The "Do I Have A Stalker" or a secret admirer thread?

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Okay, I need some help with this. I've been getting flowers every single day, since Thursday, delivered to my house. They're addressed to me, but with no "from". HUGE bouquets, mostly of roses and such. What is the deal? I have asked everyone and they deny. Hardly anyone knows my street address that I know of. Do I have a stalker? Is this a secret admirer? WTF! It's really creepy.
didn't you mention having some boyfriend/guy interest? maybe he's just being crafty and trying to get you to run into his arms because you think some stalker dude's gonna come to your house?
Maybe Zakk is trying to get back with you?

No, he has told me he doesn't want anything to do with me. I didn't even bother asking him haha.

Scott? Definitely not him, he brings me carob and raspberry pudding when he comes back from filming in the citttayyyyyyyyyyy so if it were him, he'd like... send a bunch of that. He's not that crafty. Haha. And he doesn't have that much money to spare haha.

I'm so scared. If I get them again tomorrow I am going to cry it's SO FREAKING CREEPY.
I won't make judgments about him anymore. He told me I am not the kind of person he ever wanted in his life, haha. Oops, because I think I'm pretty loving, caring and loyal, OH SNAP!

But no Laura, I can't think of anyone who knows my address and would have any kind of interest than that.

I mean the first day I was totally flattered I was like gee this shit only happens in terrible romantic comedies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But then I realized by the third day that this was creepy as FUCK.
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