The "Do I Have A Stalker" or a secret admirer thread?

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Well if it were him, it wouldn't really be a stalker, since we spend every day together, haha. And hell yes he likes to be abused!

Some of them have been mostly roses, red, pink and white, babies breath, very tiny white roses etc. One was roses and tulips, a weird looking bunch. Another was kind of weird, in a long vase with those orange and purple ones, I think they're birds of paradise?
The flowers are a coded message, I translated it and... He wants to wear your vagina as a hat! (Literally.)
You should try and trace them back to the store they were delivered from. Give them your address and see if they have any deliveries scheduled for there.
When you say he likes to be abused, does that mean he likes to have a car battery attached to to his cock via large, sharp, cables, linked to an egg timer, giving him a buzz every time it dings?
russell, your pedo smile doesn't lie

I actually did! And they were sent totally anonymously. At least that's what they told, they came from different places. Because the cards had the name of the flower shops on them, I was able to call, because I was driven so nuts about who sent them but they didn't have any info on them. One place wouldn't even tell me anything, ithey're FLOWERS for god's sake!!
Happened to me once. They turned out to be from a crazy stalking motherfucker who followed me to work one day and tried to stab me in the parking lot when I told him to piss off.

I guess that story doesn't make you feel any better.
Happened to me once. They turned out to be from a crazy stalking motherfucker who followed me to work one day and tried to stab me in the parking lot when I told him to piss off.

I guess that story doesn't make you feel any better.

Damn Samantha :zombie:

...Maybe it's peeping tom who caught sight of those sexy SEXY underwears!
Damn Samantha :zombie:

...Maybe it's peeping tom who caught sight of those sexy SEXY underwears!

Oh, I'm full of shit.

I DID get flowers from a fruitcake a few years back but I knew who it was. It was still creepy, getting flowers on my porch everyday ...he'd also call and leave sobbing messages wondering why I didn't love him. I finally had to change my number, now he tells everyone I'm an evil whore. Yay!
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