The doom metal thread


Mar 21, 2010
New York
I'm aware that there are many different flavors of "doom metal" (it wouldn't be inaccurate to say that Black Sabbath, Electric Wizard, and Type O Negative could all be described as such, for example), but I'm specifically referring to the relatively modern, relatively decently-produced, and (most importantly) relatively metal variety such as the following:

(Awesome riff comes in at 4:38)

and of course

Just really...desolate sounding, with the slow tempo and somewhat droning character, as well as the subjects of the lyrics, naturally, so I'd love more recommendations of stuff like this. However, I should mention that being such a fan of Katatonia's last few albums, I've really tried to get into their older stuff (Brave Murder Day) and just couldn't handle the production (though if anyone can think of ONE OR TWO really standout tracks from back in Jonas' growling days I'd definitely be open to hearing 'em), so nothing too raw please.

Certain bands that I'm especially curious about are Paradise Lost, (older) Anathema (I have Alternative 4 and fucking love it, but I know they used to be way heavier), My Dying Bride, and really anything else
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There is swallow the sun. If you like BMD but want better production you should check out Rapture.
The problem with old PL and Anathema is the production and execution isn't great. There are some great songs there though.
There is swallow the sun. If you like BMD but want better production you should check out Rapture.
The problem with old PL and Anathema is the production and execution isn't great. There are some great songs there though.

I was just about to recommend Swallow the Sun, but you beat me to it! Check out Hope by them, that's my favorite. The first 3 albums are really good, I don't care for the new stuff as much.
Swallow the Sun is great. I also like Draconian, both old and new. Old isn't as well-produced, but it kind of adds to the atmosphere. My favourite My Dying Bride album would be The Dreadful Hours. I like doommetal that still remains somewhat melodic.
Marcus, marcus, you must absolutely check this album, and especially this first song (also, check the piano track, don't remember its name, it's so nice)... it's simply epic, and just opened my eyes to the gender. I don't listen to doom so often because I just can't casually listen to such slow paced music, but damn, this song is intense. The tortured singing, epic chords, and the different moods of the different parts of the song, are all incredible :

EDIT, found the piano piece :

Other than that, I have a special mention for this band, I actually kinda disliked the whole album, but this song, in its cheesiness, is wonderful, its songwriting is just exquisite to me :

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I'll certainly second Mar de Grises and October Tide. Great bands. Saturnus is awesome too.

for folks who maybe don't know:
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Did not see Isole mentioned - I'll have to look through my collection for some more, went through a doom phase several years back where i could not get enough of it. While doom tends to come and go with me, I like when bands mix in a little doom influence with straight out metal. Isole is straight ahead doom however.

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Another great band that is a little more death doom (at least their more recent output) is Chicago's own Novembers Doom - I am a big fan of this band - both old and new.

From their latest release "Aphotic":

From "Into Night's Requiem Infernal":

From "The Pale Haunt Departure"

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I'll leave this here for anyone that want to get their traditional *sabbath* doom fix. Crushing riffs and bass fills galore.

Gonna be recording their 2nd full length early next year.
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The one thing I can't get into about November's Doom, and I love everything else about them, but the lyrics... it might be the fact that they never, ever, ever rhyme or that they're just really stupid sounding to me, but it turns me off every time. I laugh out loud at what the guy says.