The "Do I Have A Stalker" or a secret admirer thread?

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You said something about "anonymously" and I immediately thought of a faceless man with a tuxedo. Who was green.
The time I'm not on UG is on the guitar.


Edit: I get 98% of my 4chan knowledge from Dramatica.
How about keeping the faggotry associated with the place there huh? With all your zeal, you forget they brought forth rules designed to circumvent what you do.
Headache guy fused with screamguy, epic.

LOLWUT pear needs to die though, UG killed it.
My EX-gf stalked me for almost a whole year...:p whahaha but could give a damn im not the one who should explain that too her boyfriend then :p

they broke up though,...i hope it isnt my fault whahaha
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