I agree, it's nice to see people who care, instead of apathy. Strong words here should never spill out. Opinions run hottest on political topics. But I agree with Britt, voting is the best thing you can do, no matter who its for.
I agree, it's nice to see people who care, instead of apathy. Strong words here should never spill out. Opinions run hottest on political topics. But I agree with Britt, voting is the best thing you can do, no matter who its for.

i second that. i think we all get carried away at some points with such a topic, considering we are arguing our points on what is to be the floorplan for the future for us as well as our friends and family, not a small matter to any degree of measurement.
i mean, we say shit and lose our sense of common purpose when the topic gets heated, it happens and is going to. in the end all we all want is what is best for the country, we just have different ideas about the way to get there

and i also agree with britt. i think, even if you dislike all choices offered, you should make a calculated decision for one or the other. i mean, one has got to be slightly better for you than the other...even if in your mind it is "the lesser of two evils". the lesser will still improve the country more than the other, (or not hurt it as bad).

@ J-Man. yes, i agree with what ya said, and i too am glad im taking an interest! wont be able to vote this, (damn), but that is probably also a contributing factor as to why i'm so vocal in a discussion about it, because its the only thing i can really do. and my post actually goes back to what you said about partisanship and 2 parties...we all have the same goal of improving this country and the lives of those who live in it.
"it can no longer be about a red or blue america, it has to be about the united states of america."
I take my hat off to all of you, and with a smile, our country will be in good hands with you guys and gals. Why???? as Nailz said at least we are discussing it, and not showing the apathy that runs wild in this country. You guys and gals Rock, find me at PP and the beer is on me, I wil be easy to find look for the old guy with the NIGHTMARE records logo tattoed on his left arm.
i second that. i think we all get carried away at some points with such a topic, considering we are arguing our points on what is to be the floorplan for the future for us as well as our friends and family, not a small matter to any degree of measurement.

Except for Ascension, who simply enjoys provoking people. :)

and i also agree with britt. i think, even if you dislike all choices offered, you should make a calculated decision for one or the other. i mean, one has got to be slightly better for you than the other...even if in your mind it is "the lesser of two evils". the lesser will still improve the country more than the other, (or not hurt it as bad).

There are more than two choices out there, and if you are simply voting for whichever of the *two* front-runners you hate less, then you are indeed throwing away your vote. As long as people keep voting Democrat or Republican because they believe they have to, we will never have any better choices. Thank the political system and the media for tricking us, and thank the vast majority of Americans for falling for this trick.
yes, forgive me. i did ceneter my post for the 2 "front-runner" candidates. i shouldve acknowledges the others, but the point would not differ. i was trying to say, that even if nobody, of any party, is running that you should still vote as to who would be the best out of those you dislike.
Instead of chiding me for it, why don't you put it back in context to educate me? I'm perfectly willing to correct my thinking if it's incorrect. What I saw was not a joke he was making, but a flat out ignorance of the plight every day people are in. I have doubled my income in 4 years. DOUBLED. And I'm still in damn near the same financial position I was in 4 years ago, and it's not a lack of budget and finance control. My food budget has doubled, my rent has tripled (and I've downgraded, though we own a condo, which has lost 20k in value. I blame the market though on this, and I don't look to congress for help. This is my problem and I deal with it.) My gas costs have doubled. It costs me $80 every week to fill my tank when it used to cost me $40. I can't afford a new car because I can't afford to save anything.

This is my life. Having a signifigant increase in monetary income, I would expect things to get easier. However, I've had to get these raises to keep up with my lifestyle. I can't IMAGINE how someone who has been stagnent all this time has been able to feed themselves.

Free market and all. However, I do still believe McCain has no sense of what it's like to be in our shoes right now, financially. At least Obama is "from the streets", sort of.

But, McCain suffered like, 30 years ago, so he should get a pass.

When I have time to pull the entire thing, I will and I'll mail it to you.

As for the income issue....sorry if my response is "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" I went from $30k to $600.00 then up to $25k and last year's tax return had me at $14k for the entire year (fixed $ per client that pretty much screws you if you go over the local average). This year, I'm going to make less than that, again. I live on my own, no "we" here and I refuse help from my family because I need to be able to stand on my own two feet (yeah, my choice). And I manage it, not as well as I would like to manage it, but I do and I still manage to wheedle away money to save for....oh, say, dislocating my arm or a finger, or in the case of my b-day in Nov flying to Denmark for PPScana. Why? Because I live simply. I don't over-spend, I have a savings account specifically for day-to-day stuff and the months where my income is less than what I need to pay out. The country is in a financial bind, it requires a sacrifice in the lifestyle, it happens and it's been heading in this direction since 2001.

Obama isn't from the streets at all. He has more in common with my upper middle class upbringing than he does with me now. Yeah, he's worked with people who are down-trodden, and I give him props for that, but he really doesn't have much of a clue anymore. He doesn't struggle much, outside of deciding whether or not he's going to cast an actual vote on a bill, or just vote present, or maybe whether or not he's even going to show up for the vote.
Obama isn't from the streets at all. He has more in common with my upper middle class upbringing than he does with me now. Yeah, he's worked with people who are down-trodden, and I give him props for that, but he really doesn't have much of a clue anymore. He doesn't struggle much, outside of deciding whether or not he's going to cast an actual vote on a bill, or just vote present, or maybe whether or not he's even going to show up for the vote.

i have to mildly disagree. he came from being raised by a single parent while she worked and went to school.
her mom was cited for having to turn to food stamps for a long while just so she could muster the money to pay for part of the college cost that they couldnt get covered by loans/grants.
im sure ya know how his mom had to continuously fight with insurance/healthcare companies as she was dying from cancer.

the reason he doesnt have to struggle much is because his mother, and himself, have worked their asses off and, because the american dream he talks about was completely reachable back than, he has made it to a good life. he knows what its like to go through it all, though he was fortunate enough to live in a time where going through it might get you somewhere if you work- and thats what he wants to restore.
Nice article about Obama's mother

When her son was almost 2, Ann returned to college. Money was tight. She collected food stamps and relied on her parents to help take care of young Barack. She would get her bachelor's degree four years later. In the meantime, she met another foreign student, Lolo Soetoro, at the University of Hawaii. ("It's where I send all my single girlfriends," jokes her daughter Soetoro-Ng, who also married a man she met there.) He was easygoing, happily devoting hours to playing chess with Ann's father and wrestling with her young son. Lolo proposed in 1967.

Doesn't specify how long she was using food stamps, but he was still fairly far from the street. Not the same as what happens in most inner city, work-class poor families.
if they were given permission, which they were, it wasnt a right arrest.

but if you read the article, you see how even this media source states the permission was not relayed to the officers on the ground

now a police officer- given no instruction to allow that act, are in their complete right to arrest the individual(s) who are taking part. im not saying its right, but they weren't arrested for disagreeing with obama. they were arrested because they werent abiding by the rules the police officers did not know they had permission to overstep.

further, i like how "he forced his knee into my back". jesus grow up people, these officeres protect us each and every day- they follow their procedure.
oh and they were "roughly" lifted off the god we are not glass toys. "the police dragged me off" you mean you wouldnt move your two fuckin feet and walk as they held your arm to the car, so they had to drag you. what is it with my generation that allows us to think we can step in and be above-all with no exceptions so suddenly. its a mistake...a poor one, but my god let it go.
if youre going to do something like that, even with higher-up permission, saved the pathetic 2 year old whines for your mothers...(directed at those arrested).

the officers "attacked the little girls"? jesus...these are kids my age and older who had a knee on the back of their neck while they were being hancuffed. get a grip.

look what im trying to say...they shouldnt have been arrested if they were granted permission.
however, they should have been arrested if they were not granted permission. and to the knowledge of the policemen, they were not granted it. case closed.
^+1 to most of that

I also like the wording of the caption under the first picture on that article. Apparently Barack isn't just pro-choice, he is pro-abortion:rolleyes:. That's right guys, to the dumpsters with those unborn children!

FWIW...I live/go to school here in the twin cities and I'm not looking forward to this week at all. The assholes are already lining the streets.
if they were given permission, which they were, it wasnt a right arrest.

but if you read the article, you see how even this media source states the permission was not relayed to the officers on the ground

now a police officer- given no instruction to allow that act, are in their complete right to arrest the individual(s) who are taking part. im not saying its right, but they weren't arrested for disagreeing with obama. they were arrested because they werent abiding by the rules the police officers did not know they had permission to overstep.

further, i like how "he forced his knee into my back". jesus grow up people, these officeres protect us each and every day- they follow their procedure.
oh and they were "roughly" lifted off the god we are not glass toys. "the police dragged me off" you mean you wouldnt move your two fuckin feet and walk as they held your arm to the car, so they had to drag you. what is it with my generation that allows us to think we can step in and be above-all with no exceptions so suddenly. its a mistake...a poor one, but my god let it go.
if youre going to do something like that, even with higher-up permission, saved the pathetic 2 year old whines for your mothers...(directed at those arrested).

look what im trying to say...they shouldnt have been arrested if they were granted permission.
however, they should have been arrested if they were not granted permission. and to the knowledge of the policemen, they were not granted it. case closed.

If you watched the video then you can clearly see that the officer used excessive force where it was clearly NOT called for.... The was absolutely no reason for the officer to physically violate the young girls the way he did.... Even with no resistance the officer can clearly be seen putting his knee on the young girls neck. I guess he just wanted to make sure the evil blue eyed white devil wasnt going to assault someone with her deadly piece of chalk.... Yeah.... That must be it!

I can see if it were an adult and they were offering resistance.... But teenage girls that were offering no resistance whatsoever? If it were my girls that were treated like that, I'd sue the hell out of that officer AND the city....
further, i like how "he forced his knee into my back". jesus grow up people, these officeres protect us each and every day- they follow their procedure.
oh and they were "roughly" lifted off the god we are not glass toys. "the police dragged me off" you mean you wouldnt move your two fuckin feet and walk as they held your arm to the car, so they had to drag you. what is it with my generation that allows us to think we can step in and be above-all with no exceptions so suddenly. its a mistake...a poor one, but my god let it go.
if youre going to do something like that, even with higher-up permission, saved the pathetic 2 year old whines for your mothers...(directed at those arrested).

These are the same people who come to my jiu jitsu class and don't come back. We're too rough on them (even when I'm being polite and slowly letting them down, while I throw them).
She collected food stamps and relied on her parents to help take care of young Barack.

It's interesting that the used the word "collected" rather than saying something like "she had to rely on food stamps and her parents".

It reminds me of a time when I was in college, for which I paid my entire way by working my ass off in summer jobs (even though it cost twice the normal price because of the flying). I was buying groceries at the local place. The woman in front of me bought her groceries and used food stamps. She then left the store and got into a brand new Chevy Monte Carlo (this was in 1998). I thought, "How nice that she can afford a new car, but still gets food stamps, while I'm driving a 20 year old car with bald tires and I don't qualify for food stamps."

About a year ago I went to the local grocery store late at night. I ended up waiting forever in line because the woman at the front of the line was buying a ton of stuff on food stamps. Apparently, there is some kind of limit on how much you can buy with food stamps because she had to pay 4 times so she could use all of the food stamps she had. Of course, when I left the store I saw her putting those groceries into the back of a late model Suburban with 24+" chrome wheels, low profile tires, and all the "bling" you can imagine.

The use of food stamps either means that somebody was in tough financial straights, OR it could mean that somebody was abusing the system. I'm not saying it's the latter, but AFAIK, there has never been a presidential candidate in the last 50 or so years (maybe more) who did not come from a VERY wealthy family. Anybody know how wealthy Obama's grandparents were or were not?
Yip, I think for some people, it depends on priorities. Ya know, the really nice sports car that sits in the drive way to a double wide?

As for the grandparents, it's my understanding that they were working middle class at the time. Not sure how that would translate now, but they were able to pay the remainder of his private school after scholarship (but I don't think anyone has delved into how much the scholarship was - least from what I've found).
Incorrect, my conclusion is the logical, those who can should. If something can not, than it does not. This is an absolute, but in no way juvenile. Your idea however needs a justifcation. Mine is obvious.

Obvious? Communism is obvious?

Fine. Go into a rich man's house. Point a gun in his face and ask for $25k. Tell him that its logical to steal from him because he can afford to give up the money. That its an obvious conclusion.

Taxation is theft. I believe that the wealthy should give some of their resources to help those who are less fortunate. However, forced redistribution should not occur.

If people took individual responsibility they likely would not need any help from others. Giving people payouts to be lazy, to choose professions that do not pay well enough, or to start families they cannot support, only encourages the behavior.

To support universal healthcare is to display ignorance or cowardice. To believe that the government should be your doctor, to believe the government should manage hospitals, to believe that the quality of healthcare will increase when money is stolen from those who make it, to pay for those who don't, is not a high level of thinking. Healthcare costs can and should go down. But to do so, we need to remove the ability of people to sue hospitals for massive amounts, among some other things. Ron Paul has outlined it well.
Anyone want to take bets on whether this sort of thing happens to Ron Paul supporters next week? :)

LOL ron paul looks like fuckin gandalf, i swear. just picture it with me...
(and excuse my poor paint skills)

I also like the wording of the caption under the first picture on that article. Apparently Barack isn't just pro-choice, he is pro-abortion:rolleyes:. That's right guys, to the dumpsters with those unborn children!
:lol: +1 to you as well