The Conspiracy Thread

Whats worrying is how many members of the police force are masons, I personally dont think this should be allowed. I think the basic idea of the masons is it is like a select group of people, many who own small businesses,also local councillors, in fact I dont think they are too fussy who joins today.They have meetings apparently do lots for charity and help each other out in times of trouble. They are not supposed to talk about the masons to non masons, which I guess fascinates people to what actually goes on there, along with rumours of rituals eg a special handshake, or mention of people going around with one rolled up trouser leg:) which sounds intriguing in itself. Strange goings on eh?

You're right. Police and judges and others in such positions should not be allowed to be in an organisation that is known to be corrupt and to give each other favouritism including allowing each other to get away with crime. They are very much to do with the New World Order/Globalism. In their meetings they are brainwashed into the belief that the NWO will bring world peace and order, but that the means to this is through chaos (which basically means mixing people up ethnically and destroying the ethnic basis of nations). The freemasons have the NWO motto: Order out of Chaos.
You're right. Police and judges and others in such positions should not be allowed to be in an organisation that is known to be corrupt and to give each other favouritism including allowing each other to get away with crime. They are very much to do with the New World Order/Globalism. In their meetings they are brainwashed into the belief that the NWO will bring world peace and order, but that the means to this is through chaos (which basically means mixing people up ethnically and destroying the ethnic basis of nations). The freemasons have the NWO motto: Order out of Chaos.

So how do you know so much about freemasons? Are you part of the Anti-Freemason Intelligence Agency? And even if any of your generalizations have the slightest truth to them, how do you know they apply to all freemasons, or even the majority of them?
So how do you know so much about freemasons? Are you part of the Anti-Freemason Intelligence Agency? And even if any of your generalizations have the slightest truth to them, how do you know they apply to all freemasons, or even the majority of them?

With me, its knowledge and experience of things Ive witnessed over the years personally. It started for me at my first job, where the boss was a mason and also a lot of clients we had were too. My Grandfather was approached to be a mason many years ago and he was always suspicious of the way they operated.
Whats worrying is how many members of the police force are masons, I personally dont think this should be allowed.

It makes one wonder where loyalties lie... as with any cabal, secretive group, etc.

Society only works when there's consensus about its direction and values. Secretive self-promoting groups of any stripe subvert that.
Other thing with the freemasons is that the lower the degree, the less aware those members are about what is going on above them. That should be blindingly obvious.
Conspiracy paradox: anyone who encourages the conspiracy is attempting to discredit knowledge of the conspiracy, thus strengthening it.
Conspiracy paradox: anyone who encourages the conspiracy is attempting to discredit knowledge of the conspiracy, thus strengthening it.

what do you mean encourages?

do you mean that people who conspire put out information in seemingly credible sources make other information that says the opposite of what the true reality is? Is this so that when the contrary information comes out it seems ludicrous to those who haven't really done any research on these people and their backgrounds and connections?

If so, how is that a paradox? To me that would make sense that the people conspiring would put out disinformation, but labeling information as conspiracy because it is the truth seems to me like an automatic response then real logical thought.

It would be like if a scientist only used one method of measurement for evidence, the result would be that you miss out on much of what is really going on.

For me when it comes to conspiracy I take information and put it through this logic

If X is reported and is true, then Y(evidence) will also be true.

if Y isn't instantly verifiable i say, If Y is true then z will happen or be evident. (Kinda like using a cloth with kerosene to find radiation particles)

People don't know about Zionists and their intentions,American tax money going to Israel. Hell Christianity is a Slave Religion of the Jews. Christian Zionist believe in Israel and Jesus coming back!Soon!

After learning Hypnosis and NLP I have found out and understand HOW we have been lead to where we are today.

Talking Quotes are a good example. Just watch the Lines of Influence spread over the news stations. Therefore if you are bombarded constantly with the same or similar message while in a suggestible state like the ones TV puts you in, you will unconsciously believe its true no matter how much logic proves otherwise.

911 is an example of many inaccurate info and misleading associations, I believe is the distraction that let many things go unnoticed. I mean most people don't know that there is SOLID EVIDENCE that there was Thermite or Thermate I can't remember which has sulfur in it. That means there was an intentional collapse with thermate explosives cutting through the conditioned structural steel. Building 7 the CIA and FBI headquarters fall because of a small fire? Was already set up with thermate? Would it not be accurate to assume the two towers had a similar set up, like a magic show where they have you see what they want and behind the scenes manipulate the events to push their political agenda, be it Iraq, Homeland Security, or even a NWO. (NWO is quoted by George Bush sr September 11 1991)
I know that there is going to be an attempt to create a north american union of the Mexican-American-Canadian land through commerce and a NAFTA highway going from canada to mexico. It will be a body of people deciding over much of the polices which would not be elected officials, and then have influence over Internal policies of counties, making sovereignty a thing of the past.
What is a "conspiracy theory"?

"Many books have been written describing a secret organization whose aim it is to tyranically control the entire planet. It's what is known as THE CONSPIRACY FOR WORLD DOMINATION."

"Stories about the members and methods of this conspiracy go back hundreds of years, and are always belittled by the people in power and the mainstream media. People who try to bring the discussion out into the open are refered to as CONSPIRACY THEORISTS and are vilified by the people and organizations they are trying to expose - and, ironically - by the people and organizations they are trying to enlighten."

"In its essence 1984 is an exposure of just such a diabolical plan. Much of what Orwell describes in the nightmare world of 1984 is recognizable as having been taken from the pages of the conspiracy writings that were available in his lifetime."

The most crucial thing to observe about all the so called "conspiracy theories" is the fact that they all implicate the SAME interest group (basically Jewish/Israeli interests) as those concerned with bringing about a "new world order". If the conspiracies were random and barmy they would be expected to accuse all kinds of unrelated groups, nationalities or individuals. But they don't. Odd how the conspiracy theories always involve these same people. Here is a site where they lament how they always get accused by conspiracy theories and how it is all lies.

Apparantly the whole "conspiracy theory" thing is itself a big conspiracy against them! How ironic!

[Note: I do not intend to go on a rant about the Jews. I'm only shedding some light on the cohesiveness and consistency of all the "conspiracy theories".]

Sorry if this has already been brought to your attention. I don't feel like sifting through 10 pages. I'm currently reading a book called "The Dark Ages Conspiracy." This book was written in 1980 and it looks at how a faction of British Nobility started both World Wars to keep their wealth. They wanted to put countries like Germany back into the dark ages, so they could keep influence strong on their empire. The members of the group included H.G. Wells, Bergtrand Russell, Lord Lothian, Rhodes (from the Rhodes scholorship), Kerr, and others like the Rothchilds. The author views science fiction writers like Wells as trying to destroy science. Orwell and Huxley were proteges of Wells. The author quotes "1984" and "Brave New World" as the blue prints for the society these others were pushing for.

This faction was originally known as the Round Table and the New York Council of Foreign affairs. Now, they can be traced to the Trilaterial Committee.
I know that there is going to be an attempt to create a north american union of the Mexican-American-Canadian land through commerce and a NAFTA highway going from canada to mexico. It will be a body of people deciding over much of the polices which would not be elected officials, and then have influence over Internal policies of counties, making sovereignty a thing of the past.

Silver, the NWO is part of the plan set forth by factions like the Trilateral Committee. Just like "1984" the NWO is an attempt at a world ecomony. War is a tool to establish class lines. Have you ever gone to Alex Jones is tuned into what's going on today.
you have to remember that Alex Jones is a christian therefore a zionist, and he never talks about Israel and what they are doing and how they influence the US. In terrorstorm he lies about the Israeli involvement in the USS Liberty.

good forum for conspiracy related things such as health science and common additives considered poisonous (like Aspartame, flouride etc.) and check out the vlog, many informative and thought provoking videos.
Silver, I have Crohn's Disease so I have studied a lot of the crap that goes into food today. The natural health sciences say to stay away from all that crap, but mainstream doctors won't even consider that as being the problem. If you even bring it up, they look at you like you're a kook. However, they have no clue what causes Crohn's or how to cure it. Well, maybe some doctors do, but that would hurt the food industry.
Silver, I have Crohn's Disease so I have studied a lot of the crap that goes into food today. The natural health sciences say to stay away from all that crap, but mainstream doctors won't even consider that as being the problem. If you even bring it up, they look at you like you're a kook. However, they have no clue what causes Crohn's or how to cure it. Well, maybe some doctors do, but that would hurt the food industry.

top of the page has a video about food additives.

top of the page has a video about food additives.

Thanks for the link Silver. I'm pretty aware of the crap in our food he's talking about. All those weight loss alternative sugars are worst than regular sugar. Did you know that nutrasweet contains one of the ingredients found in formaldahide(spelling)? Inforterror, one of the reason degistive system disorders are becoming more prevalent is due to the crap in our food. Your right, we need to steer clear from it. You have to be rich to do that, though. I was on an all-natural diet for awhile and it was hella expensive. Food trends have reversed. It used to be if you were fat you were that way because you could afford food. Now, the rich are skinny because they can afford the food that the peasants formally ate.
Did you know that nutrasweet contains one of the ingredients found in formaldahide(spelling)?

So what? Different chemicals have different properties - formaldehyde is a basic aldehyde and hundreds of things we eat contain aldehydes. It's like saying bananas are bad for us because they are the same color as urine.
So what? Different chemicals have different properties - formaldehyde is a basic aldehyde and hundreds of things we eat contain aldehydes. It's like saying bananas are bad for us because they are the same color as urine.

So you think it is fine to consume formaldehyde?!

Even nail polish that does not contain formaldehyde uses this fact as a selling point.