener/reader be persuaded towards one end or the other. Critical thinking is a great tool, I wish more schools would teach it.

Instead of chiding me for it, why don't you put it back in context to educate me? I'm perfectly willing to correct my thinking if it's incorrect. What I saw was not a joke he was making, but a flat out ignorance of the plight every day people are in. I have doubled my income in 4 years. DOUBLED. And I'm still in damn near the same financial position I was in 4 years ago, and it's not a lack of budget and finance control. My food budget has doubled, my rent has tripled (and I've downgraded, though we own a condo, which has lost 20k in value. I blame the market though on this, and I don't look to congress for help. This is my problem and I deal with it.) My gas costs have doubled. It costs me $80 every week to fill my tank when it used to cost me $40. I can't afford a new car because I can't afford to save anything.

This is my life. Having a signifigant increase in monetary income, I would expect things to get easier. However, I've had to get these raises to keep up with my lifestyle. I can't IMAGINE how someone who has been stagnent all this time has been able to feed themselves.

Free market and all. However, I do still believe McCain has no sense of what it's like to be in our shoes right now, financially. At least Obama is "from the streets", sort of.

But, McCain suffered like, 30 years ago, so he should get a pass.
Talk about sick of hearing something...l'm so sick of hearing the "Change" rhetoric from B. Hussein Obama. Then...he pops out Biden who is nothing but same ol' same ol' politics...there goes the "Change" speech down the toilet. :lol:

Here's what I hate: People who blatently use his middle name to insult him like they're trying so hard to create a connection to Saddam. I don't even bother taking anything you write seriously with something that childish.
@ascension. im ashamed, being a 17 year old myself, to have to say this...but grow up sir. trying to flaunt a middle name- over which obama had no choosing, is extremely childish. its an unimpressive punchline that should be saved for unintelligent, rating seeking television.

furthermore, about biden. he has never lived in the capitol, (as i hope youve paid attention to his past before making such a comment), and is often reffered to as being different because he never took part in all the things most corrupt politicians take part it. obama not only chose him for his knowledge, connecitons, and non-washington attitude/history...but because if something were to happen to obama, biden could step in and control the show.

-can we say the same about palin? i dont know much about her i wont make quick judgements.
BUT, if you wanna talk about arguements going down the toilet, how bout mccains arguement of obama having no experience, than electing a VP thats been a gov (of alaska) for less than 2 years, and a mayor of an only 6500 person city in alaska?

...sounds like there is someone with less experience than the one mccains been arguing the point against. and by the way, 6500 is 1/12 the population obama was responsible for and worked with in illinois.

---now a seperate post---
so do people actually vote for john mccain because of his war record? i mean...sure he served. nobody disrespects that.

but im pretty sure serving in the military is a sufficient qualification for our president.
sure it goes to his character, but thats it.

my dad served, has 7 medals including a medal of honor, was shot down out of a chopper on a rescue mission and still managed to, on foot, find and rescue who he was sent to and make it back out on foot.
he himself would tell you, and has told me, that it does not allot to him being a useful president. he also will tell you,
"what i did (like mccain before me), was follow orders to the extremes...what mccain will need to do if he is elected is be one the actually giving them. his service doesnt prep him much for that, especially the vast decisions that are entirely non-military related."

NOTE: I have not served in the military, nor intend to. i do not speak at all as if i have. not about the war, about the sacrifice, about the accomplishment of making it through a war, nothing. my opinions about such matters regarding the war (and mccains service) are formed through insight from those who have: my dad (persion gulf/desert storm), grandfather (ww2), cousin/uncle (iraq war). my previous statements about his record are directly formed using the opinions of these people, people who have the same right and and risked the same life as mccain.
^i think that is vital to anyone who has not served before they flaunt an opinion.
Here's what I hate: People who blatently use his middle name to insult him like they're trying so hard to create a connection to Saddam. I don't even bother taking anything you write seriously with something that childish.

Hey hold your horses there...all l did was use his actual reference to Saddam made by me. But...the fact that you got defensive tells me alot about the lack of confidence you have with your choice. You definitely have an issue with it.
@ascension. im ashamed, being a 17 year old myself, to have to say this...but grow up sir. trying to flaunt a middle name- over which obama had no choosing, is extremely childish. its an unimpressive punchline that should be saved for unintelligent, rating seeking television.

There again l made no reference to anything other than use his actual name...if you took it out of context...then you may want to search your soul & find out why it causes you anguish. Son...the growing up will be on your part. If factual information causes you have a long way to go. But l'm glad l can point out your deficiencies and help you to the road of reality. Your welcome.

furthermore, about biden. he has never lived in the capitol, (as i hope youve paid attention to his past before making such a comment), and is often reffered to as being different because he never took part in all the things most corrupt politicians take part it. obama not only chose him for his knowledge, connecitons, and non-washington attitude/history...but because if something were to happen to obama, biden could step in and control the show.

He is a career politician and has voted & pushed legislation "per the party line". He is the exact opposite that B. Hussein Obama has been shoveling with his rhetorical "Change" stance. Plus, he said Obama wasn't ready for the White all of a sudden a few months later he is & he hasn't done anything since except campaign? Puhleeeze...same ol' same ol'.

-can we say the same about palin? i dont know much about her i wont make quick judgements.
BUT, if you wanna talk about arguements going down the toilet, how bout mccains arguement of obama having no experience, than electing a VP thats been a gov (of alaska) for less than 2 years, and a mayor of an only 6500 person city in alaska?

...sounds like there is someone with less experience than the one mccains been arguing the point against. and by the way, 6500 is 1/12 the population obama was responsible for and worked with in illinois.

She has been in the trenches uprooting corruption & breaking down the good ol' boy network ( especially the relationship with Big Oil) that existed in her state. She has actually managed & governed people & resources on the frontlines which gives her executive experience of which none of the other 3 people in the race have & she's a definitive Washington outsider. That is a ton more than being a community organizer and running for president instead of doing your job in the senate.
Hey hold your horses there...all l did was use his actual reference to Saddam made by me. But...the fact that you got defensive tells me alot about the lack of confidence you have with your choice. You definitely have an issue with it.


Semantics. We all know what you're doing. You're not running for office, stop baiting.
She has been in the trenches uprooting corruption & breaking down the good ol' boy network ( especially the relationship with Big Oil) that existed in her state. She has actually managed & governed people & resources on the frontlines which gives her executive experience of which none of the other 3 people in the race have & she's a definitive Washington outsider. That is a ton more than being a community organizer and running for president instead of doing your job in the senate.

lol. her experience is being responsible for less than 1/12 of the population obama was, and for a less amount of time.

-and remember, a VP is more than VP. they are 1 heartbeat away from the president of the united states, god forbid something should happen to mccain (or whoever) while they're in office.
would any of us, including you, be voting for palin as president? thats something i think is very vital. i would be comfortable, even without obama, for biden to take the presidency.
No Experience, Tons of experience, military service, no military service - You know what? we are all starting to sound like some of those sunday morning know-it-alls political analyst that think they all know everything. What we are ladies and gents, are a bunch of concerned American Citizens, who just happen to be metal-heads, we have very strong opinions, intelligence, and we want what is best not just for ourselves but for this great land. being the elder statesman in here it does my heart good to see people like No-Mercy who is only 17 gettiing a taste of politics, and all you others, voicing your opinions instead of staying quiet. It makes this old veteren happy to see that your generation is taking charge and getting involved. Maybe just maybe this country can throw away this partianship, and come together as One Nation under God as it is meant to be. Yes, we will always have the two party system and bicker like young brothers and sisters, but lets cut to the chase, and define this country's problems and find a solution to them. Sorry for the rant, but that is just this old man's observation. I love all you guys and gals, and admire each and every one of you for getting involved in this thread, it show your committment to this Country unlike those Brazen hollywood types who say"I'll leave this country if so and so is elected" well they are still here.
For better or worse this is our country, and me for one I love it dearly.
