The "Do I Have A Stalker" or a secret admirer thread?

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I was stalked twice. Once I was getting letters with poems and the second time I was getting text messages encouraging me to break up with my bf. Then I changed my phone number...

Both times it was someone I never thought would do it.
Yeah it is scary and annoying. But probably it's just a loser who's afraid to tell about how he feels in person.
You don't need to limit your list of potential suspects to people you think might know your address. Your address is easy to obtain information, particularly if you pay utilities in your own name. If you have eliminated your ex (most stalkers are former intimate partners) I'd put money on a coworker or classmate depending on which applies to you.
You don't need to limit your list of potential suspects to people you think might know your address. Your address is easy to obtain information, particularly if you pay utilities in your own name. If you have eliminated your ex (most stalkers are former intimate partners) I'd put money on a coworker or classmate depending on which applies to you.

You seem to have in-depth knowledge of stalking.
Or he has in-depth knowledge of law and profiling based on previous crimes. I have some, but he described it better.
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