The Drapery Falls And Neon Lights


Papa Opeth
May 19, 2001
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Last week I added some neo-blue Streetglow neons to my Town Car. I have a rear 20" neon in the rear window, under the dash glow on the floor neons in the front, and neon trim around the dash (the rear seat ones are due in tomorrow). All of this is powered by a switch box - I can either turn on the neons like a light, or have them go to the music. Damn - I'm such a little kid.

Tonight on the way home from a friends house, I put on The Drapery Falls and turned on the neons. A great 10 minute ride home, with the stereo blasting, the neons flashing to the music, and mother natue doing her part with a thunderstorm.

It was cool. :headbang: