The dreaded 64bit move...

Aug 16, 2008
London, UK
How many of you guys are working with a 64bit on a professional level?

I've always been holding it off due to lack of plugin support but it seems that nowadays pretty much all of them are supporting 64bit. Problem is I always untick 64 VST when installing plugins so I'd have to reinstall every damn one if I were to make the upgrade.

But the real question is, is it reliable nowadays and is it really that worth it? I have 16gb of ram btw.
You should have done it at least four years ago. :D

There's always bridging plugins, and for the few that didn't work, there's always alternatives.
Haha, yeah, figured, I kind of disconnect myself from the software world news. My issue right now is being in the middle of a project. 64bit and 32bit of a DAW are 2 different installs / instances correct?

So I can still keep 32bit for what I'm working atm and install the 64bit for the upcoming ones?
pretty painless for Pro-Tools.

I just waited FOREVER for AAX versions o the plug-ins I use to come out ; and then a little longer for them to be stable.
I'm on SonarX3 64, switched I think on X1. There might have been some buggy plugins at the start, but I've really switched up my tools in the last few years so I've weeded out anything that gave me trouble. It is a separate install from the 32bit, so I have it in case I need to recall old projects. That said, the 32bit plugs I still use work just fine with a jbridge.
I'm on SonarX3 64, switched I think on X1. There might have been some buggy plugins at the start, but I've really switched up my tools in the last few years so I've weeded out anything that gave me trouble. It is a separate install from the 32bit, so I have it in case I need to recall old projects. That said, the 32bit plugs I still use work just fine with a jbridge.

I just bought X3, currently on X1. How do you like it? Sorry for being off topic!

Although I must say switching to 64 bit was the best move I ever made!
So a 64bit installation of a DAW is a different instance of a 32bit one or will it replace the 32bit installation?

Because no one replied:

64 is a different installation.
You can install and run both, so no worries at all...

I made the switch 2 years ago(I think), just benefits!
UAD/Waves/Slate/Brainworx etc all work flawlessly here.

Sry, just saw it was already clarified.
Upgraded hardware and went 64 bit, no worries at all. It was a clean build and I did have to reinstall everything but it certainly cleaned out a lot of clutter, so many side benefits too!
I'm arranging/sampling keyboards in 64 bit, but mixing in 32 bit. Just always felt a bit more stable that way. But I'm keeping both setups updated and actually trying to switch to 64 bit for all my audio activities.
Been making the switch to 64 for the last week. I still have some sessions going on right now in 32 though.
Never even crossed my mind to go to 64 until I started getting memory errors on big sessions. Looking on the task manager my ram was only around 3.8gb of 12gb and wouldn't go any higher.
Re opened a session in 64 with all the 32bit plugins bridged. Ram was around 4.5gb. Stoked on not getting low memory warnings every time I stop playback.
if you are in 64bit and use a 32bit plugin, it pops it out of the plugin browser window and is just messy. same thing if you use 64bit plugs in 32bit reaper.

Yes but it does work natively and there aren't a lot of 32bit only plugins left. I have quite a few now, and all the major companies are now 64bit compatible. My only complaint is the GUI is sometimes not reactive but as I said I don't see 32 bit plugins anymore.

EDIT : and to clarify, the reaper bridge is automatic, no installation requirement, it's all transparent. If a pluging is 32bit and you are using Reaper64, it will open it in a different instance (you will have a window that is not embed in the reaper window), it's a bit messier, but it's stable and works well.