The Doom thread. Post your Conspiracy Theory/ End of the world videos

dan of bereavement

shroud of bereavement
Jun 6, 2004
Amesbury mass
Being in a Doom band, I figured I will preach some Doomsday news.
There is some crazy shit out there and I decided to make a full on thread about it. I will post all my crazy findings here, and I ask that you too, post your Apocalypse videos and articles. I am overly interested in any fucked up/scary assed shit so post away!

Here's one I just found, and it's pretty bleak and informative. Check it out!
I saw some homeless guy a few nights ago telling me to repent for my sins since the world is going to end in a few months. He said he can tell that Jesus isn't happy with me, which kinda pissed me off since I gave the guy 5 bucks before he said that.
I wonder if those dudes that tell everyone to repent for their sins are actually religious?

I remember like last year, I saw one crazy guy that started talking to me on the subway. He said he just did a Satanic ritual to gain cosmic power. It kinda creeped me out since it was pretty nasty(he said he cut his nails, placed it in a cup filled with his urine, he drank it and read from a Jewish book), so I excused myself and went to another car.

Another guy (this was in front of a Rite Aid, really late at night not too long ago) was telling me how America is secretly run by Hollywood, which is secretly run by the gestapo and Italian (WWII era) police.
He used to be a comedian at the Comedy Store, or something like that (he told me one of his jokes, which was pretty funny), with Pauly Shore (yeah, I know, he's very annoying and totally not funny). The gestapo didn't feel that he was a proper representation of the LA comedy scene that they were looking for, so they were going to either have him killed or arrested and blame it on meth. So he had his brother fake his death, make a death certificate etc, so he can escape. But he has a transmitter in his brain, so the gestapo can track his every move. Which is why he is homeless. He said that every time he tries to warn someone, they shock him. If he tries to get a job or something like that, they will kidnap him, torture him, and sacrifice him to Satan.
He also said how the gestapo picks certain Jews to represent Hollywood, so that people won't realize that the US is secretly run by nazis.
Also that Osama Bin Laden, Arafat, Saddam, Amanadijad, Kim Jong Li ets all work for the gestapo. 9/11 was orchestrated by the US, and all the terrorist organizations so the world can slowly be destroyed for renewal.

I think that's mostly what he said. He was talking to me for half an hour, and I spaced out while nodding through most of it.
It actually was kinda interesting though, just one of the most far fetched stories I've ever heard.

But that was, without a doubt, the quintessential conspiracy theory. All others fail in comparison
It would actually make pretty sweet lyrics, or a concept album
Ha ha, no shit huh, that is pretty bizzare. I have heard worse though lol, believe it or not. There are some really fucked up peeps out there. Who really knows who's right though, we could be the ones all brainwashed like in the movie The Manchurian Candidate lol.

Some of that David Icke shit is far out there with the Illuminatti and Lizard people, Planet X and so forth.
I don't really believe the conspiracies, but I wouldn't really be surprised if it turned out to be true.

I could only imagine what "worse" would be. That one was my favorite out of all the conspiracy theories
Ha ha ha! I know, That's a serious way to die

I can see it now, you go to work,
Hey guys, I just shit myself again, ohh. it's ok, I already shat 7 times this morning lol

That's got to be a "shitty" way to go lol!!!!
I will be holding a pack of Charmin, a can of Lysol and sitting on the can if I go that way.

But I'm hoping to die in bed with a 23 year old woman that looks exactly like Lannie Barbie. Boobs an all
So, I was thinking about 2012 (and other end of the world theories) earlier and have decided that its almost a win/win situation for me.

On one hand, if it doesn't happen (which is my opinion on the matter) I can say "Haha! I win. I was right!", for years to come.

On the other hand, if it does happen, I'll be able to witness the end of a civilization. This is on my "things to do before I die" list... kinda ironic, I know. The only problem with that is that I wouldn't have been able to fulfill the other things on my "things to do before I die" list. But... if I start now, there might be a possibility. That said, my chances of eating Starburst in space any time soon are slim.
You, my friend, rais a great point. Of that list I have many still on my plate, The biggest one would probably be to tour Europe, and that HAS to happen before I die. Also, sex with some hot black/Asian/Hispanic chicks, I do also have "See the end of olur civilization" on that list too, but it's low though. My biggest one, comes after 5 years, which is to see my daughter graduate high school/ do her prom, see her do great, fulfill all her goals, ohh and to have a grandchild. So I say we up the date to 2040 or so lol.

Starburst in space, now that's a good one!
Mine is to take a shit in space (not in a toilet, just while I am floating outside of the space craft). Then, 20 years later, see a news article that says a piece of shit fell from the sky and left a huge crater.