The Draft...

By the way. Democrat, Charles Rangel is the one who suggested the draft about 3 months ago.

And I think he should be first in line to go. All a draft would do is endanger the soldiers who signed up to be there. I know I wouldn't want someone who was drafted and didn't want to be there watching my back.
We have selective mandatory service in Sweden (I´m in the training reserve as a medic). The problem is that the ones the armed forces wants the most are the ones that don´t want to serve (mature persons with good grades and skills), they want to continue their education or get a good job. Can´t say I blame them. I turned down military service because I wanted to continue my studies.

I think it´s a pretty good system but I´m unsure how effcetive it would be if we came to a point where we had to rapidly expand our armed forces. But on the other hand, in a crisis thing seldom work according to plan.
And I think he should be first in line to go. All a draft would do is endanger the soldiers who signed up to be there. I know I wouldn't want someone who was drafted and didn't want to be there watching my back.

Yo, MyHatred...who's the "head" in your signature animations as of recent? I don't get it.

Haha, this is going to be interesting...

If they do reinstate it, it sucks to be the people called up. I think they'll also make it mandatory for females too...we are non-gender specific these days.

Very, very interesting...

Glad I served my country voluntarily.
You know, it shows the true hypocrisy of the dummycrat mind when they had the loudest shrieking outcry at the beginning of the war, saying that Bush was going to institute a draft...and then when they hope we forgot all that, they start talking about instituting one...and with Dermoscats in power, it's a feasible reality know how they love killing people and blaming others for it.

Chappaquiddick (sp?) anyone?
Haha, this is going to be interesting...

If they do reinstate it, it sucks to be the people called up. I think they'll also make it mandatory for females too...we are non-gender specific these days.

Very, very interesting...

Glad I served my country voluntarily.

Nah, selective service still discriminates against the chicks. Only transgenders will be called up for the draft.

Nah, selective service still discriminates against the chicks. Only transgenders will be called up for the draft.


actually, i think females are eligible for the draft, this go around.
actually, i think females are eligible for the draft, this go around.

I think you're right Sue, because we're sending females left and right to Iraq...and in harm's way...there is no discrimination over there. You're a soldier, sailor, marine, or airman, not soldiertte, sailorette, marina, or airwoman. Also, what kind of statement does it send that we can put them in combat voluntarily, but not involuntarily? There must be consistency.

I think it's correct and just. I'm all for equal rights, so why should that be denied in time of war based on gender? Women can do everything men can, speaking of ability and work-wise, so what's the difference in war?
I think it's correct and just. I'm all for equal rights, so why should that be denied in time of war based on gender? Women can do everything men can, speaking of ability and work-wise, so what's the difference in war?

Hey! We need the wimmin ta give birth like crazy after war to raise us some new soldiers! If all'a them wimmin get killed, who's gonna raise them lil soldiers? Elton John and his Pardner?

Don't care. If a woman can carry a rucksack and shoot a weapon (usually shooting better than the men, I might add), then she can go too.
I think we should just use those big juicy nukes we paid for.

And that, my fine sir, is the dumbest idea ever. Using nukes would bring much unneeded damage (at least for the moment) and may cause serious economic decay (which we can't afford at the moment). Using a nuke would shut the world into a state of fear, and do nothing but halt any progress in anything, and get us more enemies. Plus, that would just highten the chance of nuclear backlash. Nukes are to only be used in last resort.
And that, my fine sir, is the dumbest idea ever. Using nukes would bring much unneeded damage (at least for the moment) and may cause serious economic decay (which we can't afford at the moment). Using a nuke would shut the world into a state of fear, and do nothing but halt any progress in anything, and get us more enemies. Plus, that would just highten the chance of nuclear backlash. Nukes are to only be used in last resort.

:cry: Who invited the whining bitch? Honestly...
