The "Do I Have A Stalker" or a secret admirer thread?

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Oh man. Well, I live with my mom and step father, and my last name is different than the last name of my step dad, who pays the utilities, and our address and phone number are under my step dad's name.

So I guess it has to be someone from school? But the only people who know my address from college, I am friends with, and have already asked and said "It's creeping me out" so I doubt they'd keep it up when I said "Damn I wish I could figure this out it's freaking me out" haha.
Or he has in-depth knowledge of law and profiling based on previous crimes. I have some, but he described it better.

My knowledge is, in fact, extremely superficial in this case. But this brings up the point that there are people who have in depth knowledge of law and profiling: the police. Thusly JenniferGentle should be calling them if she feels like she is in any danger, rather than taking dubious advice on an internet forum.
If I were you, I'd call the police and make a phone report. I've taken a few calls similar to this. There's nothing that can be done since no laws are being broken, but, it's ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS a good idea to have a report made. Even if they don't take an actual report, the incident/call you made will be linked to your address and if anything funky happens you'll have documentation on what happened. Plus if the guy turns out to be insane you'll have a much better chance of pressing charges or whatever, he won't be able to say he didn't do it.

If you're really scared I'd advise you to document what you're receiving, from what company, on what day, and keep that card and call the po pos.
Just all this weird cheesy stuff, something you'd typically expect to be in a "stalker type" card. The person had written how "special" I am to them how they wish they could look into my eyes more. Wtf?

Glad you called the police. That is really creepy!! Samantha and I need to fly up there and investigate, being the sly PI's we are.
That is scary. I can't remember if you said it or not (It took me awhile to read this whole thread) but, have you contacted the florists? Maybe you could ask who it is, and if they won't say, you could always ask the florist to stop sending them to you. Hopefully the police can help. Anyhow, I hope you shake this weirdo off of you soon.

I never had to call the police on my old stalker, but almost did. I'm still pretty careful about not putting my full name on the Internet because of him. But some of these damn email accounts and instant messagers always top your last name on somewhere. I hate that. It was a guy I dated for about a year when I was seventeen. He's crazy as hell, and every few years he used to pop back up again. It was never flowers though, always some weird phone call after he figured out my number again, or something weird thing or letter in my mail box. He left a weird chicken bone thing with a letter one time. He's a basket case. lucky for me it's been a little more then seven years since he's found me again. I also moved allot in the past five years for unrelated reasons that helped throw him off I'm sure. Unless he's finally given up.
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